Update the cache keys used on CircleCI to bust the cache used in attempt
to address issue with tests on aio that are not reproducable locally.
Note: Going back to v1 as the cache version as caches are only held
for 15 days so we can safely return back to `v1` as the prefix
PR Close#39461
Add back the zone.js externs file test for google closure compiler.
The test compiles a test program with and without `zone_externs`.
1. With `zone_externs`, the code should keep the APIs defined in the `zone_externs`.
2. Without `zone_externs`, the code will not keep these APIs.
PR Close#39108
Zone.js 0.11.0 release an empty bundle, and now the npm_package tests all target
bazel rule `npm_package`, but not `npm_package.pack`, and these two rules may
generate different results, for example, Zone.js 0.11.0's issue is `package.json`
define files array which make the bundle only include the files in the files array.
So this PR install the zone.js package from the archive generated from `npm_package.pack` rule.
PR Close#38649
Because the compiler-cli tests modify node_modules, this can cause
failures on windows CI specifically as node_modules are symlinked
to rather than copied. By running the test and build actions in
separate commands, all of the tests are built to be executed before
and tests are executed and modify the node_modules content.
PR Close#39289
Rather than setting up windows by relying on attaching the saved workspace
failes from the previous step, instead checkout and install the yarn items
within the windows steps. Additionally, since the bazel remote cache is
used and relied on, saving the cached results of the bazel runs to be resumed
on subsequent runs does not provide enough value to make it worth the time
PR Close#39139
Previously windows CI jobs were only run on upstream branches, with the addition
of larger Windows executors as well as the improvement of setup speed in the
windows environment setup script allows for the windows tests to pass in a
reasonable timeframe.
PR Close#39139
Updates to rules_nodejs 2.2.0. This is the first major release in 7 months and includes a number of features as well
as breaking changes.
Release notes: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/tag/2.0.0
Features of note for angular/angular:
* stdout/stderr/exit code capture; this could be potentially be useful
* TypeScript (ts_project); a simpler tsc rule that ts_library that can be used in the repo where ts_library is too
heavy weight
Breaking changes of note for angular/angular:
* loading custom rules from npm packages: `ts_library` is no longer loaded from `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl`
(which no longer exists) but is now loaded from `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl`
* with the loading changes above, `load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")` is
no longer needed in the WORKSPACE which also means that yarn_install does not need to run unless building/testing
a target that depends on @npm. In angular/angular this is a minor improvement as almost everything depends on @npm.
* @angular/bazel package is also updated in this PR to support the new load location; Angular + Bazel users that
require it for ng_package (ng_module is no longer needed in OSS with Angular 10) will need to load from
`@npm//@angular/bazel:index.bzl`. I investigated if it was possible to maintain backward compatability for the old
load location `@npm_angular_bazel` but it is not since the package itself needs to be updated to load from
`@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl` instead of `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl` as it depends on ts_library
internals for ng_module.
* runfiles.resolve will now throw instead of returning undefined to match behavior of node require
Other changes in angular/angular:
* integration/bazel has been updated to use both ng_module and ts_libary with use_angular_plugin=true.
The latter is the recommended way for rules_nodejs users to compile Angular 10 with Ivy. Bazel + Angular ViewEngine is
supported with @angular/bazel <= 9.0.5 and Angular <= 8. There is still Angular ViewEngine example on rules_nodejs
https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/tree/stable/examples/angular_view_engine on these older versions but users
that want to update to Angular 10 and are on Bazel must switch to Ivy and at that point ts_library with
use_angular_plugin=true is more performant that ng_module. Angular example in rules_nodejs is configured this way
as well: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/tree/stable/examples/angular. As an aside, we also have an
example of building Angular 10 with architect() rule directly instead of using ts_library with angular plugin:
NB: ng_module is still required for angular/angular repository as it still builds ViewEngine & @angular/bazel
also provides the ng_package rule. ng_module can be removed in the future if ViewEngine is no longer needed in
angular repo.
* JSModuleInfo provider added to ng_module. this is for forward compat for future rules_nodejs versions.
