## Validator Changes
* Improved Errors for bad resource ids
* R5 ballot: Hack around discovered issues in the ballot
* Enforce value set & code system versioning when validating codes
* Enable bulk -snapshot and -convert on multiple/wildcard -source
* Fix bug revalidating profiled abstract types
## Other code changes
* Rework validator test cases to not have inter-test dependencies (+ fix up to allow contexts to be cloned)
* add First draft of xliff production
* Add ActorDefinition conversions R5 -> R4, R4B, R3
* Add support for validating logical model json files (not surfaced in CLI yet)
* Updates for changes to extension URLs in Tools IG
* Fix map rendering in value sets
* Fix broken link in R4 DeviceUseStatement
## Validator Changes
* Fix typos in error messages
## Other code changes
* Fix NPE in xig generation
* Fix bug in validator test framework (packages not being loaded properly)
* Remove references to terminology files no longer found in source specification
* Package generation enhancements for R4/R4B
* Support for CDS Hooks validation (not surfaced outside test cases yet)
## Validator Changes
* Fix R5 error around cnl-1
* Add markdown validation
* add support for http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-dependencies
* fix bugs in FHIRPath handling of polymorphism
* fix validation of Coding when system is unknown (align with CodeableConcept handling)
* Fix bug where extranous text in XML was reported in the wrong location
## Other code changes
* Fix links in bundle rendering
* Improvements to rendering for IG publisher (additional bindings)
* Bump jackson-databind dependency
* fix bugs in graphql generation
* populate StructureMap xhtml when loading from mapping language
* align markdown processing with FHIR-38714
## Validator Changes
* Warning in Validator CLI when character encoding is not UTF-8
* Don't validate contained resources against Shareable* profiles, and also check ShareableMeasure
## Other code changes
* Remove CapabilityStatement2 from canonical resources