2018-01-24 12:35:11 -08:00

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Caretaker is responsible for merging PRs into the individual branches and internally at Google.


  • Draining the queue of PRs ready to be merged. (PRs with PR action: merge label)
  • Assigning new issues to individual component authors.

Merging the PR

A PR needs to have PR action: merge and PR target: * labels to be considered ready to merge. Merging is performed by running merge-pr with a PR number to merge.

To merge a PR run:

$ ./scripts/github/merge-pr 1234

The merge-pr script will:

  • Ensure that all appropriate labels are on the PR.
  • Fetches the latest PR code from the angular/angular repo.
  • It will cherry-pick all of the SHAs from the PR into the current corresponding branches master and or ?.?.x (patch).
  • It will rewrite commit history by automatically adding Close #1234 and (#1234) into the commit message.

NOTE: The merge-pr will land the PR on master and or ?.?.x (patch) as described by PR target: * label.

Recovering from failed merge-pr due to conflicts

When running merge-pr the script will output the commands which it is about to run.

$ ./scripts/github/merge-pr 1234
GitHub Merge PR Steps
   git cherry-pick angular/pr/1234~1..angular/pr/1234
   git filter-branch -f --msg-filter "/home/misko/angular/scripts/github/utils/github.closes 1234" HEAD~1..HEAD

If the cherry-pick command fails than resolve conflicts and use git cherry-pick --continue once ready. After the cherry-pick is done cut&paste and run the filter-branch command to properly rewrite the messages

Cherry-picking PRs into patch branch

In addition to merging PRs into the master branch, many PRs need to be also merged into a patch branch. Follow these steps to get patch branch up to date.

  1. Check out the most recent patch branch: git checkout 4.3.x
  2. Get a list of PRs merged into master: git log master --oneline -n10
  3. For each PR number in the commit message run: ././scripts/github/merge-pr 1234
    • The PR will only merge if the PR target: matches the branch.

Once all of the PRs are in patch branch, push the all branches and tags to github using push-upstream script.

Pushing merged PRs into github

Use push-upstream script to push all of the branch and tags to github.

$ ./scripts/github/push-upstream
git push git@github.com:angular/angular.git master:master 4.3.x:4.3.x
Counting objects: 25, done.
Delta compression using up to 6 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
Writing objects: 100% (25/25), 2.22 KiB | 284.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 25 (delta 22), reused 8 (delta 7)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (22/22), completed with 18 local objects.
To github.com:angular/angular.git
   079d884b6..d1c4a94bb  master -> master
git push --tags -f git@github.com:angular/angular.git patch_sync:patch_sync
Everything up-to-date