PR Close#39182
Migrates to using larger resource classes for windows CI runs as well as updating
the bazel rcs for windows and linux to use all/more of the resources available in
the executors
PR Close#39124
Close#38851, support `jest` fakeTimers APIs' integration with `fakeAsync()`.
After enable this feature, calling `jest.useFakeTimers()` will make all test
run into `fakeAsync()` automatically.
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
test('should run into fakeAsync() automatically', () => {
const fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec');
Also there are mappings between `jest` and `zone` APIs.
- `jest.runAllTicks()` will call `flushMicrotasks()`.
- `jest.runAllTimers()` will call `flush()`.
- `jest.advanceTimersByTime()` will call `tick()`
- `jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()` will call `flushOnlyPendingTimers()`
- `jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer()` will call `tickToNext()`
- `jest.clearAllTimers()` will call `removeAllTimers()`
- `jest.getTimerCount()` will call `getTimerCount()`
PR Close#39016
Updates to rules_nodejs 2.2.0. This is the first major release in 7 months and includes a number of features as well
as breaking changes.
Release notes: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/tag/2.0.0
Features of note for angular/angular:
* stdout/stderr/exit code capture; this could be potentially be useful
* TypeScript (ts_project); a simpler tsc rule that ts_library that can be used in the repo where ts_library is too
heavy weight
Breaking changes of note for angular/angular:
* loading custom rules from npm packages: `ts_library` is no longer loaded from `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl`
(which no longer exists) but is now loaded from `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl`
* with the loading changes above, `load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")` is
no longer needed in the WORKSPACE which also means that yarn_install does not need to run unless building/testing
a target that depends on @npm. In angular/angular this is a minor improvement as almost everything depends on @npm.
* @angular/bazel package is also updated in this PR to support the new load location; Angular + Bazel users that
require it for ng_package (ng_module is no longer needed in OSS with Angular 10) will need to load from
`@npm//@angular/bazel:index.bzl`. I investigated if it was possible to maintain backward compatability for the old
load location `@npm_angular_bazel` but it is not since the package itself needs to be updated to load from
`@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl` instead of `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl` as it depends on ts_library
internals for ng_module.
* runfiles.resolve will now throw instead of returning undefined to match behavior of node require
Other changes in angular/angular:
* integration/bazel has been updated to use both ng_module and ts_libary with use_angular_plugin=true.
The latter is the recommended way for rules_nodejs users to compile Angular 10 with Ivy. Bazel + Angular ViewEngine is
supported with @angular/bazel <= 9.0.5 and Angular <= 8. There is still Angular ViewEngine example on rules_nodejs
https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/tree/stable/examples/angular_view_engine on these older versions but users
that want to update to Angular 10 and are on Bazel must switch to Ivy and at that point ts_library with
use_angular_plugin=true is more performant that ng_module. Angular example in rules_nodejs is configured this way
as well: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/tree/stable/examples/angular. As an aside, we also have an
example of building Angular 10 with architect() rule directly instead of using ts_library with angular plugin:
NB: ng_module is still required for angular/angular repository as it still builds ViewEngine & @angular/bazel
also provides the ng_package rule. ng_module can be removed in the future if ViewEngine is no longer needed in
angular repo.
* JSModuleInfo provider added to ng_module. this is for forward compat for future rules_nodejs versions.
@josephperrott, this touches `packages/bazel/src/external.bzl` which will make the sync to g3 non-trivial.
PR Close#37727
This commit adds a new command to the `ng-dev` suite, which verifies that the NgBot YAML config is
correct. It also adds this command to the `lint` CircleCI job so that we execute this check while
running CI.
This should help prevent syntax errors similar to the one introduced in:
PR Close#39071
In zone.js 0.11.1, the `types` field is missing in the `package.json`,
the reason is in zone.js 0.11.0, the `files` field is used to specify the
types, but it cause the npm package not contain any bundles issue, so zone.js
0.11.1 remove the `files` field, which cause the `type` definition gone.
