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hadoop Hadoop-based ingestion Hadoop-based

Apache Hadoop-based batch ingestion in Apache Druid is supported via a Hadoop-ingestion task. These tasks can be posted to a running instance of a Druid Overlord. Please refer to our Hadoop-based vs. native batch comparison table for comparisons between Hadoop-based, native batch (simple), and native batch (parallel) ingestion.

To run a Hadoop-based ingestion task, write an ingestion spec as specified below. Then POST it to the /druid/indexer/v1/task endpoint on the Overlord, or use the bin/post-index-task script included with Druid.


This page contains reference documentation for Hadoop-based ingestion. For a walk-through instead, check out the Loading from Apache Hadoop tutorial.

Task syntax

A sample task is shown below:

  "type" : "index_hadoop",
  "spec" : {
    "dataSchema" : {
      "dataSource" : "wikipedia",
      "parser" : {
        "type" : "hadoopyString",
        "parseSpec" : {
          "format" : "json",
          "timestampSpec" : {
            "column" : "timestamp",
            "format" : "auto"
          "dimensionsSpec" : {
            "dimensions": ["page","language","user","unpatrolled","newPage","robot","anonymous","namespace","continent","country","region","city"],
            "dimensionExclusions" : [],
            "spatialDimensions" : []
      "metricsSpec" : [
          "type" : "count",
          "name" : "count"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "added",
          "fieldName" : "added"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "deleted",
          "fieldName" : "deleted"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "delta",
          "fieldName" : "delta"
      "granularitySpec" : {
        "type" : "uniform",
        "segmentGranularity" : "DAY",
        "queryGranularity" : "NONE",
        "intervals" : [ "2013-08-31/2013-09-01" ]
    "ioConfig" : {
      "type" : "hadoop",
      "inputSpec" : {
        "type" : "static",
        "paths" : "/MyDirectory/example/wikipedia_data.json"
    "tuningConfig" : {
      "type": "hadoop"
  "hadoopDependencyCoordinates": <my_hadoop_version>
property description required?
type The task type, this should always be "index_hadoop". yes
spec A Hadoop Index Spec. See Ingestion yes
hadoopDependencyCoordinates A JSON array of Hadoop dependency coordinates that Druid will use, this property will override the default Hadoop coordinates. Once specified, Druid will look for those Hadoop dependencies from the location specified by druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir no
classpathPrefix Classpath that will be prepended for the Peon process. no

Also note that Druid automatically computes the classpath for Hadoop job containers that run in the Hadoop cluster. But in case of conflicts between Hadoop and Druid's dependencies, you can manually specify the classpath by setting druid.extensions.hadoopContainerDruidClasspath property. See the extensions config in base druid configuration.


This field is required. See the dataSchema section of the main ingestion page for details on what it should contain.


This field is required.

Field Type Description Required
type String This should always be 'hadoop'. yes
inputSpec Object A specification of where to pull the data in from. See below. yes
segmentOutputPath String The path to dump segments into. Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. This field must be null otherwise.
metadataUpdateSpec Object A specification of how to update the metadata for the druid cluster these segments belong to. Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. This field must be null otherwise.


There are multiple types of inputSpecs:


A type of inputSpec where a static path to the data files is provided.

Field Type Description Required
inputFormat String Specifies the Hadoop InputFormat class to use. e.g. org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat no
paths Array of String A String of input paths indicating where the raw data is located. yes

For example, using the static input paths:

"paths" : "hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/data.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/moredata.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"

You can also read from cloud storage such as AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage. To do so, you need to install the necessary library under Druid's classpath in all MiddleManager or Indexer processes. For S3, you can run the below command to install the Hadoop AWS module.

java -classpath "${DRUID_HOME}lib/*" org.apache.druid.cli.Main tools pull-deps -h "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:${HADOOP_VERSION}";
cp ${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies/hadoop-aws/${HADOOP_VERSION}/hadoop-aws-${HADOOP_VERSION}.jar ${DRUID_HOME}/extensions/druid-hdfs-storage/

Once you install the Hadoop AWS module in all MiddleManager and Indexer processes, you can put your S3 paths in the inputSpec with the below job properties. For more configurations, see the Hadoop AWS module.

"paths" : "s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3A",
  "fs.s3a.access.key" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
  "fs.s3a.secret.key" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"

For Google Cloud Storage, you need to install GCS connector jar under ${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies in all MiddleManager or Indexer processes. Once you install the GCS Connector jar in all MiddleManager and Indexer processes, you can put your Google Cloud Storage paths in the inputSpec with the below job properties. For more configurations, see the instructions to configure Hadoop, GCS core default and GCS core template.

"paths" : "gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFS"


A type of inputSpec that expects data to be organized in directories according to datetime using the path format: y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX/M=XX/S=XX (where date is represented by lowercase and time is represented by uppercase).

Field Type Description Required
dataGranularity String Specifies the granularity to expect the data at, e.g. hour means to expect directories y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX. yes
inputFormat String Specifies the Hadoop InputFormat class to use. e.g. org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat no
inputPath String Base path to append the datetime path to. yes
filePattern String Pattern that files should match to be included. yes
pathFormat String Joda datetime format for each directory. Default value is "'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'H'=HH", or see Joda documentation no

For example, if the sample config were run with the interval 2012-06-01/2012-06-02, it would expect data at the paths:



This is a type of inputSpec that reads data already stored inside Druid. This is used to allow "re-indexing" data and for "delta-ingestion" described later in multi type inputSpec.

Field Type Description Required
type String. This should always be 'dataSource'. yes
ingestionSpec JSON object. Specification of Druid segments to be loaded. See below. yes
maxSplitSize Number Enables combining multiple segments into single Hadoop InputSplit according to size of segments. With -1, druid calculates max split size based on user specified number of map task(mapred.map.tasks or mapreduce.job.maps). By default, one split is made for one segment. maxSplitSize is specified in bytes. no
useNewAggs Boolean If "false", then list of aggregators in "metricsSpec" of hadoop indexing task must be same as that used in original indexing task while ingesting raw data. Default value is "false". This field can be set to "true" when "inputSpec" type is "dataSource" and not "multi" to enable arbitrary aggregators while reindexing. See below for "multi" type support for delta-ingestion. no

Here is what goes inside ingestionSpec:

Field Type Description Required
dataSource String Druid dataSource name from which you are loading the data. yes
intervals List A list of strings representing ISO-8601 Intervals. yes
segments List List of segments from which to read data from, by default it is obtained automatically. You can obtain list of segments to put here by making a POST query to Coordinator at url /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/segments?full with list of intervals specified in the request payload, e.g. ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]. You may want to provide this list manually in order to ensure that segments read are exactly same as they were at the time of task submission, task would fail if the list provided by the user does not match with state of database when the task actually runs. no
filter JSON See Filters no
dimensions Array of String Name of dimension columns to load. By default, the list will be constructed from parseSpec. If parseSpec does not have an explicit list of dimensions then all the dimension columns present in stored data will be read. no
metrics Array of String Name of metric columns to load. By default, the list will be constructed from the "name" of all the configured aggregators. no
ignoreWhenNoSegments boolean Whether to ignore this ingestionSpec if no segments were found. Default behavior is to throw error when no segments were found. no

For example

"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "dataSource",
    "ingestionSpec" : {
      "dataSource": "wikipedia",
      "intervals": ["2014-10-20T00:00:00Z/P2W"]


This is a composing inputSpec to combine other inputSpecs. This inputSpec is used for delta ingestion. You can also use a multi inputSpec to combine data from multiple dataSources. However, each particular dataSource can only be specified one time. Note that, "useNewAggs" must be set to default value false to support delta-ingestion.

