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# Animations
# 动画
Motion is an important aspect in the design of modern web applications. Good
user interfaces transition smoothly between states with engaging animations
that call attention where it's needed. Well-designed animations can make a UI not only
more fun but also easier to use.
## Overview
## 概述
Angular's animation system lets you build animations that run with the same kind of native
performance found in pure CSS animations. You can also tightly integrate your
animation logic with the rest of your application code, for ease of control.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Angular animations are built on top of the standard [Web Animations API](https://w3c.github.io/web-animations/)
and run natively on [browsers that support it](http://caniuse.com/#feat=web-animation).
Angular动画是基于标准的[Web动画API(Web Animations API)](https://w3c.github.io/web-animations/)构建的,它们在[支持此API的浏览器中](http://caniuse.com/#feat=web-animation)会用原生方式工作。
For other browsers, a polyfill is required. Grab
[`web-animations.min.js` from GitHub](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js) and
add it to your page.
<div class="l-sub-section">
The examples in this page are available as a <live-example></live-example>.
{@a example-transitioning-between-states}
## Quickstart example: Transitioning between two states
## 快速起步范例:在两个状态间转场
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_basic_click.gif" alt="A simple transition animation" class="right">
You can build a simple animation that transitions an element between two states
driven by a model attribute.
Animations are defined inside `@Component` metadata. Before you can add animations, you need
to import a few animation-specific imports and functions:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/app.module.ts" region="animations-module" title="app.module.ts (@NgModule imports excerpt)" linenums="false"></code-example>
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" region="imports" title="hero-list-basic.component.ts" linenums="false"></code-example>
With these, you can define an *animation trigger* called `heroState` in the component
metadata. It uses animations to transition between two states: `active` and `inactive`. When a
hero is active, the element appears in a slightly larger size and lighter color.
当英雄处于激活状态时,它会把该元素显示得稍微大一点、亮一点。<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-basic.component.ts (@Component excerpt)" linenums="false">
<div class="alert is-helpful">
In this example, you are defining animation styles (color and transform) inline in the
animation metadata.
Now, using the `[@triggerName]` syntax, attach the animation that you just defined to
one or more elements in the component's template.
我们刚刚定义了一个动画,但它还没有被用到任何地方。要想使用它,可以在模板中用`[@triggerName]`语法来把它附加到一个或多个元素上。<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" region="template" title="hero-list-basic.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false">
Here, the animation trigger applies to every element repeated by an `ngFor`. Each of
the repeated elements animates independently. The value of the
attribute is bound to the expression `hero.state` and is always either `active` or `inactive`.
With this setup, an animated transition appears whenever a hero object changes state.
Here's the full component implementation:
通过这些设置,一旦英雄对象的状态发生了变化,就会触发一个转场动画。下面是完整的组件实现:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" title="hero-list-basic.component.ts">
## States and transitions
## 状态与转场
Angular animations are defined as logical **states** and **transitions**
between states.
An animation state is a string value that you define in your application code. In the example
above, the states `'active'` and `'inactive'` are based on the logical state of
hero objects. The source of the state can be a simple object attribute, as it was in this case,
or it can be a value computed in a method. The important thing is that you can read it into the
component's template.
We can define *styles* for each animation state:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" region="states" title="src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" linenums="false"></code-example>
These `state` definitions specify the *end styles* of each state.
They are applied to the element once it has transitioned to that state, and stay
*as long as it remains in that state*. In effect, you're defining what styles the element has in different states.
After you define states, you can define *transitions* between the states. Each transition
controls the timing of switching between one set of styles and the next:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" region="transitions" title="src/app/hero-list-basic.component.ts" linenums="false"></code-example>
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active.png" alt="In Angular animations you define states and transitions between states" width="400">
If several transitions have the same timing configuration, you can combine
them into the same `transition` definition:
如果多个转场都有同样的时间线配置,就可以把它们合并进同一个`transition`定义中:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-combined-transitions.component.ts" region="transitions" title="src/app/hero-list-combined-transitions.component.ts" linenums="false">
When both directions of a transition have the same timing, as in the previous
example, you can use the shorthand syntax `<=>`:
如果要对同一个转场的两个方向都使用相同的时间线(就像前面的例子中那样),就可以使用`<=>`这种简写语法:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-twoway.component.ts" region="transitions" title="src/app/hero-list-twoway.component.ts" linenums="false">
You can also apply a style during an animation but not keep it around
after the animation finishes. You can define such styles inline, in the `transition`. In this example,
the element receives one set of styles immediately and is then animated to the next.
When the transition finishes, none of these styles are kept because they're not
defined in a `state`.
