This should be removed before for 9.0.0 rc
@angular/bazel ng_setup_workspace() is no longer needed and has been removed.
We assume you will fetch rules_nodejs in your WORKSPACE file, and no other dependencies remain here.
Simply remove any calls to this function and the corresponding load statement.
PR Close#33330
As a hack to get the Ivy compiler ngtsc off the ground, the existing
'allowEmptyCodegenFiles' option was used to control generation of ngfactory
and ngsummary shims during compilation. This option was selected since it's
enabled in google3 but never enabled in external projects.
As ngtsc is now mature and the role shims play in compilation is now better
understood across the ecosystem, this commit introduces two new compiler
options to control shim generation:
* generateNgFactoryShims controls the generation of .ngfactory shims.
* generateNgSummaryShims controls the generation of .ngsummary shims.
The 'allowEmptyCodegenFiles' option is still honored if either of the above
flags are not set explicitly.
PR Close#33256
This commit removes `@angular-devkit/build-angular` from package.json
for a project that opts into Bazel. This is because the package adds a
dependency on node-sass, which is rejected by Bazel due to its absense.
This commit also appends to `scripts.postinstall` if it already exists.
This is needed because `ng new` in CLI v9 now automatically adds a
postinstall step for `ngcc`.
PR Close#32946
Injectable defs are not considered public API, so the property
that contains them should be prefixed with Angular's marker
for "private" ('ɵ') to discourage apps from relying on def
APIs directly.
This commit adds the prefix and shortens the name from
ngInjectableDef to "prov" (for "provider", since injector defs
are known as "inj"). This is because property names cannot
be minified by Uglify without turning on property mangling
(which most apps have turned off) and are thus size-sensitive.
PR Close#33151
Some changes in rules_nodejs providers folded into @angular/bazel package:
* `NodeModuleSources` renamed to `NpmPackageInfo` and now loaded from `//internal/common:npm_package_info.bzl`
* `collect_node_modules_aspect` renamed to `node_modules_aspect`
* new JS provider `JSNamedModuleInfo` now available and ng_module provides it using the `js_named_module_info` factory function
* sources_aspect has also been removed so the use of the `node_sources` legacy provider has been replaced with `JSNamedModuleInfo`.
PR Close#33073
The history_server rule is not longer shipped with rules_nodejs as it has been replaced by auto-generated rule `load("@npm//history-server:index.bzl", "history_server")` which requires the user to add history-server to their package.json.
PR Close#32889
Not sure why it works on other people's environments, but after
217db9b21 I started getting the following error when running
`scripts/` (on Windows):
ERROR: C:/.../angular/packages/bazel/docs/BUILD.bazel:3:1: Generating Skylark documentation dir for docs (3 files) failed (Exit 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\...\temp\Bazel.runfiles_u_l5te\runfiles\io_bazel_skydoc\skydoc\", line 335, in <module>
File "c:\...\temp\Bazel.runfiles_u_l5te\runfiles\io_bazel_skydoc\skydoc\", line 303, in main
load_symbols = load_sym_extractor.extract(bzl_file)
File "c:\...\temp\Bazel.runfiles_u_l5te\runfiles\io_bazel_skydoc\skydoc\", line 110, in extract
load_symbols = self._extract_loads(bzl_file)
File "c:\...\temp\Bazel.runfiles_u_l5te\runfiles\io_bazel_skydoc\skydoc\", line 38, in _extract_loads
tree = ast.parse(, bzl_file)
File "C:\...\.windows-build-tools\python27\lib\", line 37, in parse
return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
File "packages/bazel/src/ng_package/ng_package.bzl", line 39
print("[ng_package.bzl]", *args)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It seems expected, because `print` is not a function, so
`print(foo, *args)` is interpreted as printing a tuple (where `*args` is
invalid syntax). Not sure why it doesn't break on other people's
machines :/
This change makes the verbose logs a little less pretty, but that
shouldn't be a big issue (given that it is an opt-in feature and it can
always be overwritten locally, if necessary).
PR Close#32923
Similarly to `ts_library` compilation actions, the `ng_module` compile action should include
the current compile mode in the action description. This makes it consistent with `ts_library`
targets and also avoids confusion when both output flavors are requested.