Field Type Description Required
children Array of JSON objects List of JSON objects containing other inputSpecs. yes

For example:

"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "multi",
    "children": [
        "type" : "dataSource",
        "ingestionSpec" : {
          "dataSource": "wikipedia",
          "intervals": ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"],
          "segments": [
              "dataSource": "test1",
              "interval": "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000",
              "version": "v2",
              "loadSpec": {
                "type": "local",
                "path": "/tmp/index1.zip"
              "dimensions": "host",
              "metrics": "visited_sum,unique_hosts",
              "shardSpec": {
                "type": "none"
              "binaryVersion": 9,
              "size": 2,
              "identifier": "test1_2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_v2"
        "type" : "static",
        "paths": "/path/to/more/wikipedia/data/"

It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide list of segments in dataSource inputSpec explicitly so that your delta ingestion task is idempotent. You can obtain that list of segments by making following call to the Coordinator. POST /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full Request Body: [interval1, interval2,...] for example ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]


The tuningConfig is optional and default parameters will be used if no tuningConfig is specified.

Field Type Description Required
workingPath String The working path to use for intermediate results (results between Hadoop jobs). Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. The default is '/tmp/druid-indexing'. This field must be null otherwise.
version String The version of created segments. Ignored for HadoopIndexTask unless useExplicitVersion is set to true no (default == datetime that indexing starts at)
partitionsSpec Object A specification of how to partition each time bucket into segments. Absence of this property means no partitioning will occur. See partitionsSpec below. no (default == 'hashed')
maxRowsInMemory Integer The number of rows to aggregate before persisting. Note that this is the number of post-aggregation rows which may not be equal to the number of input events due to roll-up. This is used to manage the required JVM heap size. Normally user does not need to set this, but depending on the nature of data, if rows are short in terms of bytes, user may not want to store a million rows in memory and this value should be set. no (default == 1000000)
maxBytesInMemory Long The number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. Normally this is computed internally and user does not need to set it. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists). Note that maxBytesInMemory also includes heap usage of artifacts created from intermediary persists. This means that after every persist, the amount of maxBytesInMemory until next persist will decreases, and task will fail when the sum of bytes of all intermediary persisted artifacts exceeds maxBytesInMemory. no (default == One-sixth of max JVM memory)
leaveIntermediate Boolean Leave behind intermediate files (for debugging) in the workingPath when a job completes, whether it passes or fails. no (default == false)
cleanupOnFailure Boolean Clean up intermediate files when a job fails (unless leaveIntermediate is on). no (default == true)
overwriteFiles Boolean Override existing files found during indexing. no (default == false)
ignoreInvalidRows Boolean DEPRECATED. Ignore rows found to have problems. If false, any exception encountered during parsing will be thrown and will halt ingestion; if true, unparseable rows and fields will be skipped. If maxParseExceptions is defined, this property is ignored. no (default == false)
combineText Boolean Use CombineTextInputFormat to combine multiple files into a file split. This can speed up Hadoop jobs when processing a large number of small files. no (default == false)
useCombiner Boolean Use Hadoop combiner to merge rows at mapper if possible. no (default == false)
jobProperties Object A map of properties to add to the Hadoop job configuration, see below for details. no (default == null)
indexSpec Object Tune how data is indexed. See indexSpec on the main ingestion page for more information. no
indexSpecForIntermediatePersists Object defines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time for intermediate persisted temporary segments. this can be used to disable dimension/metric compression on intermediate segments to reduce memory required for final merging. however, disabling compression on intermediate segments might increase page cache use while they are used before getting merged into final segment published, see indexSpec for possible values. no (default = same as indexSpec)
numBackgroundPersistThreads Integer The number of new background threads to use for incremental persists. Using this feature causes a notable increase in memory pressure and CPU usage but will make the job finish more quickly. If changing from the default of 0 (use current thread for persists), we recommend setting it to 1. no (default == 0)
forceExtendableShardSpecs Boolean Forces use of extendable shardSpecs. Hash-based partitioning always uses an extendable shardSpec. For single-dimension partitioning, this option should be set to true to use an extendable shardSpec. For partitioning, please check Partitioning specification. This option can be useful when you need to append more data to existing dataSource. no (default = false)
useExplicitVersion Boolean Forces HadoopIndexTask to use version. no (default = false)
logParseExceptions Boolean If true, log an error message when a parsing exception occurs, containing information about the row where the error occurred. no(default = false)
maxParseExceptions Integer The maximum number of parse exceptions that can occur before the task halts ingestion and fails. Overrides ignoreInvalidRows if maxParseExceptions is defined. no(default = unlimited)
useYarnRMJobStatusFallback Boolean If the Hadoop jobs created by the indexing task are unable to retrieve their completion status from the JobHistory server, and this parameter is true, the indexing task will try to fetch the application status from http://<yarn-rm-address>/ws/v1/cluster/apps/<application-id>, where <yarn-rm-address> is the value of yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address in your Hadoop configuration. This flag is intended as a fallback for cases where an indexing task's jobs succeed, but the JobHistory server is unavailable, causing the indexing task to fail because it cannot determine the job statuses. no (default = true)
awaitSegmentAvailabilityTimeoutMillis Long Milliseconds to wait for the newly indexed segments to become available for query after ingestion completes. If <= 0, no wait will occur. If > 0, the task will wait for the Coordinator to indicate that the new segments are available for querying. If the timeout expires, the task will exit as successful, but the segments were not confirmed to have become available for query. no (default = 0)


   "tuningConfig" : {
     "type": "hadoop",
     "jobProperties": {
       "<hadoop-property-a>": "<value-a>",
       "<hadoop-property-b>": "<value-b>"

Hadoop's MapReduce documentation lists the possible configuration parameters.

With some Hadoop distributions, it may be necessary to set mapreduce.job.classpath or mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first to avoid class loading issues. See the working with different Hadoop versions documentation for more details.


Segments are always partitioned based on timestamp (according to the granularitySpec) and may be further partitioned in some other way depending on partition type. Druid supports two types of partitioning strategies: hashed (based on the hash of all dimensions in each row), and single_dim (based on ranges of a single dimension).

Hashed partitioning is recommended in most cases, as it will improve indexing performance and create more uniformly sized data segments relative to single-dimension partitioning.

Hash-based partitioning

  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "hashed",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000

Hashed partitioning works by first selecting a number of segments, and then partitioning rows across those segments according to the hash of all dimensions in each row. The number of segments is determined automatically based on the cardinality of the input set and a target partition size.

The configuration options are:

Field Description Required
type Type of partitionSpec to be used. "hashed"
targetRowsPerSegment Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. Defaults to 5000000 if numShards is not set. either this or numShards
targetPartitionSize Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. either this or numShards
maxRowsPerSegment Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. either this or numShards
numShards Specify the number of partitions directly, instead of a target partition size. Ingestion will run faster, since it can skip the step necessary to select a number of partitions automatically. either this or maxRowsPerSegment
partitionDimensions The dimensions to partition on. Leave blank to select all dimensions. Only used with numShards, will be ignored when targetRowsPerSegment is set. no
partitionFunction A function to compute hash of partition dimensions. See Hash partition function murmur3_32_abs
Hash partition function

In hash partitioning, the partition function is used to compute hash of partition dimensions. The partition dimension values are first serialized into a byte array as a whole, and then the partition function is applied to compute hash of the byte array. Druid currently supports only one partition function.

name description
murmur3_32_abs Applies an absolute value function to the result of murmur3_32.

