7.7 KiB
Upgrade project C:\Users\joelf\dev\GitHub\sp-dev-fx-webparts\samples\js-workbench-customizer to v1.10.0
Date: 1/21/2020
Following is the list of steps required to upgrade your project to SharePoint Framework version 1.10.0. Summary of the modifications is included at the end of the report.
FN001001 @microsoft/sp-core-library | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-core-library
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-core-library@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN001002 @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN001003 @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN001004 @microsoft/sp-webpart-base | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-webpart-base
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-webpart-base@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN001021 @microsoft/sp-property-pane | Required
Install SharePoint Framework dependency package @microsoft/sp-property-pane
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-property-pane@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN002001 @microsoft/sp-build-web | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-build-web
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/sp-build-web@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN002002 @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN002003 @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN002009 @microsoft/sp-tslint-rules | Required
Upgrade SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/sp-tslint-rules
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/sp-tslint-rules@1.10.0
File: ./package.json
FN002012 @microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3 | Required
Install SharePoint Framework dev dependency package @microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3
Execute the following command:
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3@0.3.5
File: ./package.json
FN010001 .yo-rc.json version | Recommended
Update version in .yo-rc.json
In file ./.yo-rc.json update the code as follows:
"@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
"version": "1.10.0"
File: ./.yo-rc.json
FN012017 tsconfig.json extends property | Required
Update tsconfig.json extends property
In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:
"extends": "./node_modules/@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3/includes/tsconfig-web.json"
File: ./tsconfig.json
FN016004 Property pane property import change to @microsoft/sp-property-pane | Required
Refactor the code to import property pane property from the @microsoft/sp-property-pane npm package instead of the @microsoft/sp-webpart-base package
In file src\webparts\workbenchCustomizer\WorkbenchCustomizerWebPart.ts update the code as follows:
import { BaseClientSideWebPart } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";
import { IPropertyPaneConfiguration, PropertyPaneToggle } from "@microsoft/sp-property-pane";
File: src\webparts\workbenchCustomizer\WorkbenchCustomizerWebPart.ts:2:1
FN021001 main | Required
Add package.json property
In file ./package.json update the code as follows:
"main": "lib/index.js"
File: ./package.json
FN011011 Web part manifest supportedHosts | Required
Update the supportedHosts property in the manifest
In file src\webparts\workbenchCustomizer\WorkbenchCustomizerWebPart.manifest.json update the code as follows:
"supportedHosts": ["SharePointWebPart"]
File: src\webparts\workbenchCustomizer\WorkbenchCustomizerWebPart.manifest.json
FN012014 tsconfig.json compiler options inlineSources | Required
Update tsconfig.json inlineSources value
In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:
"compilerOptions": {
"inlineSources": false
File: ./tsconfig.json
FN012015 tsconfig.json compiler options strictNullChecks | Required
Update tsconfig.json strictNullChecks value
In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:
"compilerOptions": {
"strictNullChecks": false
File: ./tsconfig.json
FN012016 tsconfig.json compiler options noUnusedLocals | Required
Update tsconfig.json noUnusedLocals value
In file ./tsconfig.json update the code as follows:
"compilerOptions": {
"noUnusedLocals": false
File: ./tsconfig.json
Execute script
pnpm i -E @microsoft/sp-core-library@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-webpart-base@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-property-pane@1.10.0
pnpm i -DE @microsoft/sp-build-web@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench@1.10.0 @microsoft/sp-tslint-rules@1.10.0 @microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3@0.3.5
Modify files
Update version in .yo-rc.json:
"@microsoft/generator-sharepoint": {
"version": "1.10.0"
Update tsconfig.json extends property:
"extends": "./node_modules/@microsoft/rush-stack-compiler-3.3/includes/tsconfig-web.json"
Update tsconfig.json inlineSources value:
"compilerOptions": {
"inlineSources": false
Update tsconfig.json strictNullChecks value:
"compilerOptions": {
"strictNullChecks": false
Update tsconfig.json noUnusedLocals value:
"compilerOptions": {
"noUnusedLocals": false
Refactor the code to import property pane property from the @microsoft/sp-property-pane npm package instead of the @microsoft/sp-webpart-base package:
import { BaseClientSideWebPart } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";
import { IPropertyPaneConfiguration, PropertyPaneToggle } from "@microsoft/sp-property-pane";
Add package.json property:
"main": "lib/index.js"
Update the supportedHosts property in the manifest:
"supportedHosts": ["SharePointWebPart"]