* "An Intro to Hibernate Entity Lifecycle"
"An Intro to Hibernate Entity Lifecycle"
by Rudi
* Revision from Predrag's feedback
* Another revision from Predrag's feedback
* Another feedback.
* * added examples for archaius introduction, with basic configuration, extra configurations, adn setting up an additional config source
* * fixed indentation in XML files
* [BAEL-2032] Operate on an item in a Stream then remove it
* [BAEL-2032] Refactored unit test
* [BAEL-2032] Added a new test for filter and used logger
* adding the required classes for binding example
* completed test class for AnimalActivityUnitTest static functions
* changes to example so that they don't seem to be a replica of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19017258/static-vs-dynamic-binding-in-java
* refactoring and removing unnecessary file
* revert changes to RegexUnitTest
* BAEL-1997 state design pattern in Java
* BAEL-1997 different example code
* BAEL-1997 add additional method to the states
* BAEL-1997 clean up in ReceivedState
* BAEL-8020 Fix surefire configs of spring-5 projects
-Removed surefire configurations from spring-5 projects
* BAEL-8020 Fix surefire configs of spring-5 projects
-Fixed surefire and junit configuration of spring-5-** projects
-Fixed mavensurefire plugin to execute JUnit5 tests BAEL-8125
* BAEL-8020 Fix sure fire configs in spring5 project
-Fixed dependency for junit-5
* BAEL-8020 Fix sure fire configs in spring5 project
-Fixed dependency for junit5-migration
* BAEL-8020 Fix surefire configs
-Updated maven war plugin to 3.0.0
* BAEL-8020 Fix surefire configs
-Upgraded surefire custom logger api version to 2.21.0 for all child projects
* BAEL-8020
-Deleted empty test SpringBootMvcApplicationTests.java in spring-boot-mvc.
-Renamed SpringBootMvcApplicationTests.java correct in spring-boot-vue
* BAEL-8020 Fix surfire configs
-Added junit vintage dependency to run junit4 tests
* BAEL-1861 Replaced real tests with demo test "placeholders"
* BAEL-1861 Moved code from new module into existing ones
* BAEL-1861 Renamed main() classes to not violate PMD rules