Single-dimension range partitioning

  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "single_dim",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000

Single-dimension range partitioning works by first selecting a dimension to partition on, and then separating that dimension into contiguous ranges. Each segment will contain all rows with values of that dimension in that range. For example, your segments may be partitioned on the dimension "host" using the ranges "a.example.com" to "f.example.com" and "f.example.com" to "z.example.com". By default, the dimension to use is determined automatically, although you can override it with a specific dimension.

The configuration options are:

Field Description Required
type Type of partitionSpec to be used. "single_dim"
targetRowsPerSegment Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. yes
targetPartitionSize Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. no
maxRowsPerSegment Maximum number of rows to include in a partition. Defaults to 50% larger than the targetRowsPerSegment. no
maxPartitionSize Deprecated. Use maxRowsPerSegment instead. Maximum number of rows to include in a partition. Defaults to 50% larger than the targetPartitionSize. no
partitionDimension The dimension to partition on. Leave blank to select a dimension automatically. no
assumeGrouped Assume that input data has already been grouped on time and dimensions. Ingestion will run faster, but may choose sub-optimal partitions if this assumption is violated. no

Remote Hadoop clusters

If you have a remote Hadoop cluster, make sure to include the folder holding your configuration *.xml files in your Druid _common configuration folder.

If you are having dependency problems with your version of Hadoop and the version compiled with Druid, please see these docs.

Elastic MapReduce

If your cluster is running on Amazon Web Services, you can use Elastic MapReduce (EMR) to index data from S3. To do this:

  • Create a persistent, long-running cluster.
  • When creating your cluster, enter the following configuration. If you're using the wizard, this should be in advanced mode under "Edit software settings":
classification=yarn-site,properties=[mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=6144,mapreduce.reduce.java.opts=-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.map.java.opts=758,mapreduce.map.java.opts=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.task.timeout=1800000]

Kerberized Hadoop clusters

By default druid can use the existing TGT kerberos ticket available in local kerberos key cache. Although TGT ticket has a limited life cycle, therefore you need to call kinit command periodically to ensure validity of TGT ticket. To avoid this extra external cron job script calling kinit periodically, you can provide the principal name and keytab location and druid will do the authentication transparently at startup and job launching time.

Property Possible Values Description Default
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.principal druid@EXAMPLE.COM Principal user name empty
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.keytab /etc/security/keytabs/druid.headlessUser.keytab Path to keytab file empty

Loading from S3 with EMR

  • In the jobProperties field in the tuningConfig section of your Hadoop indexing task, add:
"jobProperties" : {
   "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "io.compression.codecs" : "org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec"

Note that this method uses Hadoop's built-in S3 filesystem rather than Amazon's EMRFS, and is not compatible with Amazon-specific features such as S3 encryption and consistent views. If you need to use these features, you will need to make the Amazon EMR Hadoop JARs available to Druid through one of the mechanisms described in the Using other Hadoop distributions section.

Using other Hadoop distributions

Druid works out of the box with many Hadoop distributions.

If you are having dependency conflicts between Druid and your version of Hadoop, you can try searching for a solution in the Druid user groups, or reading the Druid Different Hadoop Versions documentation.

Command line (non-task) version

To run:

java -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath lib/*:<hadoop_config_dir> org.apache.druid.cli.Main index hadoop <spec_file>


  • "--coordinate" - provide a version of Apache Hadoop to use. This property will override the default Hadoop coordinates. Once specified, Apache Druid will look for those Hadoop dependencies from the location specified by druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir.
  • "--no-default-hadoop" - don't pull down the default hadoop version

Spec file

The spec file needs to contain a JSON object where the contents are the same as the "spec" field in the Hadoop index task. See Hadoop Batch Ingestion for details on the spec format.

In addition, a metadataUpdateSpec and segmentOutputPath field needs to be added to the ioConfig:

      "ioConfig" : {
        "metadataUpdateSpec" : {
          "connectURI" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid",
          "password" : "diurd",
          "segmentTable" : "druid_segments",
          "user" : "druid"
        "segmentOutputPath" : "/MyDirectory/data/index/output"

and a workingPath field needs to be added to the tuningConfig:

  "tuningConfig" : {
    "workingPath": "/tmp",

Metadata Update Job Spec

This is a specification of the properties that tell the job how to update metadata such that the Druid cluster will see the output segments and load them.

Field Type Description Required
type String "metadata" is the only value available. yes
connectURI String A valid JDBC url to metadata storage. yes
user String Username for db. yes
password String password for db. yes
segmentTable String Table to use in DB. yes

These properties should parrot what you have configured for your Coordinator.

segmentOutputPath Config

Field Type Description Required
segmentOutputPath String the path to dump segments into. yes

workingPath Config

Field Type Description Required
workingPath String the working path to use for intermediate results (results between Hadoop jobs). no (default == '/tmp/druid-indexing')

Please note that the command line Hadoop indexer doesn't have the locking capabilities of the indexing service, so if you choose to use it, you have to take caution to not override segments created by real-time processing (if you that a real-time pipeline set up).

Hadoop 导入数据

Apache Hadoop-based batch ingestion in Apache Druid is supported via a Hadoop-ingestion task. These tasks can be posted to a running instance of a Druid Overlord. Please refer to our Hadoop-based vs. native batch comparison table for comparisons between Hadoop-based, native batch (simple), and native batch (parallel) ingestion.

To run a Hadoop-based ingestion task, write an ingestion spec as specified below. Then POST it to the /druid/indexer/v1/task endpoint on the Overlord, or use the bin/post-index-task script included with Druid.


This page contains reference documentation for Hadoop-based ingestion. For a walk-through instead, check out the Loading from Apache Hadoop tutorial.

Task syntax

A sample task is shown below:

  "type" : "index_hadoop",
  "spec" : {
    "dataSchema" : {
      "dataSource" : "wikipedia",
      "parser" : {
        "type" : "hadoopyString",
        "parseSpec" : {
          "format" : "json",
          "timestampSpec" : {
            "column" : "timestamp",
            "format" : "auto"
          "dimensionsSpec" : {
            "dimensions": ["page","language","user","unpatrolled","newPage","robot","anonymous","namespace","continent","country","region","city"],
            "dimensionExclusions" : [],
            "spatialDimensions" : []
      "metricsSpec" : [
          "type" : "count",
          "name" : "count"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "added",
          "fieldName" : "added"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "deleted",
          "fieldName" : "deleted"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "delta",
          "fieldName" : "delta"
      "granularitySpec" : {
        "type" : "uniform",
        "segmentGranularity" : "DAY",
        "queryGranularity" : "NONE",
        "intervals" : [ "2013-08-31/2013-09-01" ]
    "ioConfig" : {
      "type" : "hadoop",
      "inputSpec" : {
        "type" : "static",
        "paths" : "/MyDirectory/example/wikipedia_data.json"
    "tuningConfig" : {
      "type": "hadoop"
  "hadoopDependencyCoordinates": <my_hadoop_version>
property description required?
type The task type, this should always be "index_hadoop". yes
spec A Hadoop Index Spec. See Ingestion yes
hadoopDependencyCoordinates A JSON array of Hadoop dependency coordinates that Druid will use, this property will override the default Hadoop coordinates. Once specified, Druid will look for those Hadoop dependencies from the location specified by druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir no
classpathPrefix Classpath that will be prepended for the Peon process. no

Also note that Druid automatically computes the classpath for Hadoop job containers that run in the Hadoop cluster. But in case of conflicts between Hadoop and Druid's dependencies, you can manually specify the classpath by setting druid.extensions.hadoopContainerDruidClasspath property. See the extensions config in base druid configuration.


This field is required. See the dataSchema section of the main ingestion page for details on what it should contain.


