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sqlserver Microsoft SQLServer

To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to include sqlserver-metadata-storage as an extension.

Setting up SQLServer

  1. Install Microsoft SQLServer

  2. Create a druid database and user

Create the druid user

  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Security - Logins - New Login...
  • Create a druid user, enter diurd when prompted for the password.

Create a druid database owned by the user we just created

  • Databases - New Database
  • Database Name: druid, Owner: druid
  1. Add the Microsoft JDBC library to the Druid classpath
  • To ensure the com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver class is loaded you will have to add the appropriate Microsoft JDBC library (sqljdbc*.jar) to the Druid classpath.
  • For instance, if all jar files in your "druid/lib" directory are automatically added to your Druid classpath, then manually download the Microsoft JDBC drivers from ( https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=11774) and drop it into my druid/lib directory.
  1. Configure your Druid metadata storage extension:

Add the following parameters to your Druid configuration, replacing <host> with the location (host name and port) of the database.
