1017 B
1017 B
Validator Changes
- accept regex on ElementDefinition and ElementDefinition.type, and an error for regex on ElementDefintion.type (though core packages have it on the wrong place)
- fix handling of cross-version extensions on choice elements
- fix OID validation (accept 1.3.88 GTIN OID)
- only consider bindable types when checking for multi-type bindings
Other code changes
- Fix definitions in ListResource ("List" not "ListResource")
- introduce fhir-tools-settings.conf (see https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+fhir-tool-settings.conf)
- Rendering fixes & improvements for Questionnaire and Patient and partial dates
- improvements to relative link handling in markdown when generating snapshots
- updates to package tools for changes to package.json#type (see https://confluence.hl7.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35718629#NPMPackageSpecification-Packagemanifest)
- fix semver handling for tags in versions
- Bump mockito and bytebuddy versions for Java 17 compatibility & fix Kotlin ref