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## Libraries-4
This module contains articles about various Java libraries.
These are small libraries that are relatively easy to use and do not require any separate module of their own.
The code examples related to different libraries are each in their own module.
Remember, for advanced libraries like [Jackson](/jackson) and [JUnit](/testing-modules) we already have separate modules. Please make sure to have a look at the existing modules in such cases.
### Relevant articles
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- [DistinctBy in the Java Stream API](https://www.baeldung.com/java-streams-distinct-by)
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- [Introduction to MBassador](https://www.baeldung.com/mbassador)
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- [Analyze, Generate and Transform Code Using Spoon in Java](https://www.baeldung.com/java-spoon-analyze-generate-transform-code)
- More articles [[<-- prev]](/libraries-3) [[next -->]](/libraries-5)