Currently when both output flavors are requested (e.g. in the `ng_package` rule), both
devmode and prodmode compilations have the same action name. This is confusing and
looks like the given target is built *twice* due to a bug (which is obviously not the case though)
PR Close#32955
This release includes a ts_config runfiles fix so also cleaning up the one line work-around from #31943.
This also updates to upstream rules_webtesting browser repositories load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web/versioned:browsers-0.3.2.bzl", "browser_repositories") to fix a breaking change in the chromedriver distro. This bumps up the version of chromium to the version here:
PR Close#32151
Within an Angular package, it can happen that there are
entry-points which do not contain features that belong into
an `@NgModule` or need metadata files to be generated.
For example: the `cdk`, `cdk/testing` and `cdk/coercion`
entry-points. Besides other entry-points in the `cdk`
package, those entry-points do not need metadata to
be generated and no not use the `ng_module` rule.
Currently the "ng_package" rule properly picks up such
entry-points and builds bundles, does downleveling etc.
The only thing it misses is that no `package.json` files
are generated for the entry-point. This means that consumers
will not be able to use these entry-points built with "ts_library"
(except accessing the individual bundlings explicitly).
The "ng_package" rule should follow the full APF specification
for such entry-points. Partially building bundles and doing the
downleveling is confusing and a breaking issue.
The motifivation of supporting this (besides making the
rule behavior consistent; the incomplete output is not
acceptable), is that using the "ng_module" rule does
not make sense to be used for non-Angular entry-points.
Especially since it depends on Angular packages to
be specified as Bazel action inputs just to compile
vanilla TypeScript with `@angular/compiler-cli`.
PR Close#32610
Angular bazel users using protractor_web_test_suite from @angular/bazel npm package should now switch to the @bazel/protractor npm package.
This should impact very few users and the user's that are impacted have a very easy upgrade path to switch to fetching the protractor_web_test_suite rule via the @bazel/protractor npm package.
PR Close#32485
This commit switches the default value of the enableIvy flag to true.
Applications that run ngc will now by default receive an Ivy build!
This does not affect the way Bazel builds in the Angular repo work, since
those are still switched based on the value of the --define=compile flag.
Additionally, projects using @angular/bazel still use View Engine builds
by default.
Since most of the Angular repo tests are still written against View Engine
(particularly because we still publish VE packages to NPM), this switch
also requires lots of `enableIvy: false` flags in tsconfigs throughout the
Congrats to the team for reaching this milestone!
PR Close#32219
This option makes ngc behave as tsc, and was originally implemented before
ngtsc existed. It was designed so we could build JIT-only versions of
Angular packages to begin testing Ivy early, and is not used at all in our
current setup.
PR Close#32219
The API of `@microsoft/api-extractor` changed in a minor version which is causes an error when using dts flattening downstream.
API wil be updated on master
PR Close#32187
There has been a regression where enabling rollup treeshaking causes errors during runtime because it will drop const access which will always evaluate to true or false. However, such `const` in `@angular/core` cannot be dropped because their value is changed when NGCC is run on `@angular/core`
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__ = true;
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__PRE_R3__ = false;
const ivyEnabled = SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__PRE_R3__;
Ivy (After NGCC)
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__ = true;
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__PRE_R3__ = false;
const ivyEnabled = SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__;
load(path) {
/** @type {?} */
const legacyOfflineMode = this._compiler instanceof Compiler;
return legacyOfflineMode ? this.loadFactory(path) : this.loadAndCompile(path);
load(path) {
/** @type {?} */
const legacyOfflineMode = !ivyEnabled && this._compiler instanceof Compiler;
return legacyOfflineMode ? this.loadFactory(path) : this.loadAndCompile(path);
From the above we can see that `ivyEnabled ` is being treeshaken away when generating the FESM bundle which is causing runtime errors such as `Cannot find module './lazy/lazy.module.ngfactory'` since in Ivy we will always load the factories.
