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# Updating to Angular Version 9
This guide contains everything you need to know about updating to the next Angular version.
## Updating CLI Apps
If your application uses the CLI, you can update to version 9 automatically with the help of the `ng update` script:
ng update @angular/core@8 @angular/cli@8
git add .
git commit --all -m "build: update Angular packages to latest 8.x version"
ng update @angular/cli @angular/core --next
<div class="alert is-important">
In order to improve the updating experience, we strongly suggest that you update to the latest 8.x version of `@angular/core` and `@angular/cli`.
Additionally, during the RC period, the `--next` command line flag is required. This flag will no longer be necessary once version 9 final is released.
The script will run a series of small migrations that will transform the code of your application to be compatible with version 9.
If you're curious about the specific migrations being run (e.g. what code is changing and why), see the [automated migrations section](#migrations).
## Changes and Deprecations in Version 9
{@a breaking-changes}
### New Breaking Changes
- Angular now compiles with Ivy by default. See [Ivy compatibility section](#ivy).
- CLI apps compile in [AOT mode](/guide/aot-compiler) by default (which includes template type-checking).
Users who only built with JIT before may see new type errors.
See our [template type-checking guide](guide/template-typecheck) for more information and debugging tips.
- Typescript 3.4 and 3.5 are no longer supported. Please update to Typescript 3.6.
- tslib is now listed as a peer dependency rather than a direct dependency.
Users not using the CLI will need to manually install tslib via `yarn add tslib` or `npm install tslib --save`.
{@a deprecations}
### New Deprecations
| API | Replacement | Notes |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------ | ----- |
| [`entryComponents`](api/core/NgModule#entryComponents) | none | See [`entryComponents`](guide/deprecations#entryComponents) |
| [`ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS`](api/core/ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS) | none | See [`ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS`](guide/deprecations#entryComponents) |
| `ModuleWithProviders` without a generic | `ModuleWithProviders` with a generic | See [`ModuleWithProviders` section](guide/deprecations#moduleWithProviders) |
| `esm5` and `fesm5` distribution in `@angular/*` npm packages | `esm2015` and `fesm2015` entrypoints | See [`esm5` and `fesm5`](guide/deprecations#esm5-fesm5) |
| [`TestBed.get`](api/core/testing/TestBed#get) | [`TestBed.inject`](api/core/testing/TestBed#inject) | Same behavior, but type safe. |
{@a removals}
### New Removals of Deprecated APIs
| Package | API | Replacement | Notes |
| ------- | -------------- | ----------- | ----- |
| `@angular/core` | [`Renderer`]( | [`Renderer2`]( | [Migration guide.](guide/migration-renderer) |
| `@angular/core` | [`RootRenderer`]( | [`RendererFactory2`]( | none |
| `@angular/core` | [`RenderComponentType`]( | [`RendererType2`]( | none |
| `@angular/common` | `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` | [`CommonModule`](api/common/CommonModule#pipes) | none |
| `@angular/common` | `DeprecatedCurrencyPipe` | [`CurrencyPipe`](api/common/CurrencyPipe) | none |
| `@angular/common` | `DeprecatedDatePipe` | [`DatePipe`](api/common/DatePipe) | none |
| `@angular/common` | `DeprecatedDecimalPipe` | [`DecimalPipe`](api/common/DecimalPipe) | none |
| `@angular/common` | `DeprecatedPercentPipe` | [`PercentPipe`](api/common/PercentPipe) | none |
| `@angular/forms` | [`NgFormSelectorWarning`]( | none |
| `@angular/forms` | `ngForm` element selector | `ng-form` element selector | none |
| `@angular/service-worker` | `versionedFiles` | `files` | In the service worker configuration file `ngsw-config.json`, replace `versionedFiles` with `files`. See [Service Worker Configuration](guide/service-worker-config#assetgroups). |
{@a ivy-features}
## Ivy Features
Angular version 9 introduces more comprehensive type-checking. For details, see [Template Type-checking](guide/template-typecheck).
{@a ivy}
## Ivy Compatibility
In Version 9, Angular Ivy is the default rendering engine. If you haven't heard of Ivy, you can read more about it in the [Angular Ivy guide](guide/ivy).
For guidance on debugging and a list of minor changes associated with Ivy, please see our [compatibility guide](guide/ivy-compatibility).
For help with opting out of Ivy, please see the instructions [here](guide/ivy#opting-out-of-angular-ivy).
{@a migrations}
## Automated Migrations for Version 9
Read about the migrations the CLI handles for you automatically:
- [Migrating from `Renderer` to `Renderer2`](guide/migration-renderer)
- [Migrating undecorated classes](guide/migration-undecorated-classes)
- [Migrating missing `@Injectable()` decorators](guide/migration-injectable)
- [Migrating dynamic queries](guide/migration-dynamic-flag)
- [Migrating to the new `$localize` i18n support](guide/migration-localize)
- [Migrating `ModuleWithProviders`](guide/migration-module-with-providers)
- [Migrating to `ngcc` npm `postinstall` script](guide/migration-ngcc)