This PR concat the `zone.js.d.ts`, `zone.configurations.api.ts`, `zone.api.extensions.ts`
types into a single `zone.d.ts` file.
PR Close#38585
Since the `defineProperty` not swallow error any longer, now the tests compile
source code in `commonjs` mode, and the code generated includes the code like this
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});
And the `exports` is undefined in some browsers, but the error is swallowed before
this PR, and all tests run successfully, but it is not correct behavior. After this PR,
the code above failed. So we need to compile the source code in `umd` mode.
PR Close#37582
In the Angular Package Format, we always shipped UMD bundles and previously even ES5 module output.
With V10, we removed the ES5 module output but kept the UMD ES5 output.
For this, we were able to remove our second TypeScript transpilation. Instead we started only
building ES2015 output and then downleveled it to ES5 UMD for the NPM packages. This worked
as expected but unveiled an issue in the `@angular/core` reflection capabilities.
In JIT mode, Angular determines constructor parameters (for DI) using the `ReflectionCapabilities`. The
reflection capabilities basically read runtime metadata of classes to determine the DI parameters. Such
metadata can be either stored in static class properties like `ctorParameters` or within TypeScript's `design:params`.
If Angular comes across a class that does not have any parameter metadata, it tries to detect if the
given class is actually delegating to an inherited class. It does this naively in JIT by checking if the
stringified class (function in ES5) matches a certain pattern. e.g.
function MatTable() {
var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
These patterns are reluctant to changes of the class output. If a class is not recognized properly, the
DI parameters will be assumed empty and the class is **incorrectly** constructed without arguments.
This actually happened as part of v10 now. Since we downlevel ES2015 to ES5 (instead of previously
compiling sources directly to ES5), the class output changed slightly so that Angular no longer detects
it. e.g.
var _this = _super.apply(this, __spread(arguments)) || this;
This happens because the ES2015 output will receive an auto-generated constructor if the class
defines class properties. This constructor is then already containing an explicit `super` call.
export class MatTable extends CdkTable {
constructor() {
this.disabled = true;
If we then downlevel this file to ES5 with `--downlevelIteration`, TypeScript adjusts the `super` call so that
the spread operator is no longer used (not supported in ES5). The resulting super call is different to the
super call that would have been emitted if we would directly transpile to ES5. Ultimately, Angular no
longer detects such classes as having an delegate constructor -> and DI breaks.
We fix this by expanding the rather naive RegExp patterns used for the reflection capabilities
so that downleveled pass-through/delegate constructors are properly detected. There is a risk
of a false-positive as we cannot detect whether `__spread` is actually the TypeScript spread
helper, but given the reflection patterns already make lots of assumptions (e.g. that `super` is
actually the superclass, we should be fine making this assumption too. The false-positive would
not result in a broken app, but rather in unnecessary providers being injected (as a noop).
PR Close#38463
This commit updates the version of Angular CLI used in angular.io to
version 10.0.1. It also reverts some changes (namely commits 38dfbc775f1
and eee2fd22e0a) which were made due to an older bug that is fixed in
the latest version. See #37688 for more details.
PR Close#37898
As reported in #37699, the size of the main angular.io bundle sometimes
ends up bigger than expected on CI. This usually goes away after
rerunning the job a couple of times.
It is unclear what is causing this. In order to help debug the issue,
this commit stores the JS files that are checked as part of the aio
payload-size check as CI artifacts, where they can be retrieved from and
PR Close#37703
Updates to the latest commit of the `angular/components` repository. We
need to do this because we removed the `esm5.bzl` output flavour aspect,
but an old version of the components repo relied on this file to exist.
This is no longer the case, and we can simply update the version of the
components repo we can test against.
PR Close#37623
In the current version of zone.js, zone.js uses it's own package format, and it is not following the rule
of Angualr package format(APF), so it is not easily to be consumed by Angular CLI or other bundle tools.
For example, zone.js npm package has two bundles,
1. zone.js/dist/zone.js, this is a `es5` bundle.
2. zone.js/dist/zone-evergreen.js, this is a `es2015` bundle.
