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Setup Anatomy
Inside the local development environment for SystemJS.
The documentation [setup](guide/setup) procedures install a _lot_ of files.
Most of them can be safely ignored.
Application files _inside the_ **`src/`** and **`e2e/`** folders matter most to developers.
Files _outside_ those folders condition the development environment.
They rarely change and you may never view or modify them.
If you do, this page can help you understand their purpose.
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Angular application files go here.
Ships with the "Hello Angular" sample's
`AppComponent`, `AppModule`, a component unit test (`app.component.spec.ts`), and
the bootstrap file, `main.ts`.
Try the <live-example name="setup">sample application</live-example>
and the <live-example name="setup" plnkr="quickstart-specs">unit test</live-example>
as _live examples_.
_End-to-end_ (e2e) tests of the application,
written in Jasmine and run by the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
e2e test runner.
Initialized with an e2e test for the "Hello Angular" sample.
The _npm_ packages installed with the `npm install` command.
<code> .editorconfig<br>
.travis.yml </code>
Tooling configuration files and folders.
Ignore them until you have a compelling reason to do otherwise.
The history of changes to the _QuickStart_ repository.
Delete or ignore.
The application icon that appears in the browser tab.
The application host page.
It loads a few essential scripts in a prescribed order.
Then it boots the application, placing the root `AppComponent`
in the custom `<my-app>` body tag.
The same `index.html` satisfies all documentation application samples.
Configuration for the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
test runner described in the [Testing](guide/testing) guide.
Script to run <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
with SystemJS as described in the [Testing](guide/testing) guide.
A list of files that you can delete if you want to purge your setup of the
original QuickStart Seed testing and git maintainence artifacts.
See instructions in the optional
[_Deleting non-essential files_](guide/setup) section.
*Do this only in the beginning to avoid accidentally deleting your own tests and git setup!*
The open source MIT license to use this setup code in your application.
Identifies `npm `package dependencies for the project.
Contains command scripts for running the application,
running tests, and more. Enter `npm run` for a listing.
<a href=""
target="_blank" title="npm scripts for Angular documentation samples">Read more</a> about them.
Configuration for the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
_end-to-end_ (e2e) test runner.
Instruction for using this git repository in your project.
Worth reading before deleting.
Global styles for the application. Initialized with an `<h1>` style for the QuickStart demo.
Tells the **SystemJS** module loader where to find modules
referenced in JavaScript `import` statements. For example:
<code-example language="ts">
import { Component } from '@angular/core;
Don't touch this file unless you are fully versed in SystemJS configuration.
Optional extra SystemJS configuration.
A way to add SystemJS mappings, such as for appliation _barrels_,
without changing the original `system.config.js`.
Tells the TypeScript compiler how to transpile TypeScript source files
into JavaScript files that run in all modern browsers.
The `npm` installed TypeScript linter inspects your TypeScript code
and complains when you violate one of its rules.
This file defines linting rules favored by the
[Angular style guide](guide/style-guide) and by the authors of the documentation.