892 B
892 B
- Update core R5 code to v4.6.0 (breaking changes to questionnaire, concept map, and other resources that are less important to core)
- Fix compartment definitions of ListResource.source and subject for R3 and R4
- Snapshot generator: fix problem checking types on logical models
- Do not flag internal references as suspicious
- XMLParser allows passing a schema location
- XMLParser allows passing a schema location
- Issue 484 https://github.com/hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core/issues/484
- Adding Kotlin to the build process
- random cleaning up in convertors
- Validator: Load code systems from known packages on the fly
- Validator: better handle invalid v3 dates
- Renderer: Render OperationDefinition.InputProfile and OutputProfile
- Important: Allow more valid schemas for Utilities.isAbsoluteUrl
- Validator: remove notes about extensible bindings if profile extensible binding is valid