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Thank you for reporting an issue or suggesting an enhancement. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team to understand your needs, please complete the below template to ensure we have the necessary details to assist you.
[ ] Question [ ] Bug [ ] Enhancement
Expected or Desired Behavior
If you are reporting a bug, please describe the expected behavior. If you are suggesting an enhancement please describe thoroughly the enhancement, how it can be achieved, and expected benefit.
Observed Behavior
If you are reporting a bug, please describe the behavior you expected to occur when performing the action. If you are making a suggestion, you can delete this section.
Steps to Reproduce
If you are reporting a bug please describe the steps to reproduce the bug in sufficient detail to allow testing. Only way to fix things properly, is to have sufficient details to reproduce it. If you are making a suggestion, you can delete this section.
Submission Guidelines
Delete this section after reading
- All suggestions or bugs are welcome, please let us know what's on your mind.
- If you are reporting an issue around any of the samples, please ensure that you have clear reference on the sample and possibly code file, which should be fixed.
- If you have technical questions about the framework, we’ll be monitoring #spfx, #spfx-webparts, and #spfx-tooling on (SharePoint StackExchange)[http://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/]. You can also alternatively submit your question to (SharePoint Developer group)[https://network.office.com/t5/SharePoint-Developer/bd-p/SharePointDev] at Office Network.
- Remember to include sufficient details and context.
- If you have multiple suggestions or bugs please submit them in separate bugs so we can track resolution.
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