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Batch Ingestion

If you are trying to batch load historical data but no events are being loaded, make sure the interval of your ingestion spec actually encapsulates the interval of your data. Events outside this interval are dropped.

Druid ingested my events but I they are not in my query results

If the number of ingested events seem correct, make sure your query is correctly formed. If you included a count aggregator in your ingestion spec, you will need to query for the results of this aggregate with a longSum aggregator. Issuing a query with a count aggregator will count the number of Druid rows, which includes roll-up.

What types of data does Druid support?

Druid can ingest JSON, CSV, TSV and other delimited data out of the box. Druid supports single dimension values, or multiple dimension values (an array of strings). Druid supports long, float, and double numeric columns.

Where do my Druid segments end up after ingestion?

Depending on what druid.storage.type is set to, Druid will upload segments to some Deep Storage. Local disk is used as the default deep storage.

My stream ingest is not handing segments off

First, make sure there are no exceptions in the logs of the ingestion process. Also make sure that druid.storage.type is set to a deep storage that isn't local if you are running a distributed cluster.

Other common reasons that hand-off fails are as follows:

  1. Druid is unable to write to the metadata storage. Make sure your configurations are correct.

  2. Historical processes are out of capacity and cannot download any more segments. You'll see exceptions in the Coordinator logs if this occurs and the Coordinator console will show the Historicals are near capacity.

  3. Segments are corrupt and cannot be downloaded. You'll see exceptions in your Historical processes if this occurs.

  4. Deep storage is improperly configured. Make sure that your segment actually exists in deep storage and that the Coordinator logs have no errors.

How do I get HDFS to work?

Make sure to include the druid-hdfs-storage and all the hadoop configuration, dependencies (that can be obtained by running command hadoop classpath on a machine where hadoop has been setup) in the classpath. And, provide necessary HDFS settings as described in deep storage .

How do I know when I can make query to Druid after submitting batch ingestion task?

You can verify if segments created by a recent ingestion task are loaded onto historicals and available for querying using the following workflow.

  1. Submit your ingestion task.
  2. Repeatedly poll the Overlord's tasks API ( /druid/indexer/v1/task/{taskId}/status) until your task is shown to be successfully completed.
  3. Poll the Segment Loading by Datasource API (/druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/loadstatus) with forceMetadataRefresh=true and interval=<INTERVAL_OF_INGESTED_DATA> once. (Note: forceMetadataRefresh=true refreshes Coordinator's metadata cache of all datasources. This can be a heavy operation in terms of the load on the metadata store but is necessary to make sure that we verify all the latest segments' load status) If there are segments not yet loaded, continue to step 4, otherwise you can now query the data.
  4. Repeatedly poll the Segment Loading by Datasource API (/druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/{dataSourceName}/loadstatus) with forceMetadataRefresh=false and interval=<INTERVAL_OF_INGESTED_DATA>. Continue polling until all segments are loaded. Once all segments are loaded you can now query the data. Note that this workflow only guarantees that the segments are available at the time of the Segment Loading by Datasource API call. Segments can still become missing because of historical process failures or any other reasons afterward.

I don't see my Druid segments on my Historical processes

You can check the Coordinator console located at <COORDINATOR_IP>:<PORT>. Make sure that your segments have actually loaded on Historical processes. If your segments are not present, check the Coordinator logs for messages about capacity of replication errors. One reason that segments are not downloaded is because Historical processes have maxSizes that are too small, making them incapable of downloading more data. You can change that with (for example):


My queries are returning empty results

You can use a segment metadata query for the dimensions and metrics that have been created for your datasource. Make sure that the name of the aggregators you use in your query match one of these metrics. Also make sure that the query interval you specify match a valid time range where data exists.

How can I Reindex existing data in Druid with schema changes?

You can use DruidInputSource with the Parallel task to ingest existing druid segments using a new schema and change the name, dimensions, metrics, rollup, etc. of the segment. See DruidInputSource for more details. Or, if you use hadoop based ingestion, then you can use "dataSource" input spec to do reindexing.

See the Update existing data section of the data management page for more details.

How can I change the query granularity of existing data in Druid?

In a lot of situations you may want coarser granularity for older data. Example, any data older than 1 month has only hour level granularity but newer data has minute level granularity. This use case is same as re-indexing.

