Peter Bacon Darwin ab40fcb068 docs(aio): fix relative links
The migrator was updated to automatically fix these links.
See fca5fb0280
and 3927b7a038

The result of this is that, going forward, we should ask
authors to include the path from the base href to the thing
being linked. E.g. guide/architecture#intro
2017-03-13 16:56:23 -07:00

223 lines
5.2 KiB

Setup for local development
Install the Angular QuickStart seed for faster, more efficient development on your machine.
{@a develop-locally}
## Setup a local development environment
<span if-docs="ts">
The <live-example name=quickstart>QuickStart live-coding</live-example> example is an Angular _playground_.
It's not where you'd develop a real application.
You [should develop locally](guide/setup#why-locally "Why develop locally") on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.
Setting up a new project on your machine is quick and easy with the **QuickStart seed**,
maintained [on github](guide/!{_qsRepo} "Install the github QuickStart repo").
Make sure you have [!{_prereq} installed](guide/setup#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?").
Then ...
1. Create a project folder (you can call it `quickstart` and rename it later).
1. [Clone](guide/setup#clone "Clone it from github") or [download](guide/setup#download "download it from github") the **QuickStart seed** into your project folder.
1. !{_Install} [!{_npm}](guide/setup#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?") packages.
1. Run `!{_npm} !{_start}` to launch the sample application.
{@a clone}
### Clone
Perform the _clone-to-launch_ steps with these terminal commands.
<code-example language="sh" class="code-shell">
git clone .git quickstart
cd quickstart
~~~ {}
`npm start` fails in _Bash for Windows_ which does not support networking to servers as of January, 2017.
{@a download}
### Download
<a href="!{_qsRepoZip}" title="Download the QuickStart seed repository">Download the QuickStart seed</a>
and unzip it into your project folder. Then perform the remaining steps with these terminal commands.
<code-example language="sh" class="code-shell">
cd quickstart
~~~ {}
`npm start` fails in _Bash for Windows_ which does not support networking to servers as of January, 2017.
{@a non-essential}
## Delete _non-essential_ files (optional)
You can quickly delete the _non-essential_ files that concern testing and QuickStart repository maintenance
(***including all git-related artifacts*** such as the `.git` folder and `.gitignore`!).
~~~ {}
Do this only in the beginning to avoid accidentally deleting your own tests and git setup!
Open a terminal window in the project folder and enter the following commands for your environment:
### OS/X (bash)
<code-example language="sh" class="code-shell">
xargs rm -rf &lt; non-essential-files.osx.txt
rm src/app/*.spec*.ts
rm non-essential-files.osx.txt
### Windows
<code-example language="sh" class="code-shell">
for /f %i in (non-essential-files.txt) do del %i /F /S /Q
rd .git /s /q
rd e2e /s /q
{@a seed}
## What's in the QuickStart seed?
All guides and cookbooks have _at least these core files_.
Each file has a distinct purpose and evolves independently as the application grows.
Files outside `src/` concern building, deploying, and testing your app.
They include configuration files and external dependencies.
Files inside `src/` "belong" to your app.
Add new Typescript, HTML and CSS files inside the `src/` directory, most of them inside `src/app`,
unless told to do otherwise.
The following are all in `src/`
td, th {vertical-align: top}
<table width="100%">
<col width="20%">
<col width="80%">
Defines the same `AppComponent` as the one in the QuickStart !{_playground}.
It is the **root** component of what will become a tree of nested components
as the application evolves.
<tr if-docs="ts">
Defines `AppModule`, the [root module](guide/appmodule) that tells Angular how to assemble the application.
Right now it declares only the `AppComponent`.
Soon there will be more components to declare.
Compiles the application with the [JIT compiler](glossary) and
the application's main module (`AppModule`) to run in the browser.
The JIT compiler is a reasonable choice during the development of most projects and
it's the only viable choice for a sample running in a _live-coding_ environment like Plunker.
You'll learn about alternative compiling and [deployment](guide/deployment) options later in the documentation.
### Next Step
If you're new to Angular, we recommend staying on the [learning path](guide/learning-angular).
{@a install-prerequisites}
## Appendix: !{_prereq}