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CWIKIUS Docker 文档和手册

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CWIKIUS Docker Docs 在线文档
Docker 官方文档

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如果你发现这个文档有任何问题Docker 官方欢迎你来创建 合并请求Pull Requests。Docker 的文档是完全开源的Docker 官方也非常感谢社区对 Docker 的贡献。


Docker 的官方和 CWIKIUS 都非常欢迎您对我们的内容进行反馈,并且我们将这个提供反馈的方法进行了调整,以便于更好的进行访问和提交。你可以对页面进行编辑或者针对 上每一个页面的右上角提供的链接来对内容进行编辑和提交合并请求。


本仓库只针对文档的内容进行修改。 如果你考虑对文档进行修改的话,在提交 PR 之前你应该先考虑下这个问题应该是和文档相关的,比如说文档描述的不清楚,文档出现了错误,或者在文档让用户非常困惑等。

  • 如果你在使用 Docker 的时候遇到了问题,请访问 论坛中的内容。
  • 如果针对 Docker 的新功能和特性有什么更好的建议或者你找到了 Docker 的一个 bug请使用 Docker 的代码仓库来提交你的问题。




如果官方的开放人员或者其他人发现了你可能提交了错误的分支,将会有人提醒你的,这个时候你只需要 rebase 你的工作就可以了。


: 希望对 Docker 的开发贡献你自己的力量?请参考下面文档的内容:Contribution guidelines





对上面字符串进行编辑后提交的 PR 请求会被驳回rejected请确定你编辑的仓库中的文件和路径是正确的。


合并请求PR应该是针对 master 分支提出的,这个内容包括有:

  • 不针对新特性的概念性的内容和基于任务的信息
  • 重新格式化或者重写部分内容
  • 文档错误的修改
  • 拼写或者语法错误


GitHub 提交 合并请求PR 之前的预存staging

针对提交到 master 分支的每一次合并请求,一个针对站点使用 Netlify 的预存 staging 将会被创建。

如果站点被重构创建,将会看到 deploy/netlify — Deploy preview ready** 文字。

否则的话,你将会看到一个错误信息,单击 Details 来查看暂存的站点或者阻止站点重构的错误。重新查看暂存的站点来确定是不是你提交的内容导致的错误。

在 PR 合并到 master 分支之前,其他的项目相关人员同时也会查看暂存的站点。通过这个选项,我们来保护 站点不会有错误。


On your local machine, clone this repo:

git clone --recursive

Then build and run the documentation with Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d --build

Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop. If you don't have Docker Compose installed, follow these installation instructions.

Once the container is built and running, visit http://localhost:4000 in your web browser to view the docs.

To rebuild the docs after you made changes, run the docker-compose up command again. This rebuilds the documentation, and updates the container with your changes:

docker-compose up -d --build

Once the container is built and running, visit http://localhost:4000 in your web browser to view the docs.

To stop the staging container, use the docker-compose down command:

docker-compose down

Build the docs with deployment features enabled

The default configuration for local builds of the documentation disables some features to allow for a shorter build-time. The following options differ between local builds, and builds that are deployed to

  • search auto-completion, and generation of js/metadata.json
  • google analytics
  • page ratings
  • sitemap.xml generation
  • minification of stylesheets (css/style.css)
  • adjusting "edit this page" links for content in other repositories

If you want to contribute in these areas, you can perform a "production" build locally.

To preview the documentation with deployment features enabled, you need to set the JEKYLL_ENV environment variable when building the documentation;

JEKYLL_ENV=production docker-compose up --build

Once the container is built and running, visit http://localhost:4000 in your web browser to view the docs.

To rebuild the docs after you make changes, repeat the steps above.


  • /_data/toc.yaml defines the left-hand navigation for the docs
  • /js/docs.js defines most of the docs-specific JS such as TOC generation and menu syncing
  • /css/style.scss defines the docs-specific style rules
  • /_layouts/docs.html is the HTML template file, which defines the header and footer, and includes all the JS/CSS that serves the docs content

Relative linking for GitHub viewing

Feel free to link to ../ so that the docs are readable in GitHub, but keep in mind that Jekyll templating notation {% such as this %} will render in raw text and not be processed. In general it's best to assume the docs are being read directly on

Testing changes and practical guidance

If you want to test a style change, or if you want to see how to achieve a particular outcome with Markdown, Bootstrap, JQuery, or something else, have a look at (which renders in the site at /test/).

