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id: druid-pac4j
title: "Druid pac4j based Security extension"
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Apache Druid Extension to enable [OpenID Connect](https://openid.net/connect/) based Authentication for Druid Processes using [pac4j](https://github.com/pac4j/pac4j) as the underlying client library.
This can be used with any authentication server that supports same e.g. [Okta](https://developer.okta.com/).
This extension should only be used at the router node to enable a group of users in existing authentication server to interact with Druid cluster, using the [Web Console](../../operations/druid-console.html). This extension does not support JDBC client authentication.
## Configuration
### Creating an Authenticator
### Properties
|`druid.auth.pac4j.cookiePassphrase`|passphrase for encrypting the cookies used to manage authentication session with browser. It can be provided as plaintext string or The [Password Provider](../../operations/password-provider.md).|none|Yes|
|`druid.auth.pac4j.readTimeout`|Socket connect and read timeout duration used when communicating with authentication server|PT5S|No|
|`druid.auth.pac4j.enableCustomSslContext`|Whether to use custom SSLContext setup via [simple-client-sslcontext](simple-client-sslcontext.md) extension which must be added to extensions list when this property is set to true.|false|No|
|`druid.auth.pac4j.oidc.clientID`|OAuth Client Application id.|none|Yes|
|`druid.auth.pac4j.oidc.clientSecret`|OAuth Client Application secret. It can be provided as plaintext string or The [Password Provider](../../operations/password-provider.md).|none|Yes|
|`druid.auth.pac4j.oidc.discoveryURI`|discovery URI for fetching OP metadata [see this](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html).|none|Yes|