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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {NgFor, NgIf} from '@angular/common';
import {Component, Directive, EventEmitter, Input, Output, forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
import {ComponentFixture, TestComponentBuilder, configureModule, fakeAsync, flushMicrotasks, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {AsyncTestCompleter, afterEach, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {ControlValueAccessor, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, FormsModule, NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, NG_VALIDATORS, NgControl, ReactiveFormsModule, Validator, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/debug/by';
import {getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {dispatchEvent} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
import {ObservableWrapper} from '../src/facade/async';
import {ListWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection';
import {PromiseWrapper} from '../src/facade/promise';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
export function main() {
describe('reactive forms integration tests', () => {
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
beforeEach(() => { configureModule({imports: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule]}); });
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should initialize DOM elements with the given form object',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('loginValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update the form group values on DOM change',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.value).toEqual({'login': 'updatedValue'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should ignore the change event for <input type=text>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
form.valueChanges, (value) => { throw 'Should not happen'; });
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should emit ngSubmit event on submit',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="name='updated'"></form>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = 'old';
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should mark formGroup as submitted on submit event',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], fakeAsync((tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div>
<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="data=f.submitted"></form>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComp8>;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => {
fixture = root;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({}); = false;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var form = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('form'));
dispatchEvent(form.nativeElement, 'submit');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should work with single controls',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var control = new FormControl('loginValue');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = control;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update DOM elements when rebinding the form group',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('oldValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('newValue')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update DOM elements when updating the value of a control',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var login = new FormControl('oldValue');
var form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should mark controls as touched after interacting with the DOM control',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var login = new FormControl('oldValue');
var form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(loginEl.nativeElement, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should clear value in UI when form resets programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const login = new FormControl('oldValue');
const form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
login.updateValue('new value');
const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
expect(loginEl.value).toBe('new value');
it('should set value in UI when form resets to that value programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const login = new FormControl('oldValue');
const form = new FormGroup({'login': login});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
login.updateValue('new value');
const loginEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
expect(loginEl.value).toBe('new value');
form.reset({'login': 'oldValue'});
it('should support form arrays',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]);
const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formArrayName="cities">
<div *ngFor="let city of cityArray.controls; let i=index">
<input [formControlName]="i">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
inputs[0].nativeElement.value = 'LA';
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'input');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['LA', 'NY']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should support pushing new controls to form arrays',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF'), new FormControl('NY')]);
const form = new FormGroup({cities: cityArray});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formArrayName="cities">
<div *ngFor="let city of cityArray.controls; let i=index">
<input [formControlName]="i">
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.cityArray = cityArray;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
cityArray.push(new FormControl('LA'));
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({cities: ['SF', 'NY', 'LA']});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
describe('different control types', () => {
it('should support <input type=text>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="text">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <input> without type',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input formControlName="text">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <textarea>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<textarea formControlName="text"></textarea>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'text': new FormControl('old')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var textarea = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('textarea'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
textarea.nativeElement.value = 'new';
dispatchEvent(textarea.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'text': 'new'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=checkbox>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="checkbox" formControlName="checkbox">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'checkbox': new FormControl(true)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.checked = false;
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'checkbox': false
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = '20';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': 20});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number> when value is cleared in the UI',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num" required>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = '';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': null});
input.nativeElement.value = '0';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'num': 0});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=number> when value is cleared programmatically',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'num': new FormControl(10)});
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="number" formControlName="num" [(ngModel)]="data">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form; = null;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support <type=radio>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const ctrl = new FormControl('fish');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = new FormGroup({'food': ctrl});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
let value = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value;
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
it('should use formControlName to group radio buttons when name is absent',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
<input type="radio" formControlName="drink" value="cola">
<input type="radio" formControlName="drink" value="sprite">
const foodCtrl = new FormControl('fish');
const drinkCtrl = new FormControl('sprite');
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'food': foodCtrl, 'drink': drinkCtrl});
const inputs = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('input'));
dispatchEvent(inputs[0].nativeElement, 'change');
inputs[0].nativeElement.checked = true;
const value = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value;
it('should support removing controls from <type=radio>',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `
<input type="radio" [formControl]="showRadio" value="yes">
<input type="radio" [formControl]="showRadio" value="no">
<form [formGroup]="form">
<div *ngIf="showRadio.value === 'yes'">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="chicken">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" value="fish">
