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Starting from zone.js v0.8.9, you can choose which web API modules you want to patch as to reduce overhead introduced by the patching of these modules. For example, the below samples show how to disable some modules. You just need to define a few global variables before loading zone.js.

    __Zone_disable_Error = true; // Zone will not patch Error
    __Zone_disable_on_property = true; // Zone will not patch onProperty such as button.onclick
    __Zone_disable_geolocation = true; // Zone will not patch geolocation API
    __Zone_disable_toString = true; // Zone will not patch Function.prototype.toString
    __Zone_disable_blocking = true; // Zone will not patch alert/prompt/confirm
    __Zone_disable_PromiseRejectionEvent = true; // Zone will not patch PromiseRejectionEventHandler
  <script src="../dist/zone.js"></script>

Below is the full list of currently supported modules.

  • Common
Module Name Behavior with zone.js patch How to disable
Error stack frames will have the Zone's name information, (By default, Error patch will not be loaded by zone.js) __Zone_disable_Error = true
toString Function.toString will be patched to return native version of toString __Zone_disable_toString = true
ZoneAwarePromise Promise.then will be patched as Zone aware MicroTask __Zone_disable_ZoneAwarePromise = true
bluebird Bluebird will use Zone.scheduleMicroTask as async scheduler. (By default, bluebird patch will not be loaded by zone.js) __Zone_disable_bluebird = true
  • Browser
Module Name Behavior with zone.js patch How to disable
on_property target.onProp will become zone aware target.addEventListener(prop) __Zone_disable_on_property = true
timers setTimeout/setInterval/setImmediate will be patched as Zone MacroTask __Zone_disable_timers = true
requestAnimationFrame requestAnimationFrame will be patched as Zone MacroTask __Zone_disable_requestAnimationFrame = true
blocking alert/prompt/confirm will be patched as __Zone_disable_blocking = true
EventTarget target.addEventListener will be patched as Zone aware EventTask __Zone_disable_EventTarget = true
MutationObserver MutationObserver will be patched as Zone aware operation __Zone_disable_MutationObserver = true
IntersectionObserver Intersection will be patched as Zone aware operation __Zone_disable_Intersection = true
FileReader FileReader will be patched as Zone aware operation __Zone_disable_FileReader = true
canvas HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob will be patched as Zone aware operation __Zone_disable_canvas = true
IE BrowserTools check in IE, browser tool will not use zone patched eventListener __Zone_disable_IE_check = true
CrossContext check in webdriver, enable check event listener is cross context __Zone_enable_cross_context_check = true
XHR XMLHttpRequest will be patched as Zone aware MacroTask __Zone_disable_XHR = true
geolocation navigator.geolocation's prototype will be patched as __Zone_disable_geolocation = true
PromiseRejectionEvent PromiseRejectEvent will fire when ZoneAwarePromise has unhandled error __Zone_disable_PromiseRejectionEvent = true
mediaQuery mediaQuery addListener API will be patched as Zone aware EventTask. (By default, mediaQuery patch will not be loaded by zone.js) __Zone_disable_mediaQuery = true
notification notification onProperties API will be patched as Zone aware EventTask. (By default, notification patch will not be loaded by zone.js) __Zone_disable_notification = true
MessagePort MessagePort onProperties APIs will be patched as Zone aware EventTask. (By default, MessagePort patch will not be loaded by zone.js) __Zone_disable_MessagePort = true
  • NodeJS
Module Name Behavior with zone.js patch How to disable
node_timers NodeJS patch timer __Zone_disable_node_timers = true
fs NodeJS patch fs function as macroTask __Zone_disable_fs = true
EventEmitter NodeJS patch EventEmitter as Zone aware EventTask __Zone_disable_EventEmitter = true
nextTick NodeJS patch process.nextTick as microTask __Zone_disable_nextTick = true
handleUnhandledPromiseRejection NodeJS handle unhandledPromiseRejection from ZoneAwarePromise __Zone_disable_handleUnhandledPromiseRejection = true
crypto NodeJS patch crypto function as macroTask __Zone_disable_crypto = true
  • Test Framework
Module Name Behavior with zone.js patch How to disable
Jasmine Jasmine APIs patch __Zone_disable_jasmine = true
Mocha Mocha APIs patch __Zone_disable_mocha = true
  • on_property

You can also disable specific on_properties by setting __Zone_ignore_on_properties as follows: for example, if you want to disable window.onmessage and HTMLElement.prototype.onclick from zone.js patching, you can do like this.

    __Zone_ignore_on_properties = [
        target: window,
        ignoreProperties: ['message']
      }, {
        target: HTMLElement.prototype,
        ignoreProperties: ['click']
  <script src="../dist/zone.js"></script>
  • Error

By default, zone.js/dist/zone-error will not be loaded for performance concern. This package will provide following functionality.

  1. Error inherit: handle extend Error issue.

      class MyError extends Error {}
      const myError = new MyError();
      console.log('is MyError instanceof Error', (myError instanceof Error));

    without zone-error patch, the example above will output false, with the patch, the reuslt will be true.

  2. ZoneJsInternalStackFrames: remove zone.js stack from stackTrace, and add zone information. Without this patch, a lot of zone.js invocation stack will be shown in stack frames.

  at (polyfill.bundle.js: 3424)
  at zoneDelegate.invokeTask (polyfill.bundle.js: 3424)
  at zoneDelegate.runTask (polyfill.bundle.js: 3424)
  at zone.drainMicroTaskQueue (polyfill.bundle.js: 3424)
  at a.b.c (vendor.bundle.js: 12345 <angular>)
  at d.e.f (main.bundle.js: 23456)

 with this patch, those zone frames will be removed,
 and the zone information `<angular>/<root>` will be added

   at a.b.c (vendor.bundle.js: 12345 <angular>)
   at d.e.f (main.bundle.js: 23456 <root>)

The second feature will slow down the Error performance, so zone.js provide a flag to let you be able to control the behavior. The flag is __Zone_Error_ZoneJsInternalStackFrames_policy. And the available options is:

1. default: this is the default one, if you load `zone.js/dist/zone-error` without
 setting the flag, `default` will be used, and `ZoneJsInternalStackFrames` will be available
 when `new Error()`, you can get a `error.stack`  which is `zone stack free`. But this
 will slow down `new Error()` a little bit.

2. disable: this will disable `ZoneJsInternalStackFrames` feature, and if you load
 `zone.js/dist/zone-error`, you will only get a `wrapped Error` which can handle
  `Error inherit` issue.

3. lazy: this is a feature to let you be able to get `ZoneJsInternalStackFrames` feature,
 but not impact performance. But as a trade off, you can't get the `zone free stack
 frames` by access `error.stack`. You can only get it by access `error.zoneAwareStack`.
  • Angular(2+)

Angular uses zone.js to manage async operations and decide when to perform change detection. Thus, in Angular, the following APIs should be patched, otherwise Angular may not work as expected.

  1. ZoneAwarePromise
  2. timer
  3. on_property
  4. EventTarget
  5. XHR