This field is required.

Field Type Description Required
type String This should always be 'hadoop'. yes
inputSpec Object A specification of where to pull the data in from. See below. yes
segmentOutputPath String The path to dump segments into. Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. This field must be null otherwise.
metadataUpdateSpec Object A specification of how to update the metadata for the druid cluster these segments belong to. Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. This field must be null otherwise.


There are multiple types of inputSpecs:


A type of inputSpec where a static path to the data files is provided.

Field Type Description Required
inputFormat String Specifies the Hadoop InputFormat class to use. e.g. org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat no
paths Array of String A String of input paths indicating where the raw data is located. yes

For example, using the static input paths:

"paths" : "hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/data.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/moredata.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"

You can also read from cloud storage such as AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage. To do so, you need to install the necessary library under Druid's classpath in all MiddleManager or Indexer processes. For S3, you can run the below command to install the Hadoop AWS module.

java -classpath "${DRUID_HOME}lib/*" org.apache.druid.cli.Main tools pull-deps -h "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:${HADOOP_VERSION}";
cp ${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies/hadoop-aws/${HADOOP_VERSION}/hadoop-aws-${HADOOP_VERSION}.jar ${DRUID_HOME}/extensions/druid-hdfs-storage/

Once you install the Hadoop AWS module in all MiddleManager and Indexer processes, you can put your S3 paths in the inputSpec with the below job properties. For more configurations, see the Hadoop AWS module.

"paths" : "s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3A",
  "fs.s3a.access.key" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
  "fs.s3a.secret.key" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"

For Google Cloud Storage, you need to install GCS connector jar under ${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies in all MiddleManager or Indexer processes. Once you install the GCS Connector jar in all MiddleManager and Indexer processes, you can put your Google Cloud Storage paths in the inputSpec with the below job properties. For more configurations, see the instructions to configure Hadoop, GCS core default and GCS core template.

"paths" : "gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFS"


A type of inputSpec that expects data to be organized in directories according to datetime using the path format: y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX/M=XX/S=XX (where date is represented by lowercase and time is represented by uppercase).

Field Type Description Required
dataGranularity String Specifies the granularity to expect the data at, e.g. hour means to expect directories y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX. yes
inputFormat String Specifies the Hadoop InputFormat class to use. e.g. org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat no
inputPath String Base path to append the datetime path to. yes
filePattern String Pattern that files should match to be included. yes
pathFormat String Joda datetime format for each directory. Default value is "'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'H'=HH", or see Joda documentation no

For example, if the sample config were run with the interval 2012-06-01/2012-06-02, it would expect data at the paths:



This is a type of inputSpec that reads data already stored inside Druid. This is used to allow "re-indexing" data and for "delta-ingestion" described later in multi type inputSpec.

Field Type Description Required
type String. This should always be 'dataSource'. yes
ingestionSpec JSON object. Specification of Druid segments to be loaded. See below. yes
maxSplitSize Number Enables combining multiple segments into single Hadoop InputSplit according to size of segments. With -1, druid calculates max split size based on user specified number of map task(mapred.map.tasks or mapreduce.job.maps). By default, one split is made for one segment. maxSplitSize is specified in bytes. no
useNewAggs Boolean If "false", then list of aggregators in "metricsSpec" of hadoop indexing task must be same as that used in original indexing task while ingesting raw data. Default value is "false". This field can be set to "true" when "inputSpec" type is "dataSource" and not "multi" to enable arbitrary aggregators while reindexing. See below for "multi" type support for delta-ingestion. no

Here is what goes inside ingestionSpec:

Field Type Description Required
dataSource String Druid dataSource name from which you are loading the data. yes
intervals List A list of strings representing ISO-8601 Intervals. yes
segments List List of segments from which to read data from, by default it is obtained automatically. You can obtain list of segments to put here by making a POST query to Coordinator at url /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/segments?full with list of intervals specified in the request payload, e.g. ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]. You may want to provide this list manually in order to ensure that segments read are exactly same as they were at the time of task submission, task would fail if the list provided by the user does not match with state of database when the task actually runs. no
filter JSON See Filters no
dimensions Array of String Name of dimension columns to load. By default, the list will be constructed from parseSpec. If parseSpec does not have an explicit list of dimensions then all the dimension columns present in stored data will be read. no
metrics Array of String Name of metric columns to load. By default, the list will be constructed from the "name" of all the configured aggregators. no
ignoreWhenNoSegments boolean Whether to ignore this ingestionSpec if no segments were found. Default behavior is to throw error when no segments were found. no

For example

"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "dataSource",
    "ingestionSpec" : {
      "dataSource": "wikipedia",
      "intervals": ["2014-10-20T00:00:00Z/P2W"]


This is a composing inputSpec to combine other inputSpecs. This inputSpec is used for delta ingestion. You can also use a multi inputSpec to combine data from multiple dataSources. However, each particular dataSource can only be specified one time. Note that, "useNewAggs" must be set to default value false to support delta-ingestion.

Field Type Description Required
children Array of JSON objects List of JSON objects containing other inputSpecs. yes

For example:

"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "multi",
    "children": [
        "type" : "dataSource",
        "ingestionSpec" : {
          "dataSource": "wikipedia",
          "intervals": ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"],
          "segments": [
              "dataSource": "test1",
              "interval": "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000",
              "version": "v2",
              "loadSpec": {
                "type": "local",
                "path": "/tmp/index1.zip"
              "dimensions": "host",
              "metrics": "visited_sum,unique_hosts",
              "shardSpec": {
                "type": "none"
              "binaryVersion": 9,
              "size": 2,
              "identifier": "test1_2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_v2"
        "type" : "static",
        "paths": "/path/to/more/wikipedia/data/"

It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide list of segments in dataSource inputSpec explicitly so that your delta ingestion task is idempotent. You can obtain that list of segments by making following call to the Coordinator. POST /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full Request Body: [interval1, interval2,...] for example ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]


The tuningConfig is optional and default parameters will be used if no tuningConfig is specified.