And Angular CLI has to add some hard-coding code to handle this case, o5376a8b139/packages/schematics/angular/application/files/src/polyfills.ts.template (L55-L58)
This PR upgrade zone.js npm package format to follow APF rule, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZC2rcpxffTDfRDs6p1cfbmKNLA6x5O-NtkJglDaBVs/edit#heading=h.k0mh3o8u5hx
The updated points are:
1. in package.json, update all bundle related properties
"main": "./bundles/zone.umd.js",
"module": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"es2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
2. re-organize dist folder, for example for `zone.js` bundle, now we have
zone.js // this is the es5 bundle
zone.js // this is the es2015 bundle (in the old version is `zone-evergreen.js`)
3. have several sub-packages.
1. `zone-testing`, provide zone-testing bundles include zone.js and testing libraries
2. `zone-node`, provide zone.js implemention for NodeJS
3. `zone-mix`, provide zone.js patches for both Browser and NodeJS
All those sub-packages will have their own `package.json` and the bundle will reference `bundles(es5)` and `fesm2015(es2015)`.
4. keep backward compatibility, still keep the `zone.js/dist` folder, and all bundles will be redirected to `zone.js/bundles` or `zone.js/fesm2015` folders.
PR Close#36540
This change just fixes various typos and misspellings across several docs.
I've included also a fix for an issue surfaced via #37423.
PR Close#37443
With 844208f46345e285cf789de431fa87f1bb483375, we disabled the
components-repo-unit-tests job. The components repo landed the required
TS 3.9.x update, so we can re-enable the job again.
PR Close#37176
Updates the `components-repo-unit-tests` job to
We need to update since we added a new diagnostic in ngtsc, and
the given commit in the components repo fixes failures caused by
the new diagnostic.
Note: This commit currently points to a PR as it's unlikely that
this fix lands soon, but we want to move forward. There is no
downside to doing that as the PR is based on top of the latest
components repo `master`.
PR Close#36921
Remove TypeScript 3.6 and 3.7 support from Angular along with tests that
ensure those TS versions work.
BREAKING CHANGE: typescript 3.6 and 3.7 are no longer supported, please
update to typescript 3.8
PR Close#36329
Previously, in the `test_aio` CI job, we ran ngcc before building the
app with `yarn build`. This was supposed to have the benefit of taking
advantage of the parallel capabilities of standalone ngcc (vs implicitly
running it via `ng build`).
It turns out that the work done by the standalone ngcc was thrown away
before the `ng build`, resulting in `ng build` having to run ngcc all
over again. This happened because the `yarn build` script (run after the
standalone ngcc step) also runs `yarn install`, which essentially cleans
up `node_modules/`, thus discarding all the work already done by ngcc.
Here is an [example CI job][1], where this can be seen in action:
One can see the "Compiling <some-package> : es2015 as esm2015" logs in
the `yarn --cwd aio ngcc --properties es2015` step (as the standalone
ngcc processes the various entry-points) and then see the same logs in
the `yarn --cwd aio build --progress=false` step (as ngcc has to process
the entry-points all over again).
This commit removes the redundant standalone ngcc run and lets the CLI
handle ngcc via `ng build`. It is possible to instrument the build
process in a way that we can run the standalone ngcc after
`yarn install` and thus take advantage of the performance gains in
parallel mode, but the latest version of the CLI can already run ngcc in
parallel mode as a pre-build step, so this is unnecessary.
[1]: https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/658691
PR Close#36145
Migrates away from inline searching for files and running buildifier
directly, instead using ng-dev for formatting. Additionally, provides
a deprecation message for any usages of the previous commands.
PR Close#36842
Migrates away from gulp to ng-dev for running our formatter.
Additionally, provides a deprecation warning for any attempted
usage of the previous `gulp format:*` tasks.
PR Close#36726
Previously our CI during the setup process has made requests
to the Github API to determine the target branch and shas.
With this change, this information is now determined via git
commands using pipeline parameters from CircleCI.