Per-page front-matter

The front-matter of a given page is in a section at the top of the Markdown file that starts and ends with three hyphens. It includes YAML content. The following keys are supported. The title, description, and keywords are required.

Key Required Description
title yes The page title. This is added to the HTML output as a <h1> level header.
description yes A sentence that describes the page contents. This is added to the HTML metadata.
keywords yes A comma-separated list of keywords. These are added to the HTML metadata.
redirect_from no A YAML list of pages which should redirect to THIS page. At build time, each page listed here is created as a HTML stub containing a 302 redirect to this page.
notoc no Either true or false. If true, no in-page TOC is generated for the HTML output of this page. Defaults to false. Appropriate for some landing pages that have no in-page headings.
toc_min no Ignored if notoc is set to true. The minimum heading level included in the in-page TOC. Defaults to 2, to show <h2> headings as the minimum.
toc_max no Ignored if notoc is set to false. The maximum heading level included in the in-page TOC. Defaults to 3, to show <h3> headings. Set to the same as toc_min to only show toc_min level of headings.
no_ratings no Either true or false. Set to true to disable the page-ratings applet for this page. Defaults to false.
skip_read_time no Set to true to disable the 'Estimated reading time' banner for this page.
sitemap no Exclude the page from indexing by search engines. When set to false, the page is excluded from sitemap.xml, and a <meta name="robots" content="noindex"/> header is added to the page.

The following is an example of valid (but contrived) page metadata. The order of the metadata elements in the front-matter is not important.

description: Instructions for installing Docker on Ubuntu
keywords: requirements, apt, installation, ubuntu, install, uninstall, upgrade, update
- /engine/installation/ubuntulinux/
- /installation/ubuntulinux/
- /engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/
title: Get Docker for Ubuntu
toc_min: 1
toc_max: 6
skip_read_time: true
no_ratings: true

Creating tabs

The use of tabs, as on pages like, requires the use of HTML. The tabs use Bootstrap CSS/JS, so refer to those docs for more advanced usage. For a basic horizontal tab set, copy/paste starting from this code and implement from there. Keep an eye on those href="#id" and id="id" references as you rename, add, and remove tabs.

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" data-target="#tab1">TAB 1 HEADER</a></li>
  <li><a data-toggle="tab" data-target="#tab2">TAB 2 HEADER</a></li>
<div class="tab-content">
  <div id="tab1" class="tab-pane fade in active">TAB 1 CONTENT</div>
  <div id="tab2" class="tab-pane fade">TAB 2 CONTENT</div>

For more info and a few more permutations, see

Running in-page Javascript

If you need to run custom Javascript within a page, and it depends upon JQuery or Bootstrap, make sure the <script> tags are at the very end of the page, after all the content. Otherwise the script may try to run before JQuery and Bootstrap JS are loaded.


: In general, this is a bad idea.


Don't forget to remove images that are no longer used. Keep the images sorted in the local images/ directory, with names that naturally group related images together in alphabetical order. For instance prefer settings-file-share.png and settings-proxies.png to file-share-settings.png and proxies-settings.png. You may also use numbers, especially in the case of a sequence, e.g., run-only-the-images-you-trust-1.svg run-only-the-images-you-trust-2.png run-only-the-images-you-trust-3.png.

When applicable, capture windows rather than rectangular regions. This eliminates unpleasant background and saves the editors the need to crop.

On Mac, capture windows without shadows. To this end, once you pressed Command-Shift-4, press Option while clicking on the window. To disable shadows once for all, run:

$ defaults write disable-shadow -bool TRUE
$ killall SystemUIServer  # restart it.

You can restore shadows later with -bool FALSE.

In order to keep the Git repository light, please compress the images (losslessly). On Mac you may use (ImageOptim)[] for instance. Be sure to compress the images before adding them to the repository, doing it afterwards actually worsens the impact on the Git repo (but still optimizes the bandwidth during browsing).

Copyright 2013-2020 Docker, inc, 文件的发布是基于 Apache 2.0 license 下进行发布。

中文版本的翻译和维护由 CWIKIUS 进行。我们允许在非商业的情况下自由扩散分发,并保留适当的权利。您可以对我们的作品进行演绎,但需要保留版权信息和来源。