Field Type Description Required
workingPath String The working path to use for intermediate results (results between Hadoop jobs). Only used by the Command-line Hadoop indexer. The default is '/tmp/druid-indexing'. This field must be null otherwise.
version String The version of created segments. Ignored for HadoopIndexTask unless useExplicitVersion is set to true no (default == datetime that indexing starts at)
partitionsSpec Object A specification of how to partition each time bucket into segments. Absence of this property means no partitioning will occur. See partitionsSpec below. no (default == 'hashed')
maxRowsInMemory Integer The number of rows to aggregate before persisting. Note that this is the number of post-aggregation rows which may not be equal to the number of input events due to roll-up. This is used to manage the required JVM heap size. Normally user does not need to set this, but depending on the nature of data, if rows are short in terms of bytes, user may not want to store a million rows in memory and this value should be set. no (default == 1000000)
maxBytesInMemory Long The number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. Normally this is computed internally and user does not need to set it. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists). Note that maxBytesInMemory also includes heap usage of artifacts created from intermediary persists. This means that after every persist, the amount of maxBytesInMemory until next persist will decreases, and task will fail when the sum of bytes of all intermediary persisted artifacts exceeds maxBytesInMemory. no (default == One-sixth of max JVM memory)
leaveIntermediate Boolean Leave behind intermediate files (for debugging) in the workingPath when a job completes, whether it passes or fails. no (default == false)
cleanupOnFailure Boolean Clean up intermediate files when a job fails (unless leaveIntermediate is on). no (default == true)
overwriteFiles Boolean Override existing files found during indexing. no (default == false)
ignoreInvalidRows Boolean DEPRECATED. Ignore rows found to have problems. If false, any exception encountered during parsing will be thrown and will halt ingestion; if true, unparseable rows and fields will be skipped. If maxParseExceptions is defined, this property is ignored. no (default == false)
combineText Boolean Use CombineTextInputFormat to combine multiple files into a file split. This can speed up Hadoop jobs when processing a large number of small files. no (default == false)
useCombiner Boolean Use Hadoop combiner to merge rows at mapper if possible. no (default == false)
jobProperties Object A map of properties to add to the Hadoop job configuration, see below for details. no (default == null)
indexSpec Object Tune how data is indexed. See indexSpec on the main ingestion page for more information. no
indexSpecForIntermediatePersists Object defines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time for intermediate persisted temporary segments. this can be used to disable dimension/metric compression on intermediate segments to reduce memory required for final merging. however, disabling compression on intermediate segments might increase page cache use while they are used before getting merged into final segment published, see indexSpec for possible values. no (default = same as indexSpec)
numBackgroundPersistThreads Integer The number of new background threads to use for incremental persists. Using this feature causes a notable increase in memory pressure and CPU usage but will make the job finish more quickly. If changing from the default of 0 (use current thread for persists), we recommend setting it to 1. no (default == 0)
forceExtendableShardSpecs Boolean Forces use of extendable shardSpecs. Hash-based partitioning always uses an extendable shardSpec. For single-dimension partitioning, this option should be set to true to use an extendable shardSpec. For partitioning, please check Partitioning specification. This option can be useful when you need to append more data to existing dataSource. no (default = false)
useExplicitVersion Boolean Forces HadoopIndexTask to use version. no (default = false)
logParseExceptions Boolean If true, log an error message when a parsing exception occurs, containing information about the row where the error occurred. no(default = false)
maxParseExceptions Integer The maximum number of parse exceptions that can occur before the task halts ingestion and fails. Overrides ignoreInvalidRows if maxParseExceptions is defined. no(default = unlimited)
useYarnRMJobStatusFallback Boolean If the Hadoop jobs created by the indexing task are unable to retrieve their completion status from the JobHistory server, and this parameter is true, the indexing task will try to fetch the application status from http://<yarn-rm-address>/ws/v1/cluster/apps/<application-id>, where <yarn-rm-address> is the value of yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address in your Hadoop configuration. This flag is intended as a fallback for cases where an indexing task's jobs succeed, but the JobHistory server is unavailable, causing the indexing task to fail because it cannot determine the job statuses. no (default = true)
awaitSegmentAvailabilityTimeoutMillis Long Milliseconds to wait for the newly indexed segments to become available for query after ingestion completes. If <= 0, no wait will occur. If > 0, the task will wait for the Coordinator to indicate that the new segments are available for querying. If the timeout expires, the task will exit as successful, but the segments were not confirmed to have become available for query. no (default = 0)


   "tuningConfig" : {
     "type": "hadoop",
     "jobProperties": {
       "<hadoop-property-a>": "<value-a>",
       "<hadoop-property-b>": "<value-b>"

Hadoop's MapReduce documentation lists the possible configuration parameters.

With some Hadoop distributions, it may be necessary to set mapreduce.job.classpath or mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first to avoid class loading issues. See the working with different Hadoop versions documentation for more details.


Segments are always partitioned based on timestamp (according to the granularitySpec) and may be further partitioned in some other way depending on partition type. Druid supports two types of partitioning strategies: hashed (based on the hash of all dimensions in each row), and single_dim (based on ranges of a single dimension).

Hashed partitioning is recommended in most cases, as it will improve indexing performance and create more uniformly sized data segments relative to single-dimension partitioning.

Hash-based partitioning

  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "hashed",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000

Hashed partitioning works by first selecting a number of segments, and then partitioning rows across those segments according to the hash of all dimensions in each row. The number of segments is determined automatically based on the cardinality of the input set and a target partition size.

The configuration options are:

Field Description Required
type Type of partitionSpec to be used. "hashed"
targetRowsPerSegment Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. Defaults to 5000000 if numShards is not set. either this or numShards
targetPartitionSize Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. either this or numShards
maxRowsPerSegment Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. either this or numShards
numShards Specify the number of partitions directly, instead of a target partition size. Ingestion will run faster, since it can skip the step necessary to select a number of partitions automatically. either this or maxRowsPerSegment
partitionDimensions The dimensions to partition on. Leave blank to select all dimensions. Only used with numShards, will be ignored when targetRowsPerSegment is set. no
partitionFunction A function to compute hash of partition dimensions. See Hash partition function murmur3_32_abs
Hash partition function

In hash partitioning, the partition function is used to compute hash of partition dimensions. The partition dimension values are first serialized into a byte array as a whole, and then the partition function is applied to compute hash of the byte array. Druid currently supports only one partition function.

name description
murmur3_32_abs Applies an absolute value function to the result of murmur3_32.

Single-dimension range partitioning

  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "single_dim",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000

Single-dimension range partitioning works by first selecting a dimension to partition on, and then separating that dimension into contiguous ranges. Each segment will contain all rows with values of that dimension in that range. For example, your segments may be partitioned on the dimension "host" using the ranges "a.example.com" to "f.example.com" and "f.example.com" to "z.example.com". By default, the dimension to use is determined automatically, although you can override it with a specific dimension.

The configuration options are:

Field Description Required
type Type of partitionSpec to be used. "single_dim"
targetRowsPerSegment Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. yes
targetPartitionSize Deprecated. Renamed to targetRowsPerSegment. Target number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB. no
maxRowsPerSegment Maximum number of rows to include in a partition. Defaults to 50% larger than the targetRowsPerSegment. no
maxPartitionSize Deprecated. Use maxRowsPerSegment instead. Maximum number of rows to include in a partition. Defaults to 50% larger than the targetPartitionSize. no
partitionDimension The dimension to partition on. Leave blank to select a dimension automatically. no
assumeGrouped Assume that input data has already been grouped on time and dimensions. Ingestion will run faster, but may choose sub-optimal partitions if this assumption is violated. no

Remote Hadoop clusters

If you have a remote Hadoop cluster, make sure to include the folder holding your configuration *.xml files in your Druid _common configuration folder.

If you are having dependency problems with your version of Hadoop and the version compiled with Druid, please see these docs.

Elastic MapReduce

If your cluster is running on Amazon Web Services, you can use Elastic MapReduce (EMR) to index data from S3. To do this:

  • Create a persistent, long-running cluster.
  • When creating your cluster, enter the following configuration. If you're using the wizard, this should be in advanced mode under "Edit software settings":
classification=yarn-site,properties=[mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=6144,mapreduce.reduce.java.opts=-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.map.java.opts=758,mapreduce.map.java.opts=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.task.timeout=1800000]

Kerberized Hadoop clusters

By default druid can use the existing TGT kerberos ticket available in local kerberos key cache. Although TGT ticket has a limited life cycle, therefore you need to call kinit command periodically to ensure validity of TGT ticket. To avoid this extra external cron job script calling kinit periodically, you can provide the principal name and keytab location and druid will do the authentication transparently at startup and job launching time.

Property Possible Values Description Default
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.principal druid@EXAMPLE.COM Principal user name empty
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.keytab /etc/security/keytabs/druid.headlessUser.keytab Path to keytab file empty

Loading from S3 with EMR

  • In the jobProperties field in the tuningConfig section of your Hadoop indexing task, add:
"jobProperties" : {
   "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "io.compression.codecs" : "org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec"

Note that this method uses Hadoop's built-in S3 filesystem rather than Amazon's EMRFS, and is not compatible with Amazon-specific features such as S3 encryption and consistent views. If you need to use these features, you will need to make the Amazon EMR Hadoop JARs available to Druid through one of the mechanisms described in the Using other Hadoop distributions section.

