Previously, the controlsErrors getter of ControlGroup and ControlArray returned the errors of their direct children. This was confusing because the result did not include the errors of nested children (ControlGroup -> ControlGroup -> Control). Making controlsErrors to include such errors would require inventing some custom serialization format, which applications would have to understand.
Since controlsErrors was just a convenience method, and it was causing confusing, we are removing it. If you want to get the errors of the whole form serialized into a single object, you can manually traverse the form and accumulate the errors. This way you have more control over how the errors are serialized.
All private exports from 'angular2/src/core/{directives,pipes,forms}' should be replaced with 'angular2/src/common/{directives,pipes,formis}'
Third party controls require a ControlValueAccessor to function with Angular Forms. Many of them, like Polymer's <paper-input>, behave like the <input> native element and thus can use the DefaultValueAccessor. Adding an ng-default-control attribute will now allow them to use that directive.
If the anchor element on which the "router-link" directive is present has a target
attribute other than "_self," the handler will not prevent default behavior of
the browser.
Ambient directives can be configured when bootstraping an application.
Ambient directives can be used in every component of the application without
needing to explicitly list them.
Previously, routes would be generated with a leading slash after the parens:
This fix removes the trailing slash when generating the URL, so now we have:
This change is not breaking because we still recognize both forms. We just normalize
without the slash.
Previously if the URL changed in `HashLocation` mode, the router would not pick up the change.
This adds a listener in `HashLocationStrategy` for `hashchange` events to fix the problem.
For exported, generated templates, declare with `final` so `dart2js`
knows they will never be reassigned.
For non-exported, generated change detector classes, prefix the
classname with `_` to mark them as internal.
- Changes the `alreadyChecked` flag of AbstractChangeDetector to a new `state` flag.
- Changes all checks of alreadyChecked to check that the state is NeverChecked.
- Set state to Errored if an error is thrown during detection.
- Skip change detection for a detector and its children when the state is Errored.
- Add a test to validate this fixes issue #4323.
Refactor EventEmitter and Async Facade to match ES7 Observable semantics, properly use RxJS typedefs, make EventEmitter inherit from RxJS Subject. Closes#4149.
- consumers of EventEmitter no longer need to call .toRx()
- EventEmitter is now generic and requires a type - e.g. `EventEmitter<string>`
- EventEmitter and Observable now use the `.subscribe(generatorOrNext, error, complete)` method instead of `.observer(generator)`
- ObservableWrapper uses `callNext/callError/callComplete` instead of `callNext/callThrow/callReturn`
We used to use different external css parsers,
depending on the `DomAdapter`. This lead to
inconsistent behavior and environment specific errors.