## Validator Changes
* Validator supports R6 from now on (using last stable release)
* Set default language to tag not display
* Handle tx server issues better
* Do not use server piecemeal when validating complex value sets
* Add support for -txCache parameter
## Other code changes
* Add support for R6 to R4 version enumeration
* Fix SCT link to include version and point to the right place
* Add response time to tx log
* Allow for code to turn off use of cache-id on tx interface (for debugging)
* Support n/a for tx cache folder
* Update tx cache for tests
* Add more logging for too costly validation
* Fix xml annotation suppression
## Validator Changes
* Work around problem with language value set being marked experimental
* Fix validation id/idref to resolve in document if in a document
* Fix various issues rendering and validating additional bindings with usage contexts
* Upgrade lock management in Package Cache
## Other code changes
* Fix case typo on Consent.provision in R4
* Fix R3 Quantity.copyValues()
* Remove debugging code
* Add more debugging to validation failure
* Add support for active only to VSAC importer
* Add r4b support to Package Version Generation
* Fix argument confusion in format in time validation
* Added support for tracking whether elements are ellipsed and for rendering accordingly
## Validator Changes
* Validate of experimental property on bindings
* Add -no-experimental-content flag
* Allow JSON named extensions to be structure types other than logical
* Process relative URLs properly in base when generating snapshots
## Other code changes
* Fix rendering path for value set references for kindling
* refactor error handling in ProfileUtilities
* Fix for NPE processing packages
## Validator Changes
* Fix expression for con-3 properly (fix validation problem on some condition resources)
* Fix FHIRPath bug using wrong type on simple elements when checking FHIRPath types
* FHIRPath: Allow _ in constant names (per FHIRPath spec)
* Fix value set rendering creating wrong references
* Fix bug processing value set includes / excludes that are just value sets (no system value)
* Alter processing of unknown code systems per discussion at ,https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179252-IG-creation/topic/Don't.20error.20when.20you.20can't.20find.20code.20system and implement unknown-codesystems-cause-errors
* Improve message for when elements are out of order in profile differentials
## Other code changes
* fix problem where profile rendering had spurious 'slices for' nodes everywhere
* Update SQL-On-FHIR implementation for latest cases, and clone test cases to general test care repository
* Fix problem generating value set spreadsheets
* fix concurrent modification error processing language translations
* Check for null fetcher processing ConceptMaps (#1728)