* Nashorn * Nashorn x2 * Nashorn added trailing newlines * Cleanup * Formatted script lines * Change system outs to asserts * Change Nashorn to be Junit tests * Remove empty test
Core Java Cookbooks and Examples
Relevant Articles:
- Immutable ArrayList in Java
- Java - Reading a Large File Efficiently
- Java InputStream to String
- Converting between an Array and a List in Java
- Converting between an Array and a Set in Java
- Converting between a List and a Set in Java
- Convert a Map to an Array, List or Set in Java
- Java – Write to File
- Java Scanner
- Java Timer
- Java – Byte Array to Writer
- How to Run a Shell Command in Java
- MD5 Hashing in Java
- Guide to the Java ArrayList
- Guide to Java Reflection
- A Guide to Java Sockets
- Java 8 Collectors
- Guide To CompletableFuture
- Guide to Java 8’s Functional Interfaces
- Convert char to String in Java
- Random List Element
- Convert String to int or Integer in Java
- Java 8 – Powerful Comparison with Lambdas
- Java – Directory Size
- Java – Try with Resources
- A Guide to the Java ExecutorService
- Java 8 New Features
- Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces: Tips and Best Practices
- The Double Colon Operator in Java 8
- Java 8 Streams Advanced
- Introduction to Thread Pools in Java
- Introduction to Java 8 Streams
- Guide to the Fork/Join Framework in Java
- How to Print Screen in Java
- How to Convert String to different data types in Java
- Introduction to Java Generics
- Generate equals() and hashCode() with Eclipse
- A Guide To Java Regular Expressions API
- Sorting in Java
- Getting Started with Java Properties
- Grep in Java
- Java - Combine Multiple Collections
- Simulated Annealing for Travelling Salesman Problem