Using other Hadoop distributions

Druid works out of the box with many Hadoop distributions.

If you are having dependency conflicts between Druid and your version of Hadoop, you can try searching for a solution in the Druid user groups, or reading the Druid Different Hadoop Versions documentation.

Command line (non-task) version

To run:

java -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath lib/*:<hadoop_config_dir> org.apache.druid.cli.Main index hadoop <spec_file>


  • "--coordinate" - provide a version of Apache Hadoop to use. This property will override the default Hadoop coordinates. Once specified, Apache Druid will look for those Hadoop dependencies from the location specified by druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir.
  • "--no-default-hadoop" - don't pull down the default hadoop version

Spec file

The spec file needs to contain a JSON object where the contents are the same as the "spec" field in the Hadoop index task. See Hadoop Batch Ingestion for details on the spec format.

In addition, a metadataUpdateSpec and segmentOutputPath field needs to be added to the ioConfig:

      "ioConfig" : {
        "metadataUpdateSpec" : {
          "connectURI" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid",
          "password" : "diurd",
          "segmentTable" : "druid_segments",
          "user" : "druid"
        "segmentOutputPath" : "/MyDirectory/data/index/output"

and a workingPath field needs to be added to the tuningConfig:

  "tuningConfig" : {
    "workingPath": "/tmp",

Metadata Update Job Spec

This is a specification of the properties that tell the job how to update metadata such that the Druid cluster will see the output segments and load them.

Field Type Description Required
type String "metadata" is the only value available. yes
connectURI String A valid JDBC url to metadata storage. yes
user String Username for db. yes
password String password for db. yes
segmentTable String Table to use in DB. yes

These properties should parrot what you have configured for your Coordinator.

segmentOutputPath Config

Field Type Description Required
segmentOutputPath String the path to dump segments into. yes

workingPath Config

Field Type Description Required
workingPath String the working path to use for intermediate results (results between Hadoop jobs). no (default == '/tmp/druid-indexing')

Please note that the command line Hadoop indexer doesn't have the locking capabilities of the indexing service, so if you choose to use it, you have to take caution to not override segments created by real-time processing (if you that a real-time pipeline set up).


Apache Druid当前支持通过一个Hadoop摄取任务来支持基于Apache Hadoop的批量索引任务 这些任务被提交到 Druid Overlord的一个运行实例上。详情可以查看 基于Hadoop的摄取vs基于本地批摄取的对比 来了解基于Hadoop的摄取、本地简单批摄取、本地并行摄取三者的比较。

运行一个基于Hadoop的批量摄取任务首先需要编写一个如下的摄取规范 然后提交到Overlord的 druid/indexer/v1/task 接口或者使用Druid软件包中自带的 bin/post-index-task 脚本。


本章包括了基于Hadoop摄取的参考文档对于粗略的查看可以查看 从Hadoop加载数据 教程。



  "type" : "index_hadoop",
  "spec" : {
    "dataSchema" : {
      "dataSource" : "wikipedia",
      "parser" : {
        "type" : "hadoopyString",
        "parseSpec" : {
          "format" : "json",
          "timestampSpec" : {
            "column" : "timestamp",
            "format" : "auto"
          "dimensionsSpec" : {
            "dimensions": ["page","language","user","unpatrolled","newPage","robot","anonymous","namespace","continent","country","region","city"],
            "dimensionExclusions" : [],
            "spatialDimensions" : []
      "metricsSpec" : [
          "type" : "count",
          "name" : "count"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "added",
          "fieldName" : "added"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "deleted",
          "fieldName" : "deleted"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "delta",
          "fieldName" : "delta"
      "granularitySpec" : {
        "type" : "uniform",
        "segmentGranularity" : "DAY",
        "queryGranularity" : "NONE",
        "intervals" : [ "2013-08-31/2013-09-01" ]
    "ioConfig" : {
      "type" : "hadoop",
      "inputSpec" : {
        "type" : "static",
        "paths" : "/MyDirectory/example/wikipedia_data.json"
    "tuningConfig" : {
      "type": "hadoop"
  "hadoopDependencyCoordinates": <my_hadoop_version>
属性 描述 是否必须
type 任务类型,应该总是 index_hadoop
spec Hadoop索引任务规范。 详见 ingestion
hadoopDependencyCoordinates Druid使用的Hadoop依赖这些属性会覆盖默认的Hadoop依赖。 如果该值被指定Druid将在 druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir 目录下查找指定的Hadoop依赖
classpathPrefix 为Peon进程准备的类路径。

还要注意Druid会自动计算在Hadoop集群中运行的Hadoop作业容器的类路径。但是如果Hadoop和Druid的依赖项之间发生冲突可以通过设置 druid.extensions.hadoopContainerDruidClasspath属性。请参阅 基本druid配置中的扩展配置


该字段是必须的。 详情可以查看摄取页中的 dataSchema 部分来看它应该包括哪些部分。



字段 类型 描述 是否必须
type String 应该总是 hadoop
inputSpec Object 指定从哪里拉数据。详情见以下。
segmentOutputPath String 将段转储到的路径 仅仅在 命令行Hadoop索引 中使用, 否则该字段必须为null
metadataUpdateSpec Object 关于如何更新这些段所属的druid集群的元数据的规范 仅仅在 命令行Hadoop索引 中使用, 否则该字段必须为null




字段 类型 描述 是否必须
inputFormat String 指定要使用的Hadoop输入格式的类比如 org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat
paths String数组 标识原始数据位置的输入路径的字符串


"paths" : "hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/data.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/moredata.gz,hdfs://path/to/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"

也可以从云存储直接读取数据例如AWS S3或者谷歌云存储。 前提是需要首先的所有Druid MiddleManager进程或者Indexer进程的类路径下安装必要的依赖库。对于S3需要通过以下命令来安装 Hadoop AWS 模块

java -classpath "${DRUID_HOME}lib/*" org.apache.druid.cli.Main tools pull-deps -h "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:${HADOOP_VERSION}";
cp ${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies/hadoop-aws/${HADOOP_VERSION}/hadoop-aws-${HADOOP_VERSION}.jar ${DRUID_HOME}/extensions/druid-hdfs-storage/

一旦在所有的MiddleManager和Indexer进程中安装了Hadoop AWS模块即可将S3路径放到 inputSpec 中,同时需要有任务属性。 对于更多配置,可以查看 Hadoop AWS 模块

"paths" : "s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,s3a://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.s3a.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3A",
  "fs.s3a.access.key" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
  "fs.s3a.secret.key" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"

对于谷歌云存储,需要将 GCS connector jar 安装到所有MiddleManager或者Indexer进程${DRUID_HOME}/hadoop-dependencies。 一旦在所有的MiddleManager和Indexer进程中安装了GCS连接器jar包即可将谷歌云存储路径放到 inputSpec 中,同时需要有任务属性。对于更多配置,可以查看 instructions to configure Hadoop, GCS core defaultGCS core template.