const ctrl = new FormControl('fish');
const showRadio = new FormControl('yes');
const form = new FormGroup({'food': ctrl});
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.showRadio = showRadio;
showRadio.valueChanges.subscribe((change) => {
(change === 'yes') ? form.addControl('food', new FormControl('fish')) :
const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[value="no"]'));
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'change');
describe('should support <select>', () => {
it('with basic selection',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<select>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option value="SF"></option>
<option value="NYC"></option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with basic selection and value bindings',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<select>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option *ngFor="let city of list" [value]="city['id']">
{{ city['name'] }}
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
var testComp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
testComp.list = [{'id': '0', 'name': 'SF'}, {'id': '1', 'name': 'NYC'}];
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
testComp.list[0]['id'] = '2';
it('with formControlName',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<select formControlName="city">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option value="SF"></option>
<option value="NYC"></option>
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'city': new FormControl('SF')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
var sfOption = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('option'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
select.nativeElement.value = 'NYC';
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'city': 'NYC'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('with a dynamic list of options',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<select formControlName="city">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
<option *ngFor="let c of data" [value]="c"></option>
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var fixture: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t)
.then((compFixture) => fixture = compFixture);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'city': new FormControl('NYC')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00 = ['SF', 'NYC'];
var select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support custom value accessors',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="name" wrapped-value>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('aa')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = '!bb!';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
expect(fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form.value).toEqual({'name': 'bb'});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support custom value accessors on non builtin input elements that fire a change event without a \'target\' property',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<my-input formControlName="name"></my-input>
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('aa')});
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('my-input'));
input.componentInstance.value = '!bb!';
ObservableWrapper.subscribe(input.componentInstance.onInput, (value) => {
'name': 'bb'
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('validations', () => {
it('should use sync validators defined in html',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({
'login': new FormControl(''),
'min': new FormControl(''),
'max': new FormControl('')
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form" login-is-empty-validator>
<input type="text" formControlName="login" required>
<input type="text" formControlName="min" minlength="3">
<input type="text" formControlName="max" maxlength="3">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var required = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[required]'));
var minLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[minlength]'));
var maxLength = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[maxlength]'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
required.nativeElement.value = '';
minLength.nativeElement.value = '1';
maxLength.nativeElement.value = '1234';
dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
expect(form.hasError('minlength', ['min'])).toEqual(true);
expect(form.hasError('maxlength', ['max'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
required.nativeElement.value = '1';
minLength.nativeElement.value = '123';
maxLength.nativeElement.value = '123';
dispatchEvent(required.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(minLength.nativeElement, 'input');
dispatchEvent(maxLength.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use async validators defined in the html',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login" uniq-login-validator="expected">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var rootTC: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => rootTC = root);
rootTC.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = rootTC.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'expected';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use sync validators defined in the model',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('aa', Validators.required)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = '';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should use async validators defined in the model',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var control =
new FormControl('', Validators.required, uniqLoginAsyncValidator('expected'));
var form = new FormGroup({'login': control});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
var fixture: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((root) => fixture = root);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
expect(form.hasError('required', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
input.nativeElement.value = 'wrong value';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
expect(form.hasError('uniqLogin', ['login'])).toEqual(true);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'expected';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('nested forms', () => {
it('should init DOM with the given form object',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form =
new FormGroup({'nested': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('value')})});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formGroupName="nested">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should update the control group values on DOM change',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form =
new FormGroup({'nested': new FormGroup({'login': new FormControl('value')})});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formGroupName="nested">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.nativeElement.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input.nativeElement, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(form.value).toEqual({'nested': {'login': 'updatedValue'}});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel for complex forms',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('')});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t =
`<div [formGroup]="form"><input type="text" formControlName="name" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
tick(); = 'oldValue';
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should support ngModel for single fields',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormControl('');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form; = 'oldValue';
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
describe('setting status classes', () => {
it('should work with single fields',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form"></div>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(input, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should work with complex model-driven forms',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
var form = new FormGroup({'name': new FormControl('', Validators.required)});
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t =
`<form [formGroup]="form"><input type="text" formControlName="name"></form>`;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-untouched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
dispatchEvent(input, 'blur');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
'ng-invalid', 'ng-pristine', 'ng-touched'
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
input.value = 'updatedValue';
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
expect(sortedClassList(input)).toEqual(['ng-dirty', 'ng-touched', 'ng-valid']);
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
it('should not update the view when the value initially came from the view',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
var form = new FormControl('');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
const t = `<div><input type="text" [formControl]="form" [(ngModel)]="name"></div>`;
let fixture = tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createFakeAsync(MyComp8);
