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# User Input
# 用户输入
User actions such as clicking a link, pushing a button, and entering
text raise DOM events.
This page explains how to bind those events to component event handlers using the Angular
event binding syntax.
当用户点击链接、按下按钮或者输入文字时,这些用户动作都会产生 DOM 事件。
本章解释如何使用 Angular 事件绑定语法把这些事件绑定到事件处理器。
Run the <live-example></live-example>.
## Binding to user input events
## 绑定到用户输入事件
You can use [Angular event bindings](guide/template-syntax#event-binding)
to respond to any [DOM event](
Many DOM events are triggered by user input. Binding to these events provides a way to
get input from the user.
你可以使用 [Angular 事件绑定](guide/template-syntax#event-binding)机制来响应任何 [DOM 事件](。
许多 DOM 事件是由用户输入触发的。绑定这些事件可以获取用户输入。
To bind to a DOM event, surround the DOM event name in parentheses and assign a quoted
[template statement](guide/template-syntax#template-statements) to it.
要绑定 DOM 事件,只要把 DOM 事件的名字包裹在圆括号中,然后用放在引号中的[模板语句](guide/template-syntax#template-statements)对它赋值就可以了。
The following example shows an event binding that implements a click handler:
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/click-me.component.ts" region="click-me-button" title="src/app/click-me.component.ts" linenums="false">
{@a click}
The `(click)` to the left of the equals sign identifies the button's click event as the **target of the binding**.
The text in quotes to the right of the equals sign
is the **template statement**, which reponds
to the click event by calling the component's `onClickMe` method.
When writing a binding, be aware of a template statement's **execution context**.
The identifiers in a template statement belong to a specific context object,
usually the Angular component controlling the template.
The example above shows a single line of HTML, but that HTML belongs to a larger component:
这个对象通常都是控制此模板的 Angular 组件。
上例中只显示了一行 HTML那段 HTML 片段属于下面这个组件:
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/click-me.component.ts" region="click-me-component" title="src/app/click-me.component.ts" linenums="false">
When the user clicks the button, Angular calls the `onClickMe` method from `ClickMeComponent`.
当用户点击按钮时Angular 调用`ClickMeComponent`的`onClickMe`方法。
## Get user input from the $event object
## 通过 $event 对象取得用户输入
DOM events carry a payload of information that may be useful to the component.
This section shows how to bind to the `keyup` event of an input box to get the user's input after each keystroke.
DOM 事件可以携带可能对组件有用的信息。
The following code listens to the `keyup` event and passes the entire event payload (`$event`) to the component event handler.
下面的代码监听`keyup`事件,并将整个事件载荷 (`$event`) 传递给组件的事件处理器。
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-1-template" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (template v.1)" linenums="false">
When a user presses and releases a key, the `keyup` event occurs, and Angular provides a corresponding
DOM event object in the `$event` variable which this code passes as a parameter to the component's `onKey()` method.
当用户按下并释放一个按键时,触发`keyup`事件Angular 在`$event`变量提供一个相应的 DOM
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-1-class-no-type" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (类 v.1)" linenums="false">
The properties of an `$event` object vary depending on the type of DOM event. For example,
a mouse event includes different information than a input box editing event.
`$event`对象的属性取决于 DOM 事件的类型。例如,鼠标事件与输入框编辑事件包含了不同的信息。
All [standard DOM event objects](
have a `target` property, a reference to the element that raised the event.
In this case, `target` refers to the [`<input>` element]( and
`` returns the current contents of that element.
所有[标准 DOM 事件对象](都有一个`target`属性,
After each call, the `onKey()` method appends the contents of the input box value to the list
in the component's `values` property, followed by a separator character (|).
The [interpolation](guide/template-syntax#interpolation)
displays the accumulating input box changes from the `values` property.
在组件的`onKey()`方法中,把输入框的值和分隔符 (|) 追加组件的`values`属性。
Suppose the user enters the letters "abc", and then backspaces to remove them one by one.
Here's what the UI displays:
a | ab | abc | ab | a | |
<img src='generated/images/guide/user-input/keyup1-anim.gif' alt="key up 1">
<div class="l-sub-section">
Alternatively, you could accumulate the individual keys themselves by substituting `event.key`
for `` in which case the same user input would produce:
a | b | c | backspace | backspace | backspace |
{@a keyup1}
### Type the _$event_
### *$event*的类型
The example above casts the `$event` as an `any` type.
That simplifies the code at a cost.
There is no type information
that could reveal properties of the event object and prevent silly mistakes.
The following example rewrites the method with types:
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-1-class" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (class v.1 - typed )" linenums="false">
The `$event` is now a specific `KeyboardEvent`.
Not all elements have a `value` property so it casts `target` to an input element.
The `OnKey` method more clearly expresses what it expects from the template and how it interprets the event.
### Passing _$event_ is a dubious practice
### 传入 *$event* 是靠不住的做法
Typing the event object reveals a significant objection to passing the entire DOM event into the method:
the component has too much awareness of the template details.
It can't extract information without knowing more than it should about the HTML implementation.
That breaks the separation of concerns between the template (_what the user sees_)
and the component (_how the application processes user data_).
类型化事件对象揭露了重要的一点,即反对把整个 DOM 事件传到方法中,因为这样组件会知道太多模板的信息。
只有当它知道更多它本不应了解的 HTML 实现细节时,它才能提取信息。
The next section shows how to use template reference variables to address this problem.