"paths" : "gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/data.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/moredata.gz,gs://billy-bucket/the/data/is/here/evenmoredata.gz"
"jobProperties" : {
  "fs.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystem",
  "fs.AbstractFileSystem.gs.impl" : "com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFS"


一种inputSpec类型,该类型期望数据已经按照日期时间组织到对应的目录中,路径格式为: y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX/M=XX/S=XX (其中日期用小写表示,时间用大写表示)。

字段 类型 描述 是否必须
dataGranularity String 指定期望的数据粒度例如hour意味着期望的目录格式为 y=XXXX/m=XX/d=XX/H=XX
inputFormat String 指定要使用的Hadoop输入格式的类比如 org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat
inputPath String 要将日期时间路径附加到的基路径。
filePattern String 要包含的文件应匹配的模式
pathFormat String 每个目录的Joda datetime目录。 默认值为: "'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'H'=HH" ,详情可以看 Joda文档

例如, 如果示例配置具有 2012-06-01/2012-06-02 时间间隔,则数据期望的路径是:



一种inputSpec的类型, 该类型读取已经存储在Druid中的数据。 该类型被用来"re-indexing"(重新索引)数据和下边描述 multi 类型 inputSpec 的 "delta-ingestion"(增量摄取)。

字段 类型 描述 是否必须
type String 应该总是 dataSource
ingestionSpec JSON对象 要加载的Druid段的规范。详情见下边内容。
maxSplitSize Number 允许根据段的大小将多个段合并为单个Hadoop InputSplit。使用-1druid根据用户指定的映射任务数计算最大拆分大小(mapred.map.tasks 或者 mapreduce.job.maps). 默认情况下,对一个段进行一次拆分。maxSplitSize 以字节为单位指定。
useNewAggs Boolean 如果"false"则hadoop索引任务的"metricsSpec"中的聚合器列表必须与接收原始数据时在原始索引任务中使用的聚合器列表相同。默认值为"false"。当"inputSpec"类型为"dataSource"而不是"multi"时,可以将此字段设置为"true",以便在重新编制索引时启用任意聚合器。请参阅下面的"multi"类型增量摄取支持。


字段 类型 描述 是否必须
dataSource String Druid数据源名称从该数据源读取数据
intervals List ISO-8601时间间隔的字符串List
segments List 从中读取数据的段的列表默认情况下自动获取。您可以通过向Coordinator的接口 /druid/Coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/segments?full 进行POST查询来获取要放在这里的段列表。例如["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000""2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]. 您可能希望手动提供此列表,以确保读取的段与任务提交时的段完全相同,如果用户提供的列表与任务实际运行时的数据库状态不匹配,则任务将失败
filter JSON 查看 Filter
dimensions String数组 要加载的维度列的名称。默认情况下,列表将根据 parseSpec 构造。如果 parseSpec 没有维度的显式列表,则将读取存储数据中的所有维度列。
metrics String数组 要加载的Metric列的名称。默认情况下列表将根据所有已配置聚合器的"name"构造。
ignoreWhenNoSegments boolean 如果找不到段,是否忽略此 ingestionSpec。默认行为是在找不到段时引发错误。


"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "dataSource",
    "ingestionSpec" : {
      "dataSource": "wikipedia",
      "intervals": ["2014-10-20T00:00:00Z/P2W"]


这是一个组合类型的 inputSpec, 来组合其他 inputSpec。此inputSpec用于增量接收。您还可以使用一个 multi 类型的inputSpec组合来自多个数据源的数据。但是每个特定的数据源只能指定一次。注意"useNewAggs"必须设置为默认值false以支持增量摄取。

字段 类型 描述 是否必须
children JSON对象数组 一个JSON对象List里边包含了其他类型的inputSpec


"ioConfig" : {
  "type" : "hadoop",
  "inputSpec" : {
    "type" : "multi",
    "children": [
        "type" : "dataSource",
        "ingestionSpec" : {
          "dataSource": "wikipedia",
          "intervals": ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000", "2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"],
          "segments": [
              "dataSource": "test1",
              "interval": "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000",
              "version": "v2",
              "loadSpec": {
                "type": "local",
                "path": "/tmp/index1.zip"
              "dimensions": "host",
              "metrics": "visited_sum,unique_hosts",
              "shardSpec": {
                "type": "none"
              "binaryVersion": 9,
              "size": 2,
              "identifier": "test1_2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_v2"
        "type" : "static",
        "paths": "/path/to/more/wikipedia/data/"

强烈建议显式地在 dataSource 中的 inputSpec 中提供段列表以便增量摄取任务是幂等的。您可以通过对Coordinator进行以下调用来获取该段列表POST /druid/coordinator/v1/metadata/datasources/{dataSourceName}/segments?full, 请求体:[interval1interval2…] 例如["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000""2012-01-05T00:00:00.000/2012-01-07T00:00:00.000"]


tuningConfig 是一个可选项,如果未指定的话,则使用默认的参数。

字段 类型 描述 是否必须
workingPath String 用于存储中间结果Hadoop作业之间的结果的工作路径 该配置仅仅使用在 命令行Hadoop索引 ,默认值为: /tmp/druid-indexing, 否则该值必须设置为null
version String 创建的段的版本。 对于Hadoop索引任务一般是忽略的除非 useExplicitVersion 被设置为 true 否(默认为索引任务开始的时间)
partitionsSpec Object 指定如何将时间块内的分区为段。缺少此属性意味着不会发生分区。 详情可见 partitionsSpec 否(默认为 hashed
maxRowsInMemory Integer 在持久化之前在堆内存中聚合的行数。注意由于rollup操作该值是聚合后的行数可能不等于输入的行数。 该值常用来管理需要的JVM堆内存大小。通常情况下用户并不需要设置该值而是依赖数据自身。 如果数据是非常小的,用户希望在内存存储上百万行数据的话,则需要设置该值。 默认为1000000
maxBytesInMemory Long 在持久化之前在堆内存中聚合的字节数。通常这是在内部计算的,用户不需要设置它。此值表示在持久化之前要在堆内存中聚合的字节数。这是基于对内存使用量的粗略估计,而不是实际使用量。用于索引的最大堆内存使用量为 maxBytesInMemory *2 + maxPendingResistent 默认为最大JVM内存的1/6
leaveIntermediate Boolean 作业完成时,不管通过还是失败,都在工作路径中留下中间文件(用于调试)。 默认为false
cleanupOnFailure Boolean 当任务失败时清理中间文件(除非 leaveIntermediate 设置为true 默认为true
overwriteFiles Boolean 在索引过程中覆盖找到的现存文件 默认为false
ignoreInvalidRows Boolean 已废弃。忽略发现有问题的行。如果为false解析过程中遇到的任何异常都将引发并停止摄取如果为true将跳过不可解析的行和字段。如果定义了 maxParseExceptions,则忽略此属性。 默认为false
combineText Boolean 使用CombineTextInputFormat将多个文件合并为一个文件拆分。这可以在处理大量小文件时加快Hadoop作业的速度。 默认为false
useCombiner Boolean 如果可能的话使用Hadoop Combiner在mapper阶段合并行 默认为false
jobProperties Object 增加到Hadoop作业配置的属性map详情见下边。 默认为null
indexSpec Object 调整数据如何被索引。 详细信息可以见位于摄取页的 indexSpec
indexSpecForIntermediatePersists Object 定义要在索引时用于中间持久化临时段的段存储格式选项。这可用于禁用中间段上的dimension/metric压缩以减少最终合并所需的内存。但是在中间段上禁用压缩可能会增加页缓存的使用因为可能在它们被合并到发布的最终段之前使用它们有关可能的值请参阅 indexSpec 默认与indexSpec一样
numBackgroundPersistThreads Integer 用于增量持久化的新后台线程数。使用此功能会显著增加内存压力和CPU使用率但会使任务更快完成。如果从默认值0对持久性使用当前线程更改建议将其设置为1。 默认为0
forceExtendableShardSpecs Boolean 强制使用可扩展的shardSpec。基于哈希的分区总是使用可扩展的shardSpec。对于单维分区此选项应设置为true以使用可扩展shardSpec。对于分区请检查 分区规范 默认为false
useExplicitVersion Boolean 强制HadoopIndexTask使用version 默认为false
logParseExceptions Boolean 如果为true则在发生解析异常时记录错误消息其中包含有关发生错误的行的信息。 默认为false
maxParseExceptions Integer 任务停止接收并失败之前可能发生的最大分析异常数。如果设置了reportParseExceptions,则该配置被覆盖。 默认为unlimited
useYarnRMJobStatusFallback Boolean 如果索引任务创建的Hadoop作业无法从JobHistory服务器检索其完成状态并且此参数为true则索引任务将尝试从 http://<yarn rm address>/ws/v1/cluster/apps/<application id> 获取应用程序状态,其中 <yarn rm address> 是Hadoop配置中 yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address 的地址。此标志用于索引任务的作业成功但JobHistory服务器不可用的情况下的回退从而导致索引任务失败因为它无法确定作业状态。 默认为true
   "tuningConfig" : {
     "type": "hadoop",
     "jobProperties": {
       "<hadoop-property-a>": "<value-a>",
       "<hadoop-property-b>": "<value-b>"

