Tim Blasi ccb306cce7 docs(di): Fix typos, add some clarification.
Or maybe expose my lack of understanding, we'll see!
2015-02-27 14:54:16 -08:00

10 KiB


The DI module/library is a port of di.js (+ the best parts of di.dart) to ES6+A.

Core Abstractions

The library is built on top of the following core abstractions: Injector, Binding, and Dependency.

  • An injector resolves dependencies and creates objects.
  • A binding maps a token to a factory function and a list of dependencies. So a binding defines how to create an object. A binding can be synchronous or asynchronous.
  • A dependency points to a token and contains extra information on how the object corresponding to that token should be injected.
   |          |                 |*
[Token]    [FactoryFn]     [Dependency]
                               |         |
                            [Token]   [Flags]

Key and Token

Any object can be a token. For performance reasons, however, DI does not deal with tokens directly, and, instead, wraps every token into a Key. See the section on "Key" to learn more.


class Engine {

class Car {
	constructor(@Inject(Engine) engine) {

var inj = new Injector([
var car = inj.get(Car);

In this example we create two bindings: one for Car and one for Engine. @Inject(Engine) declares that Car depends on Engine.


An injector instantiates objects lazily, only when needed, and then caches them.


var car = inj.get(Car); //instantiates both an Engine and a Car


var engine = inj.get(Engine); //instantiates an Engine
var car = inj.get(Car); //instantiates a Car

and with

var car = inj.get(Car); //instantiates both an Engine and a Car
var engine = inj.get(Engine); //reads the Engine from the cache

To avoid bugs make sure the registered objects have side-effect-free constructors. If it is the case, an injector acts like a hash map with all of the registered objects created at once.

Child Injector

Injectors are hierarchical.

var child = injector.createChild([

var car = child.get(Car); // uses the Car binding from the parent injector and Engine from the child injector


You can bind to a class, a value, or a factory. It is also possible to alias existing bindings.

var inj = new Injector([

var inj = new Injector([
	Car,  // syntax sugar for bind(Car).toClass(Car)

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(Car).toValue(new Car(new Engine()))

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(Car).toFactory((e) => new Car(e), [Engine]),
	bind(Engine).toFactory(() => new Engine())

You can bind any token.

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(Car).toFactory((e) => new Car(), ["engine!"]),

If you want to alias an existing binding, you can do so using toAlias:

var inj = new Injector([

which implies inj.get(Engine) === inj.get("engine!").

Note that tokens and factory functions are decoupled.

bind("some token").toFactory(someFactory);

The someFactory function does not have to know that it creates an object for some token.

Default Bindings

Injector can create binding on the fly if we enable default bindings.

var inj = new Injector([], {defaultBindings: true});
var car = inj.get(Car); //this works as if `bind(Car).toClass(Car)` and `bind(Engine).toClass(Engine)` were present.

This can be useful in tests, but highly discouraged in production.


A dependency can be synchronous, asynchronous, or lazy.

class Car {
	constructor(@Inject(Engine) engine) {} // sync

class Car {
	constructor(engine:Engine) {} // syntax sugar for `constructor(@Inject(Engine) engine:Engine)`

class Car {
	constructor(@InjectPromise(Engine) engine:Promise) {} //async

class Car {
	constructor(@InjectLazy(Engine) engineFactory:Function) {} //lazy
  • The type annotation is used by DI only when no @Inject annotations are present.
  • InjectPromise tells DI to inject a promise (see the section on async for more information).
  • InjectLazy enables deferring the instantiation of a dependency by injecting a factory function.


Asynchronicity makes code hard to understand and unit test. DI provides two mechanisms to help with it: asynchronous bindings and asynchronous dependencies.

Suppose we have an object that requires some data from the server.

This is one way to implement it:

class UserList {
	loadUsers() {
		this.usersLoaded = fetchUsersUsingHttp();
		this.usersLoaded.then((users) => this.users = users);

class UserController {
		this.ul.usersLoaded.then((_) => someLogic(ul.users));

Both the UserList and UserController classes have to deal with asynchronicity. This is not ideal. UserList should only be responsible for dealing with the list of users (e.g., filtering). And UserController should make ui-related decisions based on the list. Neither should be aware of the fact that the list of users comes from the server. In addition, it clutters unit tests with dummy promises that we are forced to provide.

