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Manage Office 365 Groups with SPFx


Office 365 Groups is the foundational membership service, that drives all teamwork across Microsoft 365. Once in a group, we can get the benefits of the group-connected services like shared Outlook inbox, shared calendar, SharePoint site, Planner, Power BI, Yammer, and Teams.

Is there a way to see all Office 365 Groups in a tenant? Yes, partially. You can view and manage your own groups in Outlook on the web.

This SPFx solution goes beyond this limitation and provides below functionalities using MS Graph APIs:

  1. List all public and private groups with basic information (name, description, privacy, logo, etc.)
  2. Search the group
  3. Join and leave public groups
  4. Join a private group with approval of group administrator (using Power Automate flow) and leave the private group
  5. Manage group link for administrators
  6. Browse MS Teams associated with group
  7. Set up new group

WebPart Preview

NPM Packages Used

Below NPM package(s) are used to develop this sample:

  1. PnP/PnPjs (https://pnp.github.io/pnpjs/)
  2. @pnp/spfx-controls-react (https://sharepoint.github.io/sp-dev-fx-controls-react/)

Project setup and important files

    ├── Power Automate Flow                                 <-- Power Automate Flow Templates
    │   └── Logic Apps Template
    │           └── Join Private Group.json
    │       └── Package
    │           └── JoinPrivateGroup_20191230151251.zip
    └── src
        └── models
            ├── IGroup.ts
            ├── ITeamChannel.ts 
        └── services
            ├── O365GroupService.ts                         <-- Extensible Service
        └── webparts
            └── o365GroupsManager
                ├── O365GroupsManagerWebPart.manifest.json
                ├── O365GroupsManagerWebPart.ts
                ├── components
                │   └── O365GroupsManager
                │   │   ├── O365GroupsManager.tsx           <-- Group Management Component
                │   │   ├── O365GroupsManager.module.scss
                │   │   ├── IO365GroupsManagerProps.ts
                │   │   ├── IO365GroupsManagerState.ts
                │   └── GroupList                           <-- Group Listing Component
                |   │   ├── GroupList.tsx
                |   │   ├── IGroupListProps.ts
                |   │   ├── IGroupListState.ts
                │   └── NewGroup                            <-- New Group Creation Component
                |       ├── NewGroup.tsx
                |       ├── INewGroupProps.ts
                |       ├── INewGroupState.ts
                └── loc
                    ├── en-us.js
                    └── mystrings.d.ts


⚠️ Important
Every SPFx version is only compatible with specific version(s) of Node.js. In order to be able to build this sample, please ensure that the version of Node on your workstation matches one of the versions listed in this section. This sample will not work on a different version of Node.
Refer to https://aka.ms/spfx-matrix for more information on SPFx compatibility.

SPFx 1.9.1 Node.js v10 | v8 Compatible with SharePoint Online Does not work with SharePoint 2019 Does not work with SharePoint 2016 (Feature Pack 2) Local Workbench Incompatible Hosted Workbench Compatible Compatible with Remote Containers


The SPFx solution provides below functionalities:

The web part lists all public and private O365 groups and helps to search the group by name.

Group Listing and Search

Below are the list of options available for user based on the role.

Group Visibility Role Action
Public Owner Manage Group
Public Member Leave Group
Public - Join Group
Private Owner Manage Group
Private Member Leave Group
Private - Request to Join Group

Join the Public Group

Clicking "Join Group" icon against the O365 group helps to join the public group.

Join Public Group

Join the Private Group

Clicking "Request to Join Group" icon against the O365 group helps to send the approval request to the owners of the private group. The approval takes place using Power Automate.

Join Private Group

Leave the Group

Clicking "Leave Group" icon against the O365 group helps to leave the public and private group.

Leave Group

Create New Group

The web part helps to create new O365 group.

New Group

Applies to

Web Part Properties

Property Type Required Comments
Flow URL Text No URL of MS Flow (Power Automate) to join the private group


Version history

Version Date Comments
1.0.0 January 01, 2020 Initial release


  • Administrative access to Azure AD of Office 365 tenant
  • Permissions to create a flow in Power Automate (prior MS Flow)
  • Set up Power Automate flow for approval to join private group. Please refer Calling Graph API from Power Automate Flow
  • SharePoint Online tenant
  • Site Collection created under the /sites/ or /-
  • You need following set of permissions in order to manage Office 365 groups. Find out more about consuming the Microsoft Graph API in the SharePoint Framework
"webApiPermissionRequests": [  
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "Group.Read.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "Group.ReadWrite.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "Directory.Read.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "Directory.ReadWrite.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "Directory.AccessAsUser.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "User.Read.All"
        "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
        "scope": "User.ReadWrite.All"

Minimal Path to Awesome

  • Clone this repo
  • Navigate to the folder with current sample
  • Restore dependencies: $ npm i
  • Bundle the solution: $ gulp bundle --ship
  • Package the solution: $ gulp package-solution --ship
  • Locate the solution at ./sharepoint/solution/react-manage-o365-groups.sppkg and upload it to SharePoint tenant app catalog
  • You will see a message saying that solution has pending permissions which need to be approved: Pending permission requests
  • Approve the permission requests. There are different options available - new SharePoint Admin UI, PowerShell, $o365 cli.
  • For the matter of this sample, the fastest way to do it is through new SharePoint Admin UI.
  • Open Web API permission management page by navigating to the url https://<tenant>-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/webApiPermissionManagement (change the <tenant> to your O365 tenant name) or by going to the new Admin UI directly from old SharePoint Admin Center.
  • Select pending requests and approve it: Approve request from new Admin UI
  • Run $ gulp serve --nobrowser
  • Open hosted workbench, i.e. https://<tenant>.sharepoint.com/sites/<your site>/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx
  • Search and add O365 Groups Manager web part to see it in action


This project contains sample client-side web part built on the SharePoint Framework illustrating possibilities to manage Office 365 Groups using React and MS Graph.

This sample illustrates the following concepts on top of the SharePoint Framework:

  • Using PnP/PnPjs
  • Creating extensible services
  • Explore MS Graph APIs for Office 365 Group
  • Using the MSGraphClient in a SharePoint Framework web part
  • Requesting API permissions in a SharePoint Framework package
  • Communicating with the Microsoft Graph using its REST API
  • Using Office UI Fabric controls for building SharePoint Framework client-side web parts
  • Passing web part properties to React components
  • Call MS Flow (Power Automate) flow from SharePoint Framework web part


Office 365 group management solution using SharePoint Framework and Microsoft Graph


We do not support samples, but this community is always willing to help, and we want to improve these samples. We use GitHub to track issues, which makes it easy for community members to volunteer their time and help resolve issues.

If you're having issues building the solution, please run spfx doctor from within the solution folder to diagnose incompatibility issues with your environment.

You can try looking at issues related to this sample to see if anybody else is having the same issues.

You can also try looking at discussions related to this sample and see what the community is saying.

If you encounter any issues while using this sample, create a new issue.

For questions regarding this sample, create a new question.

Finally, if you have an idea for improvement, make a suggestion.
