## Validator Changes
* fix NPE loading resources
* Don't enforce ids on elements when processing CDA
* Send supplements to tx server
* fix bug processing code bindings when value sets are complex (multiple filters)
* fix spelling of heirarchy
* Look up CodeSystem from terminology server
* Don't use tx-registry when manual terminology server is set
## Other code changes
* More work on WHO language support ($1592)
* allow validation message to have count
* render versions in profile links when necessary
* rework OID handling for better OID -> CodeSystem resolution
* fix up vsac importer for changes to client
* don't send xhtml for tx operations
* FHIRPath: Backport the defineVariable code to the R4 and R4B fhirpath implementations
* FHIRPath: Remove the alias/aliasAs custom functions (use standard defineVariable now)
* Bump lombok (#1603)
## Validator Changes
* Fix up path management in the validator for resolving references in Bundles
* Add support for defineVariable in FHIRPath
* Fix problem with CDA element having multiple types
* Fix problem with 'is' not working in FHIRPath for CDA types
* Fix issue processing CDA generic type names
* Fix for NPE processing tx server response
* Add support for code system supplements when communicating with tx server
## Other code changes
* OSGI: make sure JUnit 4 and 5 dependencies are optional (#1596) (Also removed duplicate managed versions of JUnit 4.13.2 and mockwebserver 4.11.0)
* Render CapabilityStatement.imports (and instantiates)
* Terminology Service Tests - minor improvements for running in HAPI, add $lookup & $translate support, create R4 clone
* Add support for $translate to terminology client
* More i18n work in rendering context (WHO project)
* Add isServerSide for seeing if code systems are only supported on the server
* Fix R4B loading issue that lead to wrong web paths for R4B resources
* Fix problems rendering Binary files in IGs
* Add support for rendering logical URIs
* Remove path.toFile()
## Security
* Finish moving all local file access to go through ManagedFileAccess
## WHO Internationalization work
* More work on date rendering
## Validator Changes
* Validate fixed/pattern values are not changed in derived profiles
* Fix NPE validating some profiles
* FHIRPath validation: consider sub-extensions when checking extension($) use
* Fix validation of concept maps containing SCT
* Preserve message id from terminology service so editors can use it to remove hints and warnings
## Other code changes
* Fix ConceptMap.group.target conversion from R3 to R5
* Fix NPE in list renderer
* fix bug showing 'required' instead of 'current' rendering additional bindings
* Fix bad references generating narratives in bundles
* Fix bug showing extension binding twice
* Various improvements to structure map validation to support cross-version mappings
* Add rendering for UsageContext and ContactDetail
* Fix broken link in xver IG for R2
* Fix bug rendering resources in Parameters resource
* Not-pretty xhtml gets line breaks before block tags to keep line length down (work around a jekyll issue)
* Improved ConceptMap rendering for cross-version IG
* Handle xhtml:div type for old FHIR version
* FML: strip '-' from rules names when parsing
* Update FML parsers to accept R5 metadata in R4 FML format
* Break out helper classes for Terminology Service Tester
## Security
* Add start of security notes
* Start moving file access to all go through ManagedFileAccess
## WHO Internationalization work:
* Add library to parse IETF Language definitions
* Move message translations to .po files as the master source & write convertor
* Much work making rendering i18n-able
* i18n for Patient renderer
* Refactor language handling in R5 renderers
## Validator Changes
* Fix grammar in validation messages
* Fix NPE in validator for SIDs
* Duplicate designations in a code system is a warning, not an error
* Fix value set validation to validate codes in example code systems
## Other code changes
* Improved multi-language support for IG development (LanguageUtils)
## Validator Changes
* CodeSystem property validation improvements
* More valueset validation improvements after real world testing
* Fix processing of NotSelectable filters using in | not-in
* Fix wrong collection type checking FHIRPath subsetOf parameter type
## Other code changes
* Fix rendering of contained resources in Kindling
* Put jurisdiction in NPM package file
* Rendering improvements for xver IG
* More xver support for concept maps
* Fix NPE in ContextUtilities (kindling)
* Add OID Assigner utility