PR Close#36500
Prior to this change we manage a local version of commit message validation
in addition to the commit message validation tool contained in the ng-dev
tooling. By adding the ability to validate a range of commit messages
together, the remaining piece of commit message validation that is in the
local version is replicated.
We use both commands provided by the `ng-dev commit-message` tooling:
- pre-commit-validate: Set to automatically run on an git hook to validate
commits as they are created locally.
- validate-range: Run by CI for every PR, testing that all of the commits
added by the PR are valid when considered together. Ensuring that all
fixups are matched to another commit in the change.
PR Close#36172
Rebuild the yarn lock file from scratch to collapse instances where
one package is able to satisfy multiple dependencies. Currently we
have some situations where we have multiple versions when one would
version "7.0.0"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/cod
integrity sha512-OfC2uemaknXr87bdLUkWog7nYuliM9Ij
"@babel/highlight" "^7.0.0"
version "7.5.5"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/cod
integrity sha512-27d4lZoomVyo51VegxI20xZPuSHusqbQ
"@babel/highlight" "^7.0.0"
version "7.8.3"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/cod
integrity sha512-a9gxpmdXtZEInkCSHUJDLHZVBgb1QS0j
"@babel/highlight" "^7.8.3"
"@babel/code-frame@^7.0.0", "@babel/code-frame@^7.5.5", "@babel/code-frame@^7.8.3":
version "7.8.3"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/cod
integrity sha512-a9gxpmdXtZEInkCSHUJDLHZVBgb1QS0j
"@babel/highlight" "^7.8.3"
PR Close#36377
Update to clang@1.4.0 to gain support for optional changing and nullish
coalescing. Because this would trigger a change on >1800 files in the
repository, also changes our format enforcement to only be run against
changed files. This will allow us to incramentally roll out the value
add of the upgraded clang format.
PR Close#36203
This is done by requesting the refs and shas for the PR when the
env.sh script is run. Additionally, the env.sh script is now setup
to write all of the environment variables created to a cache file
and subsequent loads of the environment load the values from there.
The get-refs-and-shas-for-target.js script now also first attempts
to load the refs and shas from an environment variable before
falling back to requesting from github via the API.
PR Close#36207
Similarly to what is done in `angular/components`, we should
cache the downloaded Bazel version (from `bazelisk`).
This reduces the overhead of downloading Bazel, and also avoids
the dependency on the external download server. We should avoid
external server dependencies as much as possible (see how the yarn
registry was flaky in the past).
PR Close#36098
The docs examples tests are run both with Ivy turned off and on. When
Ivy is turned on, ngcc is used to convert all dependencies (including
the Angular framework packages to Ivy).
Previously, in order to speed things up, the `test_docs_examples_ivy` CI
job would use Angular packages built with Ivy (from
`dist/packages-dist-ivy-aot`). This however was a deviation from what
happens in real-world applications.
This commit changes the `test_docs_examples_ivy` CI job to always use
the regular Angular packages (as published on npm) and use ngcc to
convert them to Ivy.
Relevant discussion:
PR Close#36015
This has a couple benefits:
- we now use a .bazelversion file rather than package.json to pin the version of bazel we want. This means even if you install bazel on your computer rather than via yarn, you'll still get a warning if your bazel version is wrong.
- you no longer end up downloading three copies of bazel due to bugs in both npm and yarn where they download all tarballs before checking the metadata to see which are usable on the local platform.
- bazelisk correctly handles the tools/bazel trick for wrapping functionality, which we want to use to instrument developer build latencies
PR Close#36078
* integration tests target definitions in integration/BUILD.bazel updated to use a single dict
* payload tracking for integration tests updated to work under Bazel
* legacy integration_test CI job removed
* integration/run_tests.sh script no longer used in CI so it has been updated for running integration tests locally in the legacy way
PR Close#35985
Updates the commit that the `components-repo-unit-tests` job runs
against to the latest available commit at time of writing.
The motivation for updating is that a lot of changes have been made, and
that a upcoming framework PR that fixes check no changes for OnPush
components exposed a test failure in `angular/components`.
