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Browser configuration and versioning for testing of Angular

Within the Angular organization, we use Chrome and Firefox to perform most of the local testing, and rely on Sauce Labs and BrowserStack to do cross-browser testing on our CI.

The version of Chrome used in tests within this monorepo is configured and controlled via Bazel and puppeteer. We manually keep the configuration of these two tools in sync to create a consistent testing environment across unit, e2e, and integration tests.


Bazel karma_web_test_suite and protractor_web_test_suite targets will use Chromium or Firefox provisioned by //dev-infra/browsers. The version of Chrome and Firefox are specified in the chromium.bzl and firefox.bzl files in /dev-infra/browsers.

The process of updating the Chrome or Firefox version is not straightforward, but below are dedicated sections for each browser.

Updating Chromium

  1. Visit and note the version (commit position) of the latest stable version.

For example, "Google Chrome 83.0.4103.97 (756066) • Wednesday, 3 Jun 2020". Alternatively, you can look in

  1. Find the closest commit position number available for each platform in chromium-browser-snapshots:

    For example:

    You can download Chromium for your local platform and double check that the --version matches up with what you expect.

    For example:

    $ ~/Downloads/chrome-mac/ --version
    Chromium 83.0.4103.0
  2. Update the chrome & chrome driver build numbers in dev-infra/browsers/chromium/chromium.bzl and run either run bazel query @org_chromium_chromium_amd64//... to prompt Bazel to calculate the new sha256 for each platform binary or determine the new sha256 values manually.

    Here is an example with curl & shasum:

    curl | shasum -a 256


Visit to determine which version of puppeteer corresponds to the version of Chrome desired. Then update scripts/puppeteer-chrome-versions.js and all of the puppeteer versions throughout the repo,

  • package.json
  • aio/package.json
  • aio/tools/examples/shared/package.json

and their corresponding yarn.lock files.


In order to update Firefox, open the dev-infra/browsers/firefox/firefox.bzl file and update the repository URLs to the desired version. e.g.

    name = "org_mozilla_firefox_amd64",
    licenses = ["reciprocal"],  # MPL 2.0
    sha256 = "bde6e020556a21561e4b8d7aaecf8db7077951f179b98ca5d0305435bc6802c9",
    # Firefox v78.0
    urls = [""],

Go to the urls property and update the URL by replacing all 78.0 occurrences with the version you intend to use. Once done, do the same change for other platforms (such as macos).

Finally, update the sha256checksum of the browser archives. You can do this by downloading the artifacts from the URLs you just updated, and then running on those files: sha256 <path>.