Hadoop的 MapReduce文档 列出来了所有可能的配置参数。

在一些Hadoop分布式环境中可能需要设置 mapreduce.job.classpath 或者 mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first 来避免类加载相关的问题。 更多详细信息可以参见 使用不同Hadoop版本的文档


段总是基于时间戳进行分区(根据 granularitySpec并且可以根据分区类型以其他方式进一步分区。Druid支持两种类型的分区策略hashed基于每行中所有维度的hashsingle_dim(基于单个维度的范围)。


  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "hashed",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000



字段 描述 是否必须
type 使用的partitionsSpec的类型 "hashed"
targetRowsPerSegment 要包含在分区中的目标行数应为500MB~1GB段的数。如果未设置 numShards 则默认为5000000。 为该配置或者 numShards
targetPartitionSize 已弃用。重命名为targetRowsPerSegment。要包含在分区中的目标行数应为500MB~1GB段的数。 为该配置或者 numShards
maxRowsPerSegment 已弃用。重命名为targetRowsPerSegment。要包含在分区中的目标行数应为500MB~1GB段的数。 为该配置或者 numShards
numShards 直接指定分区数,而不是目标分区大小。摄取将运行得更快,因为它可以跳过自动选择多个分区所需的步骤。 为该配置或者 maxRowsPerSegment
partitionDimensions 要划分的维度。留空可选择所有维度。仅与numShard 一起使用,在设置 targetRowsPerSegment 时将被忽略。
  "partitionsSpec": {
     "type": "single_dim",
     "targetRowsPerSegment": 5000000

单一维度范围分区的工作原理是首先选择要分区的维度,然后将该维度分隔成连续的范围,每个段将包含该维度值在该范围内的所有行。例如,可以在维度"host"上对段进行分区,范围为"a.example.com"到"f.example.com"和"f.example.com"到"z.example.com"。 默认情况下,将自动确定要使用的维度,但可以使用特定维度替代它。


字段 描述 是否必须
type 使用的partitionsSpec的类型 "single_dim"
targetRowsPerSegment 要包含在分区中的目标行数应为500MB~1GB段的数。
targetPartitionSize 已弃用。重命名为targetRowsPerSegment。要包含在分区中的目标行数应为500MB~1GB段的数。
maxRowsPerSegment 要包含在分区中的最大行数。默认值为比targetRowsPerSegment 大50%。
maxPartitionSize 已弃用。请改用 maxRowsPerSegment。要包含在分区中的最大行数, 默认为比 targetPartitionSize 大50%。
partitionDimension 要分区的维度。留空可自动选择维度。
assumeGrouped 假设输入数据已经按时间和维度分组。摄取将运行得更快,但如果违反此假设,则可能会选择次优分区。


如果已经有了一个远程的Hadoop集群确保在Druid的 _common 配置目录中包含 *.xml 文件。

如果Hadoop与Druid的版本存在依赖等问题请查看 这些文档

Elastic MapReduce

如果集群运行在AWS上可以使用Elastic MapReduce(EMR)来从S3中索引数据。需要以下几步

  • 创建一个 持续运行的集群
  • 创建集群时,请输入以下配置。如果使用向导,则应在"编辑软件设置"下处于高级模式:
classification=yarn-site,properties=[mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=6144,mapreduce.reduce.java.opts=-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.map.java.opts=758,mapreduce.map.java.opts=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps,mapreduce.task.timeout=1800000]

Kerberized Hadoop集群

默认情况下druid可以使用本地kerberos密钥缓存中现有的TGT kerberos票证。虽然TGT票证的生命周期有限但您需要定期调用 kinit 命令以确保TGT票证的有效性。为了避免这个额外的外部cron作业脚本周期性地调用 kinit您可以提供主体名称和keytab位置druid将在启动和作业启动时透明地执行身份验证。

属性 可能的值
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.principal druid@EXAMPLE.COM
druid.hadoop.security.kerberos.keytab /etc/security/keytabs/druid.headlessUser.keytab


  • 在Hadoop索引任务中 tuningConfig 部分的 jobProperties 字段中添加一下内容:
"jobProperties" : {
   "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId" : "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey" : "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
   "fs.s3n.impl" : "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.NativeS3FileSystem",
   "io.compression.codecs" : "org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DefaultCodec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec,org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec"

注意此方法使用Hadoop的内置S3文件系统而不是Amazon的EMRFS并且与Amazon的特定功能如S3加密和一致视图不兼容。如果您需要使用这些特性那么您将需要通过 其他Hadoop发行版 一节中描述的机制之一使Amazon EMR Hadoop JARs对Druid可用。



如果Druid与您当前使用的Hadoop版本发生依赖冲突时您可以尝试在 Druid用户组 中搜索解决方案, 或者阅读 Druid不同版本Hadoop文档



java -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath lib/*:<hadoop_config_dir> org.apache.druid.cli.Main index hadoop <spec_file>


  • "--coordinate" - 提供要使用的Apache Hadoop版本。此属性将覆盖默认的Hadoop。一旦指定Apache Druid将从 druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir 位置寻找Hadoop依赖。
  • "--no-default-hadoop" - 不要下拉默认的hadoop版本


spec文件需要包含一个JSON对象其中的内容与Hadoop索引任务中的"spec"字段相同。有关规范格式的详细信息,请参见 Hadoop批处理摄取

另外, metadataUpdateSpecsegmentOutputPath 字段需要被添加到ioConfig中

      "ioConfig" : {
        "metadataUpdateSpec" : {
          "connectURI" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid",
          "password" : "druid",
          "segmentTable" : "druid_segments",
          "user" : "druid"
        "segmentOutputPath" : "/MyDirectory/data/index/output"

同时, workingPath 字段需要被添加到tuningConfig

  "tuningConfig" : {
    "workingPath": "/tmp",

Metadata Update Job Spec


字段 类型 描述 是否必须
type String "metadata"是唯一可用的值
connectURI String 连接元数据存储的可用的JDBC
user String DB的用户名
password String DB的密码
segmentTable String DB中使用的表

这些属性应该模仿您为 Coordinator 配置的内容。


字段 类型 描述 是否必须
segmentOutputPath String 将段转储到的路径


字段 类型 描述 是否必须
workingPath String 用于中间结果Hadoop作业之间的结果的工作路径。 否(默认为 /tmp/druid-indexing

请注意命令行Hadoop indexer不具备索引服务的锁定功能因此如果选择使用它则必须注意不要覆盖由实时处理创建的段如果设置了实时管道