See: eae5cf886d
PR Close#35961
In some cases, we want to test the AIO app or docs examples against the
locally built Angular packages (for example to ensure that the changes
in a commit do not introduce a breaking change). In order to achieve
this, we have the `ng-packages-installer` script that handles updating
a project's `package.json` file to use the locally built Angular
packages (and appropriate versions for their (dev-/peer-)dependencies).
Previously, `ng-packages-installer` would only consider the locally
built Angular packages (from `dist/packages-dist/`). However, given that
Zone.js is now part of the `angular/angular` repo, it makes sense to
also use the locally built Zone.js package (from `dist/zone.js-dist/`).
Otherwise, the tests might fail for commits that update both the Angular
packages (and related docs examples) and the Zone.js package. An example
of such a simultaneous change (that would have broken tests) is #33838.
This commit updates the script to install the locally built Zone.js
package (in addition to the Angular ones). The commit ensures that the
Zone.js package will always be available alongside the Angular packages
(i.e. that the Zone.js package will be built by the same script that
builds the Angular packages and that the `dist/zone.js-dist/` directory
will be cached on CI).
Note: This problem was discovered while enabling docs examples unit
tests in #34374.
PR Close#35858
This reverts commit 7d832ae1001b6264bb7124086089e9e69c10c9b6; breaks CI
with error `Concurrent upstream jobs persisted the same file(s) into the workspace:`
PR Close#35857
In some cases, we want to test the AIO app or docs examples against the
locally built Angular packages (for example to ensure that the changes
in a commit do not introduce a breaking change). In order to achieve
this, we have the `ng-packages-installer` script that handles updating
a project's `package.json` file to use the locally built Angular
packages (and appropriate versions for their (dev-/peer-)dependencies).
Previously, `ng-packages-installer` would only consider the locally
built Angular packages (from `dist/packages-dist/`). However, given that
Zone.js is now part of the `angular/angular` repo, it makes sense to
also use the locally built Zone.js package (from `dist/zone.js-dist/`).
Otherwise, the tests might fail for commits that update both the Angular
packages (and related docs examples) and the Zone.js package. An example
of such a simultaneous change (that would have broken tests) is #33838.
This commit updates the script to install the locally built Zone.js
package (in addition to the Angular ones). The commit ensures that the
Zone.js package will always be available alongside the Angular packages
(i.e. that the Zone.js package will be built by the same script that
builds the Angular packages and that the `dist/zone.js-dist/` directory
will be cached on CI).
Note: This problem was discovered while enabling docs examples unit
tests in #34374.
PR Close#35780
This commit moves the build-related scripts
(`build-ivy-npm-packages.js`, `build-packages-dist.js` and
`package-builder.js`) to a dedicated directory to keep the `scripts/`
directory cleaner.
It also moves the logic for building the `zone.js` package to a separate
script, `zone-js-builder.js`, to make it re-usable. A subsequent commit
will use it to build the `zone.js` package when building the Ivy Angular
packages as well.
PR Close#35780
Switches our tslint setup to the standard `tslint.json` linter excludes.
The set of files that need to be linted is specified through a Yarn script.
For IDEs, open files are linted with the closest tslint configuration, if the
tslint IDE extension is set up, and the source file is not excluded.
We cannot use the language service plugin for tslint as we have multiple nested
tsconfig files, and we don't want to add the plugin to each tsconfig. We
could reduce that bloat by just extending from a top-level tsconfig that
defines the language service plugin, but unfortunately the tslint plugin does
not allow the use of tslint configs which are not part of the tsconfig project.
This is problematic since the tslint configuration is at the project root, and we
don't want to copy tslint configurations next to each tsconfig file.
Additionally, linting of `d.ts` files has been re-enabled. This has been
disabled in the past and a TODO has been left. This commit fixes the
lint issues and re-enables linting.
PR Close#35800
The changes to yarn.lock for the `$localize` typings
support are not filtering through because the cache
contains nested packages that are causing compilation
This change will force the cache to invalidate and allows
us to have a clean node_modules folder.
PR Close#35711