在这个例子中,该元素会立刻获得一组样式,然后动态转场到下一个状态。当转场结束时,这些样式并不会被保留,因为它们并没有被定义在`state`中。<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-inline-styles.component.ts" region="transitions" title="src/app/hero-list-inline-styles.component.ts" linenums="false">
### The wildcard state `*`
### `*`(通配符)状态
The `*` ("wildcard") state matches *any* animation state. This is useful for defining styles and
transitions that apply regardless of which state the animation is in. For example:
* The `active => *` transition applies when the element's state changes from `active` to anything else.
当该元素的状态从`active`变成任何其它状态时,`active => *`转场都会生效。
* The `* => *` transition applies when *any* change between two states takes place.
当在*任意*两个状态之间切换时,`* => *`转场都会生效。<figure >
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active_wildcards.png" alt="The wildcard state can be used to match many different transitions at once" width="400">
### The `void` state
### `void`状态
The special state called `void` can apply to any animation. It applies
when the element is *not* attached to a view, perhaps because it has not yet been
added or because it has been removed. The `void` state is useful for defining enter and
leave animations.
For example the `* => void` transition applies when the element leaves the view,
regardless of what state it was in before it left.
比如当一个元素离开视图时,`* => void`转场就会生效,而不管它在离场以前是什么状态。<figure >
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_void_in.png" alt="The void state can be used for enter and leave transitions" width="400">
The wildcard state `*` also matches `void`.
## Example: Entering and leaving
## 例子:进场与离场
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_enter_leave.gif" alt="Enter and leave animations" class="right" width="250">
Using the `void` and `*` states you can define transitions that animate the
entering and leaving of elements:
* Enter: `void => *`
进场:`void => *`
* Leave: `* => void`
离场:`* => void`
For example, in the `animations` array below there are two transitions that use
the `void => *` and `* => void` syntax to animate the element in and out of the view.
例如,在下面的`animations`数组中,这两个转场语句使用`void => *`和`* => void`语法来让该元素以动画形式进入和离开当前视图。
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false"></code-example>
Note that in this case the styles are applied to the void state directly in the
transition definitions, and not in a separate `state(void)` definition. Thus, the transforms
are different on enter and leave: the element enters from the left
and leaves to the right.
<div class="l-sub-section">
These two common animations have their own aliases:
<code-example language="typescript">
transition(':enter', [ ... ]); // void => *
transition(':leave', [ ... ]); // * => void
## Example: Entering and leaving from different states
## 范例:从不同的状态下进场和离场
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_enter_leave_states.gif" alt="Enter and leave animations combined with state animations" class="right" width="200">
You can also combine this animation with the earlier state transition animation by
using the hero state as the animation state. This lets you configure
different transitions for entering and leaving based on what the state of the hero
* Inactive hero enter: `void => inactive`
非激活英雄进场:`void => inactive`
* Active hero enter: `void => active`
激活英雄进场:`void => active`
* Inactive hero leave: `inactive => void`
非激活英雄离场:`inactive => void`
* Active hero leave: `active => void`
激活英雄离场:`active => void`
This gives you fine-grained control over each transition:
现在就对每一种转场都有了细粒度的控制:<figure >
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/ng_animate_transitions_inactive_active_void.png" alt="This example transitions between active, inactive, and void states" width="400">
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-enter-leave-states.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false"></code-example>
## Animatable properties and units
## 可动的(Animatable)属性与单位
Since Angular's animation support builds on top of Web Animations, you can animate any property
that the browser considers *animatable*. This includes positions, sizes, transforms, colors,
borders, and many others. The W3C maintains
[a list of animatable properties](https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#animatable-properties)
on its [CSS Transitions page](https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions).
由于Angular的动画支持是基于Web Animations标准的,所以也能支持浏览器认为可以*参与动画*的任何属性。这些属性包括位置(position)、大小(size)、变换(transform)、颜色(color)、边框(border)等很多属性。W3C维护着
For positional properties that have a numeric value, you can define a unit by providing
the value as a string with the appropriate suffix:
* `'50px'`
* `'3em'`
* `'100%'`
If you don't provide a unit when specifying dimension, Angular assumes the default of `px`:
* `50` is the same as saying `'50px'`
## Automatic property calculation
## 自动属性值计算
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_auto.gif" alt="Animation with automated height calculation" class="right" width="220">
Sometimes you don't know the value of a dimensional style property until runtime.
For example, elements often have widths and heights that
depend on their content and the screen size. These properties are often tricky
to animate with CSS.
In these cases, you can use a special `*` property value so that the value of the
property is computed at runtime and then plugged into the animation.
