- Moved jgroups, rabbitmq, spring-amqp, spring-apache-camel, spring-jms to messaging-modules - Moved twilio, twitter4j, strip to saas-modules - Renamed existing saas to jira-rest-integration
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Spring Apache Camel
This module contains articles about Spring with Apache Camel
Relevant Articles
- Apache Camel
- Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Introduction To Apache Camel
- Integration Patterns With Apache Camel
- Using Apache Camel with Spring
- Unmarshalling a JSON Array Using camel-jackson
Framework Versions:
- Spring 4.2.4
- Apache Camel 2.16.1
Build and Run Application
To build this application execute:
mvn clean install
To run this application you can either run our main class App from your IDE or you can execute following maven command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.baeldung.camel.main.App"