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form = form;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
input.value = 'aa';
input.setSelectionRange(1, 2);
dispatchEvent(input, 'input');
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
// selection start has not changed because we did not reset the value
describe('errors', () => {
it('should throw if a form isn\'t passed into formGroup',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="form">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(`formGroup expects a FormGroup instance`));
it('should throw if formControlName is used without a control container',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<input type="text" formControlName="login">`;
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`));
it('should throw if formControlName is used with NgForm',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form>
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.`));
it('should throw if formControlName is used with NgModelGroup',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form>
<div ngModelGroup="parent">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
new RegExp(`formControlName cannot be used with an ngModelGroup parent.`));
it('should throw if formGroupName is used without a control container',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div formGroupName="person">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`formGroupName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`));
it('should throw if formGroupName is used with NgForm',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form>
<div formGroupName="person">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`formGroupName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.`));
it('should throw if formArrayName is used without a control container',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div formArrayName="cities">
<input type="text" formControlName="login">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`formArrayName must be used with a parent formGroup directive`));
it('should throw if ngModel is used alone under formGroup',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="myGroup">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="data">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.myGroup = new FormGroup({});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive.`));
it('should not throw if ngModel is used alone under formGroup with standalone: true',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="myGroup">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="data" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.myGroup = new FormGroup({});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges()).not.toThrowError();
it('should throw if ngModel is used alone with formGroupName',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="myGroup">
<div formGroupName="person">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="data">
const myGroup = new FormGroup({person: new FormGroup({})});
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.myGroup =
new FormGroup({person: new FormGroup({})});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroupName or formArrayName directive.`));
it('should throw if ngModelGroup is used with formGroup',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<div [formGroup]="myGroup">
<div ngModelGroup="person">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="data">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.myGroup = new FormGroup({});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp(
`ngModelGroup cannot be used with a parent formGroup directive`));
it('should throw if radio button name does not match formControlName attr',
[TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter],
(tcb: TestComponentBuilder, async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
const t = `<form [formGroup]="form">
<input type="radio" formControlName="food" name="drink" value="chicken">
tcb.overrideTemplate(MyComp8, t).createAsync(MyComp8).then((fixture) => {
fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.form =
new FormGroup({'food': new FormControl('fish')});
expect(() => fixture.detectChanges())
.toThrowError(new RegExp('If you define both a name and a formControlName'));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
selector: '[wrapped-value]',
host: {'(input)': 'handleOnInput($', '[value]': 'value'}
class WrappedValue implements ControlValueAccessor {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
value: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
onChange: Function;
constructor(cd: NgControl) { cd.valueAccessor = this; }
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
writeValue(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.value = `!${value}!`; }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnChange(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.onChange = fn; }
registerOnTouched(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) {}
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
handleOnInput(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
this.onChange(value.substring(1, value.length - 1));
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
@Component({selector: 'my-input', template: ''})
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class MyInput implements ControlValueAccessor {
@Output('input') onInput = new EventEmitter();
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
value: string;
constructor(cd: NgControl) { cd.valueAccessor = this; }
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
writeValue(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) { this.value = `!${value}!`; }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnChange(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) { ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this.onInput, fn); }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
registerOnTouched(fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) {}
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
dispatchChangeEvent() {
ObservableWrapper.callEmit(this.onInput, this.value.substring(1, this.value.length - 1));
function uniqLoginAsyncValidator(expectedValue: string) {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
return (c: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var completer = PromiseWrapper.completer();
var res = (c.value == expectedValue) ? null : {'uniqLogin': true};
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
return completer.promise;
function loginIsEmptyGroupValidator(c: FormGroup) {
return c.controls['login'].value == '' ? {'loginIsEmpty': true} : null;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
selector: '[login-is-empty-validator]',
providers: [
/* @ts2dart_Provider */ {
useValue: loginIsEmptyGroupValidator,
multi: true
class LoginIsEmptyValidator {
selector: '[uniq-login-validator]',
providers: [{
useExisting: forwardRef(() => UniqLoginValidator),
multi: true
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class UniqLoginValidator implements Validator {
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
@Input('uniq-login-validator') expected: any /** TODO #9100 */;
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
validate(c: any /** TODO #9100 */) { return uniqLoginAsyncValidator(this.expected)(c); }
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
selector: 'my-comp',
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
template: '',
feat(forms): add modules for forms and deprecatedForms (#9859) Closes #9732 BREAKING CHANGE: We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation. Instead, we have exposed three modules: OLD API: - `DeprecatedFormsModule` NEW API: - `FormsModule` - `ReactiveFormsModule` If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately. **Before:** ```ts import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, [ disableDeprecatedForms(), provideForms() ]); ``` **After:** ```ts import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common; bootstrap(App, {modules: [DeprecatedFormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {FormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [FormsModule] }); ``` -OR- ```ts import {ReactiveFormsModule} from @angular/forms; bootstrap(App, {modules: [ReactiveFormsModule] }); ``` You can also choose not to provide any forms module and run your app without forms. Or you can choose not to provide any forms module *and* provide form directives at will. This will allow you to use the deprecatedForms API for some components and not others. ``` import {FORM_DIRECTIVES, FORM_PROVIDERS} from @angular/forms; @Component({ selector: some-comp, directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], providers: [FORM_PROVIDERS] }) class SomeComp ```
2016-07-07 14:32:51 -04:00
directives: [WrappedValue, MyInput, NgIf, NgFor, LoginIsEmptyValidator, UniqLoginValidator]
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
class MyComp8 {
form: any;
name: string;
data: any;
list: any[];
selectedCity: any;
customTrackBy(index: number, obj: any): number { return index; };
2016-06-08 20:08:59 -04:00
function sortedClassList(el: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
2016-06-08 18:36:24 -04:00
var l = getDOM().classList(el);
return l;