In this example, the leave animation takes whatever height the element has before it
leaves and animates from that height to zero:
这个例子中的“离场”动画会取得该元素在离场前的高度,并且把它从这个高度用动画转场到0高度:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-auto.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="src/app/hero-list-auto.component.ts" linenums="false">
## Animation timing
## 动画时间线
There are three timing properties you can tune for every animated transition:
the duration, the delay, and the easing function. They are all combined into
a single transition *timing string*.
### Duration
### 持续时间
The duration controls how long the animation takes to run from start to finish.
You can define a duration in three ways:
* As a plain number, in milliseconds: `100`
* In a string, as milliseconds: `'100ms'`
* In a string, as seconds: `'0.1s'`
### Delay
### 延迟
The delay controls the length of time between the animation trigger and the beginning
of the transition. You can define one by adding it to the same string
following the duration. It also has the same format options as the duration:
* Wait for 100ms and then run for 200ms: `'0.2s 100ms'`
等待100毫秒,然后运行200毫秒:`'0.2s 100ms'`。
### Easing
### 缓动函数
The [easing function](http://easings.net/) controls how the animation accelerates
and decelerates during its runtime. For example, an `ease-in` function causes
the animation to begin relatively slowly but pick up speed as it progresses. You
can control the easing by adding it as a *third* value in the string after the duration
and the delay (or as the *second* value when there is no delay):
* Wait for 100ms and then run for 200ms, with easing: `'0.2s 100ms ease-out'`
等待100毫秒,然后运行200毫秒,并且带缓动:`'0.2s 100ms ease-out'`
* Run for 200ms, with easing: `'0.2s ease-in-out'`
运行200毫秒,并且带缓动:`'0.2s ease-in-out'`
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_timings.gif" alt="Animations with specific timings" class="right" width="220">
### Example
### 例子
Here are a couple of custom timings in action. Both enter and leave last for
200 milliseconds, that is `0.2s`, but they have different easings. The leave begins after a
slight delay of 10 milliseconds as specified in `'0.2s 10 ease-out'`:
这里是两个自定义时间线的动态演示。“进场”和“离场”都持续200毫秒,也就是`0.2s`,但它们有不同的缓动函数。“离场”动画会在100毫秒的延迟之后开始,也就是`'0.2s 10 ease-out'`:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-timings.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-timings.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false">
## Multi-step animations with keyframes
## 基于关键帧(Keyframes)的多阶段动画
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_multistep.gif" alt="Animations with some bounce implemented with keyframes" class="right" width="220">
Animation *keyframes* go beyond a simple transition to a more intricate animation
that goes through one or more intermediate styles when transitioning between two sets of styles.
For each keyframe, you specify an *offset* that defines at which point
in the animation that keyframe applies. The offset is a number between zero,
which marks the beginning of the animation, and one, which marks the end.
This example adds some "bounce" to the enter and leave animations with
在这个例子中,我们使用关键帧来为进场和离场动画添加一些“反弹效果”:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-multistep.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-multistep.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false">
Note that the offsets are *not* defined in terms of absolute time. They are relative
measures from zero to one. The final timeline of the animation is based on the combination
of keyframe offsets, duration, delay, and easing.
Defining offsets for keyframes is optional. If you omit them, offsets with even
spacing are automatically assigned. For example, three keyframes without predefined
offsets receive offsets `0`, `0.5`, and `1`.
## Parallel animation groups
## 并行动画组(Group)
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/animation_groups.gif" alt="Parallel animations with different timings, implemented with groups" class="right" width="220px">
You've seen how to animate multiple style properties at the same time:
just put all of them into the same `style()` definition.
But you may also want to configure different *timings* for animations that happen
in parallel. For example, you may want to animate two CSS properties but use a
different easing function for each one.
For this you can use animation *groups*. In this example, using groups both on
enter and leave allows for two different timing configurations. Both
are applied to the same element in parallel, but run independently of each other:
它们被同时应用到同一个元素上,但又彼此独立运行:<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-groups.component.ts" region="animationdef" title="hero-list-groups.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false">
One group animates the element transform and width; the other group animates the opacity.
## Animation callbacks
## 动画回调
A callback is fired when an animation is started and also when it is done.
In the keyframes example, you have a `trigger` called `@flyInOut`. You can hook
those callbacks like this:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-multistep.component.ts" region="template" title="hero-list-multistep.component.ts (excerpt)" linenums="false"></code-example>
The callbacks receive an `AnimationEvent` that contains useful properties such as
`fromState`, `toState` and `totalTime`.
Those callbacks will fire whether or not an animation is picked up.