To do this use the DruidInputSource and run a Parallel task. The DruidInputSource will allow you to take in existing segments from Druid and aggregate them and feed them back into Druid. It will also allow you to filter the data in those segments while feeding it back in. This means if there are rows you want to delete, you can just filter them away during re-ingestion. Typically the above will be run as a batch job to say everyday feed in a chunk of data and aggregate it. Or, if you use hadoop based ingestion, then you can use "dataSource" input spec to do reindexing.

See the Update existing data section of the data management page for more details.

You can also change the query granularity using compaction. See Query granularity handling.

Real-time ingestion seems to be stuck

There are a few ways this can occur. Druid will throttle ingestion to prevent out of memory problems if the intermediate persists are taking too long or if hand-off is taking too long. If your process logs indicate certain columns are taking a very long time to build (for example, if your segment granularity is hourly, but creating a single column takes 30 minutes), you should re-evaluate your configuration or scale up your real-time ingestion.

More information

Data ingestion for Druid can be difficult for first time users. Please don't hesitate to ask questions in the Druid Forum.



最常见的原因是事件被摄取是在Druid的窗口时段 windowPeriod 范围之外。Druid实时摄取只接受当前时间的可配置窗口时段内的事件。您可以通过查看包含 ingest/events/* 日志行的实时进程日志来验证这是什么情况。这些z指标将标识接收、拒绝的事件等。







Druid会拒绝时间窗口之外的事件 确认事件是否被拒绝了的最佳方式是查看 Druid摄取指标

如果摄取的事件数似乎正确,请确保查询的格式正确。如果在摄取规范中包含 count 聚合器,则需要使用 longSum 聚合器查询此聚合的结果。使用count聚合器发出查询将计算Druid行的数量包括 rollup


段的存储位置由 druid.storage.type 配置决定的Druid会将段上传到 深度存储。 本地磁盘是默认的深度存储位置。


首先,确保摄取过程的日志中没有异常,如果运行的是分布式集群,还要确保 druid.storage.type 被设置为非本地的深度存储。


  1. Druid无法写入元数据存储确保您的配置正确
  2. Historical进程容量不足无法再下载任何段。如果发生这种情况您将在Coordinator日志中看到异常Coordinator控制台将显示历史记录接近容量
  3. 段已损坏无法下载。如果发生这种情况您将在Historical进程中看到异常
  4. 深度存储配置不正确。确保您的段实际存在于深度存储中并且Coordinator日志没有错误


确保在类路径中包含 druid-hdfs-storage 和所有的hadoop配置、依赖项可以通过在安装了hadoop的计算机上运行 hadoop classpath命令获得。并且提供必要的HDFS设置深度存储 中所述。


您可以查看位于 <Coordinator_IP>:<PORT> 的Coordinator控制台, 确保您的段实际上已加载到 Historical进程中。如果段不存在请检查Coordinator日志中有关复制错误容量的消息。不下载段的一个原因是Historical进程的 maxSize 太小,使它们无法下载更多数据。您可以使用(例如)更改它:



您可以对为数据源创建的dimension和metric使用段 元数据查询。确保您在查询中使用的聚合器的名称与这些metric之一匹配还要确保指定的查询间隔与存在数据的有效时间范围匹配。


您可以将 DruidInputSource并行任务 一起使用以使用新schema摄取现有的druid段并更改该段的name、dimensions、metrics、rollup等。有关详细信息请参阅 DruidInputSource。或者如果使用基于hadoop的摄取那么可以使用"dataSource"输入规范来重新编制索引。

有关详细信息,请参阅 数据管理 页的 更新现有数据 部分。



为此,使用 DruidInputSource 并运行一个 并行任务DruidInputSource 将允许你从Druid中获取现有的段并将它们聚合并反馈给Druid。它还允许您在反馈数据时过滤这些段中的数据这意味着如果有要删除的行可以在重新摄取期间将它们过滤掉。通常上面的操作将作为一个批处理作业运行即每天输入一大块数据并对其进行聚合。或者如果使用基于hadoop的摄取那么可以使用"dataSource"输入规范来重新编制索引。

有关详细信息,请参阅 数据管理 页的 更新现有数据 部分。




对于第一次使用Druid的用户来说将数据输入Druid是非常困难的。请不要犹豫在我们的IRC频道或在我们的 google群组 页面上提问。