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## Spring Data Couchbase Tutorial Project
### Relevant Articles:
- [Spring Data Couchbase](http://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-couchbase)
### Overview
This Maven project contains the Java code for Spring Data Couchbase
entities, repositories, and template-based services
as described in the tutorial, as well as a unit test
for each service implementation.
### Working with the Code
The project was developed and tested using Java 7 nad 8 in the Eclipse-based
Spring Source Toolkit (STS) and therefore should run fine in any
recent version of Eclipse or another IDE of your choice
that supports Java 7 or later.
### Building the Project
You can also build the project using Maven outside of any IDE:
mvn clean install
### Running the tests
There are three test classes in src/test/java in the package
- PersonServiceTest (abstract)
- PersonRepositoryTest (concrete)
- PersonTemplateServiceTest (concrete)
The latter two may be run as JUnit tests from your IDE
or using the Maven command line:
mvn test