Andrew Kushnir 2d6105a784 feat(dev-infra): output the number of new and fixed cycles ()
This commit adds a logic to ouput the number of new and fixed cycles after running circular
dependency checker. This information is useful to better understand an impact of changes in case
the number of new/fixed cycles is relatively big.

PR Close 
2020-09-18 11:20:08 -07:00

141 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import {sync as globSync} from 'glob';
import {isAbsolute, relative, resolve} from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import {green, info, error, red, yellow} from '../utils/console';
import {Analyzer, ReferenceChain} from './analyzer';
import {compareGoldens, convertReferenceChainToGolden, Golden} from './golden';
import {convertPathToForwardSlash} from './file_system';
import {loadTestConfig, CircularDependenciesTestConfig} from './config';
export function tsCircularDependenciesBuilder(localYargs: yargs.Argv) {
{type: 'string', demandOption: true, description: 'Path to the configuration file.'})
.option('warnings', {type: 'boolean', description: 'Prints all warnings.'})
'check', 'Checks if the circular dependencies have changed.', args => args,
argv => {
const {config: configArg, warnings} = argv;
const configPath = isAbsolute(configArg) ? configArg : resolve(configArg);
const config = loadTestConfig(configPath);
process.exit(main(false, config, !!warnings));
.command('approve', 'Approves the current circular dependencies.', args => args, argv => {
const {config: configArg, warnings} = argv;
const configPath = isAbsolute(configArg) ? configArg : resolve(configArg);
const config = loadTestConfig(configPath);
process.exit(main(true, config, !!warnings));
* Runs the ts-circular-dependencies tool.
* @param approve Whether the detected circular dependencies should be approved.
* @param config Configuration for the current circular dependencies test.
* @param printWarnings Whether warnings should be printed out.
* @returns Status code.
export function main(
approve: boolean, config: CircularDependenciesTestConfig, printWarnings: boolean): number {
const {baseDir, goldenFile, glob, resolveModule, approveCommand} = config;
const analyzer = new Analyzer(resolveModule);
const cycles: ReferenceChain[] = [];
const checkedNodes = new WeakSet<ts.SourceFile>();
globSync(glob, {absolute: true}).forEach(filePath => {
const sourceFile = analyzer.getSourceFile(filePath);
cycles.push(...analyzer.findCycles(sourceFile, checkedNodes));
const actual = convertReferenceChainToGolden(cycles, baseDir);
info(green(` Current number of cycles: ${yellow(cycles.length.toString())}`));
if (approve) {
writeFileSync(goldenFile, JSON.stringify(actual, null, 2));
info(green('✅ Updated golden file.'));
return 0;
} else if (!existsSync(goldenFile)) {
error(red(`❌ Could not find golden file: ${goldenFile}`));
return 1;
const warningsCount = analyzer.unresolvedFiles.size + analyzer.unresolvedModules.size;
// By default, warnings for unresolved files or modules are not printed. This is because
// it's common that third-party modules are not resolved/visited. Also generated files
// from the View Engine compiler (i.e. factories, summaries) cannot be resolved.
if (printWarnings && warningsCount !== 0) {
info(yellow('⚠ The following imports could not be resolved:'));
Array.from(analyzer.unresolvedModules).sort().forEach(specifier => info(`${specifier}`));
analyzer.unresolvedFiles.forEach((value, key) => {
info(`${getRelativePath(baseDir, key)}`);
value.sort().forEach(specifier => info(` ${specifier}`));
} else {
info(yellow(`${warningsCount} imports could not be resolved.`));
info(yellow(` Please rerun with "--warnings" to inspect unresolved imports.`));
const expected: Golden = JSON.parse(readFileSync(goldenFile, 'utf8'));
const {fixedCircularDeps, newCircularDeps} = compareGoldens(actual, expected);
const isMatching = fixedCircularDeps.length === 0 && newCircularDeps.length === 0;
if (isMatching) {
info(green('✅ Golden matches current circular dependencies.'));
return 0;
error(red('❌ Golden does not match current circular dependencies.'));
if (newCircularDeps.length !== 0) {
error(yellow(` New circular dependencies which are not allowed:`));
newCircularDeps.forEach(c => error(`${convertReferenceChainToString(c)}`));
if (fixedCircularDeps.length !== 0) {
error(yellow(` Fixed circular dependencies that need to be removed from the golden:`));
fixedCircularDeps.forEach(c => error(`${convertReferenceChainToString(c)}`));
info(yellow(`\n Total: ${newCircularDeps.length} new cycle(s), ${
fixedCircularDeps.length} fixed cycle(s). \n`));
if (approveCommand) {
info(yellow(` Please approve the new golden with: ${approveCommand}`));
} else {
` Please update the golden. The following command can be ` +
`run: yarn ts-circular-deps approve ${getRelativePath(process.cwd(), goldenFile)}.`));
return 1;
/** Gets the specified path relative to the base directory. */
function getRelativePath(baseDir: string, path: string) {
return convertPathToForwardSlash(relative(baseDir, path));
/** Converts the given reference chain to its string representation. */
function convertReferenceChainToString(chain: ReferenceChain<string>) {
return chain.join(' → ');
if (require.main === module) {