PR Close#32069
nodejs rules 0.34.0 now includes protractor_web_test_suite rule (via new @bazel/protractor rule) so we switch to that location for that rule in this PR so that /packages/bazel/src/protractor can be removed in a future PR
this PR also brings in node toolchain support which was released in nodejs rules 0.33.0. this is a prerequisite for RBE for mac & windows users
bazel schematics also updated with the same. @bazel/bazel 0.28.1 npm package includes transitive dep on hide-bazel-files so we're able to remove an explicit dep on that as well.
PR Close#31824
This switches all Angular targets to be built with the same Angular compiler architecture (c.n. Ivy) that the Angular indexer uses. This eliminates issues with cross-references to transitive dependencies not being generated because of the way such dependencies are loaded by the legacy compiler arch.
PR Close#31786
This commit bumps the heap size of node/ngc under bazel to 4 GB instead of
the previous 2 GB. This brings it in sync with what the TS compiler uses
in g3, and fixes a bug where ngc would crash with OOM in worker mode.
PR Close#31784
Switch back to passing a custom bazel host instead of rewriting one that
is passed to `compile` now that the Angular indexer is stable.
Revert "feat(bazel): allow passing and rewriting an old bazel host"
This reverts commit 0a4c1c8f803a65f5c156af90e67f7d7d68ebc7f8.
PR Close#31496
This is needed in g3 where the translation system is sensitive to the full path of the output.
For Bazel users, we don't want this because it would force them to
disable a Bazel option that prevents using the deprecated ctx.new_file
PR Close#31410
Updates the decision made in #31341; this is for the Angular indexer
inside Google. The indexer currently passes (and ngc-wrapped#compile
accepts) a bazel host to use, but because many methods are overwritten
specially for Angular compilation a better approach is to pass an old
bazel compiler host and siphon methods needed off of it before creating
a new host. This enables that.
PR Close#31381
after update to rules_nodejs 0.32.1, @types are no longer automatically discovered by ngc-wrapped (which uses parts of ts_library) so this test needed updating so that the types files it generates is added as an explicit dep
PR Close#31325
Brings in ts_library fixes required to get angular/angular building after 0.32.0:
typescript: exclude typescript lib declarations in node_module_library transitive_declarations
typescript: remove override of @bazel/tsetse (+1 squashed commit)
@npm//node_modules/foobar:foobar.js labels changed to @npm//:node_modules/foobar/foobar.js with fix for bazelbuild/rules_nodejs#802
also updates to rules_rass commit compatible with rules_nodejs 0.32.0
PR Close#31325
ctx.actions.declare_file now used in @angular/bazel ng_module rule as ctx.new_file is now deprecated. Fixes error:
File "ng_module.bzl", line 272, in _expected_outs
ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, ( ..."))
Use ctx.actions.declare_file instead of ctx.new_file.
Use --incompatible_new_actions_api=false to temporarily disable this check.
This can be worked around with incompatible_new_actions_api flag but may as well fix it proper so downstream doesn't require this flag due to this code.
Also, depset() is no longer iterable by default without a flag. This required fixing in a few spots in @angular/bazel.
fix: foo
PR Close#31325
Enable users to pass a custom Bazel CompilerHost to use for an Angular
compilation. This supports users who must override the TypeScript
compiler host.
PR Close#31341
These files have not been formatted properly, due to issues in the
`gulp format*` tasks. See previous commits (or #31295) for more details.
PR Close#31295
No longer uses docker in order to pull down the toolchain configs
for remote build execution. We don't need to make docker a prerequisite
for working on the Angular repository since we can leverage the checked-in
toolchain configurations from the `@bazel-toolchains` repository.
PR Close#31251
after update to rules_nodejs 0.32.1, @types are no longer automatically discovered by ngc-wrapped (which uses parts of ts_library) so this test needed updating so that the types files it generates is added as an explicit dep
PR Close#31019
Brings in ts_library fixes required to get angular/angular building after 0.32.0:
typescript: exclude typescript lib declarations in node_module_library transitive_declarations
typescript: remove override of @bazel/tsetse (+1 squashed commit)
@npm//node_modules/foobar:foobar.js labels changed to @npm//:node_modules/foobar/foobar.js with fix for bazelbuild/rules_nodejs#802
also updates to rules_rass commit compatible with rules_nodejs 0.32.0
PR Close#31019