Joel Rodrigues 0d13a37dcd Update react project online 1.6.0 (#636)
* update files

* remove import of SPHttpClientBatch

* updated version and readme
2018-10-08 03:58:05 -04:00

12 KiB

Upgrade project C:\Users\Joel.Rodrigues\Documents\GitHub\sp-dev-fx-webparts\samples\react-project-online to v1.6.0

Date: 2018-10-3


Following is the list of steps required to upgrade your project to SharePoint Framework version 1.6.0.

FN001001 @microsoft/sp-core-library | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-core-library

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-core-library@1.6.0 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN001002 @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset@1.6.0 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN001003 @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core@1.6.0 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN001004 @microsoft/sp-webpart-base | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-webpart-base

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-webpart-base@1.6.0 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN002001 @microsoft/sp-build-web | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-build-web

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-build-web@1.6.0 -DE

File: ./package.json

FN002002 @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces@1.6.0 -DE

File: ./package.json

FN002003 @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench

Execute the following command:

npm i @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench@1.6.0 -DE

File: ./package.json

FN002008 tslint-microsoft-contrib | Required

Install SharePoint Framework dev dependency package tslint-microsoft-contrib

Execute the following command:

npm i tslint-microsoft-contrib@5.0.0 -DE

File: ./package.json

Update version in .yo-rc.json

In file ./.yo-rc.json update the code as follows:

  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "version": "1.6.0"

File: ./.yo-rc.json

FN012011 tsconfig.json compiler options outDir | Required

Update tsconfig.json outDir value

In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "lib"

File: ./tsconfig.json

FN012012 tsconfig.json include property | Required

Update tsconfig.json include property

In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:

  "include": [

File: ./tsconfig.json

FN012013 tsconfig.json exclude property | Required

Update tsconfig.json exclude property

In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:

  "exclude": [

File: ./tsconfig.json

FN015004 ./config/tslint.json | Required

Remove file ./config/tslint.json

Execute the following command:

rm ./config/tslint.json

File: ./config/tslint.json

FN015005 ./src/index.ts | Required

Add file ./src/index.ts

Execute the following command:

cat > ./src/index.ts << EOF
// A file is required to be in the root of the /src directory by the TypeScript compiler


File: ./src/index.ts

FN001007 @types/webpack-env | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @types/webpack-env

Execute the following command:

npm i @types/webpack-env@1.13.1 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN001010 @types/es6-promise | Required

Install SharePoint Framework dependency package @types/es6-promise

Execute the following command:

npm i @types/es6-promise@0.0.33 -SE

File: ./package.json

FN002005 @types/chai | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @types/chai

Execute the following command:

npm i @types/chai@3.4.34 -DE

File: ./package.json

FN002006 @types/mocha | Required

Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @types/mocha

Execute the following command:

npm i @types/mocha@2.2.38 -DE

File: ./package.json

FN003001 config.json schema | Required

Update config.json schema URL

In file ./config/config.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/config.json

FN004001 copy-assets.json schema | Required

Update copy-assets.json schema URL

In file ./config/copy-assets.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/copy-assets.json

FN005001 deploy-azure-storage.json schema | Required

Update deploy-azure-storage.json schema URL

In file ./config/deploy-azure-storage.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/deploy-azure-storage.json

FN006001 package-solution.json schema | Required

Update package-solution.json schema URL

In file ./config/package-solution.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/package-solution.json

FN007001 serve.json schema | Required

Update serve.json schema URL

In file ./config/serve.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/serve.json

FN008001 tslint.json schema | Required

Update tslint.json schema URL

In file ./config/tslint.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/tslint.json

FN009001 write-manifests.json schema | Required

Update write-manifests.json schema URL

In file ./config/write-manifests.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: ./config/write-manifests.json

Update isCreatingSolution in .yo-rc.json

In file ./.yo-rc.json update the code as follows:

  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "isCreatingSolution": true

File: ./.yo-rc.json

Update packageManager in .yo-rc.json

In file ./.yo-rc.json update the code as follows:

  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "packageManager": "npm"

File: ./.yo-rc.json

Update componentType in .yo-rc.json

In file ./.yo-rc.json update the code as follows:

  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "componentType": "webpart"

File: ./.yo-rc.json

FN011001 Web part manifest schema | Required

Update schema in manifest

In file src\webparts\reactProjectOnline\ReactProjectOnlineWebPart.manifest.json update the code as follows:

  "$schema": ""

File: src\webparts\reactProjectOnline\ReactProjectOnlineWebPart.manifest.json

FN012001 tsconfig.json module | Required

Update module type in tsconfig.json

In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "esnext"

File: ./tsconfig.json

FN012002 tsconfig.json moduleResolution | Required

Update moduleResolution in tsconfig.json

In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "node"

File: ./tsconfig.json

FN017001 Run npm dedupe | Optional

If, after upgrading npm packages, when building the project you have errors similar to: "error TS2345: Argument of type 'SPHttpClientConfiguration' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SPHttpClientConfiguration'", try running 'npm dedupe' to cleanup npm packages.

Execute the following command:

npm dedupe

File: ./package.json


Execute script

npm i @microsoft/sp-core-library@1.6.0 @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset@1.6.0 @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core@1.6.0 @microsoft/sp-webpart-base@1.6.0 @types/webpack-env@1.13.1 @types/es6-promise@0.0.33 -SE
npm i @microsoft/sp-build-web@1.6.0 @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces@1.6.0 @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench@1.6.0 tslint-microsoft-contrib@5.0.0 @types/chai@3.4.34 @types/mocha@2.2.38 -DE
rm ./config/tslint.json
cat > ./src/index.ts << EOF
// A file is required to be in the root of the /src directory by the TypeScript compiler

npm dedupe

Modify files


  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "version": "1.6.0"
  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "isCreatingSolution": true
  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "packageManager": "npm"
  "@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
    "componentType": "webpart"


  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "lib"
  "include": [
  "exclude": [
  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "esnext"
  "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "node"


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""


  "$schema": ""