The DI library supports asynchronous bindings, which can be used to clean up UserList and UserController.

class UserList {
		this.users = users;

class UserController {

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(UserList).toAsyncFactory(() => fetchUsersUsingHttp().then((u) => new UserList(u))),

var uc:Promise = inj.asyncGet(UserController);

Both UserList, UserController are now async-free. As a result, they are easy to reason about and unit test. We pushed the async code to the edge of our system, where the initialization happens. The initialization code tends to be declarative and relatively simple. And it should be tested with integration tests, not unit tests.

Note that asynchronicity have not disappeared. We just pushed out it of services.

DI also supports asynchronous dependencies, so we can make some of our services responsible for dealing with async.

class UserList {
		this.users = users;

class UserController {
	constructor(@InjectPromise(UserList) ul:Promise){

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(UserList).toAsyncFactory(() => fetchUsersUsingHttp().then((u) => new UserList(u))),

var uc = inj.get(UserController);

We can get an instance of UserController synchronously. It is possible because we made UserController responsible for dealing with asynchronicity, so the initialization code does not have to.

Cheat Sheet

Sync Binding + Sync Dependency:

class UserList {

class UserController {

var inj = new Injector([UserList, UserController]);
var ctrl:UserController = inj.get(UserController);

Sync Binding + Async Dependency:

class UserList {

class UserController {
	constructor(@InjectPromise(UserList) ul){}

var inj = new Injector([UserList, UserController]);
var ctrl:UserController = inj.get(UserController);
// UserController responsible for dealing with asynchrony.

Async Binding + Sync Dependency:

class UserList {

class UserController {

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(UserList).toAsyncFactory(() => fetchUsersUsingHttp().then((u) => new UserList(u))),
var ctrlPromise:Promise = inj.asyncGet(UserController);
// Caller opts in to dealing with asynchrony.
ctrlPromise.then((ctrl) {
// No synchronous provider for UserList, results in a NoProviderError.
expect(() => inj.get(UserController)).toThrow(new NoProviderError(...));

Async Binding + Async Dependency:

class UserList {

class UserController {
	constructor(@InjectPromise(UserList) ul){}

var inj = new Injector([
	bind(UserList).toAsyncFactory(() => fetchUsersUsingHttp().then((u) => new UserList(u))),
var ctrl = inj.get(UserController);
// UserController responsible for dealing with asynchrony.

var ctrlPromise = inj.asyncGet(UserController);
ctrlPromise.then((ctrl) {
  // UserList still provided async.

Everything is Singleton

inj.get(MyClass) === inj.get(MyClass); //always holds

This holds even when we try to get the same token synchronously and asynchronously.

var p = inj.asyncGet(MyClass);
var mc = inj.get(MyClass);
p.then((mc2) => mc2 === mc); // always holds

Transient Dependencies

If we need a transient dependency, something that we want a new instance of every single time, we have two options.

We can create a child injector:

var child = inj.createChild([MyClass]);

Or we can register a factory function:

var inj = new Injector([
  bind('MyClassFactory').toFactory(dep => () => new MyClass(dep), [SomeDependency])

var factory = inj.get('MyClassFactory');
var instance1 = factory(), instance2 = factory();
// Depends on the implementation of MyClass, but generally holds.


Most of the time we do not have to deal with keys.

var inj = new Injector([
  bind(Engine).toFactory(() => new TurboEngine())  //the passed in token Engine gets mapped to a key
var engine = inj.get(Engine); //the passed in token Engine gets mapped to a key

Now, the same example, but with keys

var ENGINE_KEY = Key.get(Engine);

var inj = new Injector([
  bind(ENGINE_KEY).toFactory(() => new TurboEngine()) // no mapping
var engine = inj.get(ENGINE_KEY);  // no mapping

Every key has an id, which we utilize to store bindings and instances. Essentially, inj.get(ENGINE_KEY) is an array read, which is very fast.