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aliyun-oss Aliyun OSS

To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to include aliyun-oss-extensions extension.

Deep Storage

Aliyun is the 3rd largest cloud infrastructure provider in the world. It provides its own storage solution known as OSS, Object Storage Service.

To use aliyun OSS as deep storage, first config as below

Property Description Possible Values Default
druid.oss.accessKey the AccessKey ID of your account which can be used to access the bucket Must be set.
druid.oss.secretKey the AccessKey Secret of your account which can be used to access the bucket Must be set.
druid.oss.endpoint the endpoint url of your OSS storage Must be set.

if you want to use OSS as deep storage, use the configurations below

Property Description Possible Values Default
druid.storage.type Global deep storage provider. Must be set to oss to make use of this extension. oss Must be set.
druid.storage.oss.bucket storage bucket name. Must be set.
druid.storage.oss.prefix a prefix string prepended to the file names for the segments published to aliyun OSS deep storage druid/segments

To save index logs to OSS, apply the configurations below:

Property Description Possible Values Default
druid.indexer.logs.type Global deep storage provider. Must be set to oss to make use of this extension. oss Must be set.
druid.indexer.logs.oss.bucket the bucket used to keep logs Must be set.
druid.indexer.logs.oss.prefix a prefix string prepended to the log files.