2017-03-13 10:30:49 -07:00

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Image config - Environment variables

Below is a list of environment variables that can be configured when creating the docker image (as described here). An up-to-date list of the configurable environment variables and their default values can be found in the Dockerfile.

Note: Each variable has a TEST_ prefixed counterpart, which is used for testing purposes. In most cases you don't need to specify values for those.

  • AIO_BUILDS_DIR: The directory (inside the container) where the uploaded build artifacts are kept.

  • AIO_DOMAIN_NAME: The domain name of the server.

  • AIO_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION: The GitHub organization whose teams arew whitelisted for accepting uploads. See also AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS.

  • AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS: A comma-separated list of teams, whose authors are allowed to upload PRs. See also AIO_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION.

  • AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME: The internal hostname for accessing the nginx server. This is mostly used for performing a periodic health-check.

  • AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP: The port number on which nginx listens for HTTP connections. This should be mapped to the corresponding port on the host VM (as described here).

  • AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS: The port number on which nginx listens for HTTPS connections. This should be mapped to the corresponding port on the host VM (as described here).

  • AIO_REPO_SLUG: The repository slug (in the form <user>/<repo>) for which PRs will be uploaded.

  • AIO_UPLOAD_HOSTNAME: The internal hostname for accessing the Node.js upload-server. This is used by nginx for delegating upload requests and also for performing a periodic health-check.

  • AIO_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE: The maximum allowed size for the uploaded gzip archive containing the build artifacts. Files larger than this will be rejected.

  • AIO_UPLOAD_PORT: The port number on which the Node.js upload-server listens for HTTP connections. This is used by nginx for delegating upload requests and also for performing a periodic health-check.