## Get user input from a template reference variable
## 从一个模板引用变量中获得用户输入
There's another way to get the user data: use Angular
[**template reference variables**](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars).
These variables provide direct access to an element from within the template.
To declare a template reference variable, precede an identifier with a hash (or pound) character (#).
还有另一种获取用户数据的方式:使用 Angular 的[**模板引用变量**](guide/template-syntax#ref-vars)。
在标识符前加上井号 (#) 就能声明一个模板引用变量。
The following example uses a template reference variable
to implement a keystroke loopback in a simple template.
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/loop-back.component.ts" region="loop-back-component" title="src/app/loop-back.component.ts" linenums="false">
The template reference variable named `box`, declared on the `<input>` element,
refers to the `<input>` element itself.
The code uses the `box` variable to get the input element's `value` and display it
with interpolation between `<p>` tags.
The template is completely self contained. It doesn't bind to the component,
and the component does nothing.
Type something in the input box, and watch the display update with each keystroke.
<img src='generated/images/guide/user-input/keyup-loop-back-anim.gif' alt="反馈">
<div class="l-sub-section">
**This won't work at all unless you bind to an event**.
Angular updates the bindings (and therefore the screen)
only if the app does something in response to asynchronous events, such as keystrokes.
只有在应用做了些异步事件如击键Angular 才更新绑定(并最终影响到屏幕)。
This example code binds the `keyup` event
to the number 0, the shortest template statement possible.
While the statement does nothing useful,
it satisfies Angular's requirement so that Angular will update the screen.
虽然这个语句不做什么,但它满足 Angular 的要求,所以 Angular 将更新屏幕。
It's easier to get to the input box with the template reference
variable than to go through the `$event` object. Here's a rewrite of the previous
`keyup` example that uses a template reference variable to get the user's input.
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-2" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (v2)" linenums="false">
A nice aspect of this approach is that the component gets clean data values from the view.
It no longer requires knowledge of the `$event` and its structure.
{@a key-event}
## Key event filtering (with `key.enter`)
## 按键事件过滤(通过`key.enter`
The `(keyup)` event handler hears *every keystroke*.
Sometimes only the _Enter_ key matters, because it signals that the user has finished typing.
One way to reduce the noise would be to examine every `$event.keyCode` and take action only when the key is _Enter_.
There's an easier way: bind to Angular's `keyup.enter` pseudo-event.
Then Angular calls the event handler only when the user presses _Enter_.
更简单的方法是:绑定到 Angular 的`keyup.enter` 模拟事件。
然后,只有当用户敲*回车*键时Angular 才会调用事件处理器。
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-3" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (v3)" linenums="false">
Here's how it works.
<img src='generated/images/guide/user-input/keyup3-anim.gif' alt="key up 3">
## On blur
## 失去焦点事件 (blur)
In the previous example, the current state of the input box
is lost if the user mouses away and clicks elsewhere on the page
without first pressing _Enter_.
The component's `value` property is updated only when the user presses _Enter_.
To fix this issue, listen to both the _Enter_ key and the _blur_ event.
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts" region="key-up-component-4" title="src/app/keyup.components.ts (v4)" linenums="false">
## Put it all together
## 把它们放在一起
The previous page showed how to [display data](guide/displaying-data).
This page demonstrated event binding techniques.
Now, put it all together in a micro-app
that can display a list of heroes and add new heroes to the list.
The user can add a hero by typing the hero's name in the input box and
clicking **Add**.
<img src='generated/images/guide/user-input/little-tour-anim.gif' alt="简版英雄指南">
Below is the "Little Tour of Heroes" component.
<code-example path="user-input/src/app/little-tour.component.ts" region="little-tour" title="src/app/little-tour.component.ts" linenums="false">
### Observations
### 小结
* **Use template variables to refer to elements** &mdash;
The `newHero` template variable refers to the `<input>` element.
You can reference `newHero` from any sibling or child of the `<input>` element.
**使用模板变量来引用元素** &mdash; `newHero`模板变量引用了`<input>`元素。
* **Pass values, not elements** &mdash;
Instead of passing the `newHero` into the component's `addHero` method,
get the input box value and pass *that* to `addHero`.
**传递数值,而非元素** &mdash;
* **Keep template statements simple** &mdash;
The `(blur)` event is bound to two JavaScript statements.
The first statement calls `addHero`. The second statement, `newHero.value=''`,
clears the input box after a new hero is added to the list.
**保持模板语句简单** &mdash;
`(blur)`事件被绑定到两个 JavaScript 语句。
## Source code
## 源代码
Following is all the code discussed in this page.
<code-pane title="click-me.component.ts" path="user-input/src/app/click-me.component.ts">
<code-pane title="keyup.components.ts" path="user-input/src/app/keyup.components.ts">
<code-pane title="loop-back.component.ts" path="user-input/src/app/loop-back.component.ts">
<code-pane title="little-tour.component.ts" path="user-input/src/app/little-tour.component.ts">
## Summary
## 小结
You have mastered the basic primitives for responding to user input and gestures.
These techniques are useful for small-scale demonstrations, but they
quickly become verbose and clumsy when handling large amounts of user input.
Two-way data binding is a more elegant and compact way to move
values between data entry fields and model properties.
The next page, `Forms`, explains how to write
two-way bindings with `NgModel`.