
15 KiB

layout title parent nav_order
default Commands Piped processing language 4


Start a PPL query with a search command to reference a table to search from. You can have the commands that follow in any order.

In the following example, the search command refers to an accounts index as the source, then uses fields and where commands for the conditions:

search source=accounts
| where age > 18
| fields firstname, lastname

In the below examples, we represent required arguments in angle brackets < > and optional arguments in square brackets [ ]. {: .note }

Use the search command to retrieve a document from an index. You can only use the search command as the first command in the PPL query.


search source=<index> [boolean-expression]
Field Description Required
search Specify search keywords. Yes
index Specify which index to query from. No
bool-expression Specify an expression that evaluates to a boolean value. No

Example 1: Get all documents

To get all documents from the accounts index:

search source=accounts;
account_number firstname address balance gender city employer state age email lastname
1 Amber 880 Holmes Lane 39225 M Brogan Pyrami IL 32 Duke
6 Hattie 671 Bristol Street 5686 M Dante Netagy TN 36 Bond
13 Nanette 789 Madison Street 32838 F Nogal Quility VA 28 null Bates
18 Dale 467 Hutchinson Court 4180 M Orick null MD 33 Adams

Example 2: Get documents that match a condition

To get all documents from the accounts index that have either account_number equal to 1 or have gender as F:

search source=accounts account_number=1 or gender="F";
account_number firstname address balance gender city employer state age email lastname
1 Amber 880 Holmes Lane 39225 M Brogan Pyrami IL 32 Duke
13 Nanette 789 Madison Street 32838 F Nogal Quility VA 28 null Bates


The dedup (data deduplication) command removes duplicate documents defined by a field from the search result.


dedup [int] <field-list> [keepempty=<bool>] [consecutive=<bool>]
Field Description Type Required Default
int Retain the specified number of duplicate events for each combination. The number must be greater than 0. If you do not specify a number, only the first occurring event is kept and all other duplicates are removed from the results. string No 1
keepempty If true, keep the document if any field in the field list has a null value or a field missing. nested list of objects No False
consecutive If true, remove only consecutive events with duplicate combinations of values. No False -
field-list Specify a comma-delimited field list. At least one field is required. Yes - -

Example 1: Dedup by one field

To remove duplicate documents with the same gender:

search source=accounts | dedup gender | fields account_number, gender;
account_number gender
1 M
13 F

Example 2: Keep two duplicate documents

To keep two duplicate documents with the same gender:

search source=accounts | dedup 2 gender | fields account_number, gender;
account_number gender
1 M
6 M
13 F

Example 3: Keep or ignore an empty field by default

To keep two duplicate documents with a null field value:

search source=accounts | dedup email keepempty=true | fields account_number, email;
account_number email
13 null

To remove duplicate documents with the null field value:

search source=accounts | dedup email | fields account_number, email;
account_number email

Example 4: Dedup of consecutive documents

To remove duplicates of consecutive documents:

search source=accounts | dedup gender consecutive=true | fields account_number, gender;
account_number gender
1 M
13 F
18 M


The eval command evaluates an expression and appends its result to the search result.


eval <field>=<expression> ["," <field>=<expression> ]...
Field Description Required
field If a field name does not exist, a new field is added. If the field name already exists, it's overwritten. Yes
expression Specify any supported expression. Yes

Example 1: Create a new field

To create a new doubleAge field for each document. doubleAge is the result of age multiplied by 2:

search source=accounts | eval doubleAge = age * 2 | fields age, doubleAge;
age doubleAge
32 64
36 72
28 56
33 66

Example 2: Overwrite the existing field

To overwrite the age field with age plus 1:

search source=accounts | eval age = age + 1 | fields age;

Example 3: Create a new field with a field defined with the eval command

To create a new field ddAge. ddAge is the result of doubleAge multiplied by 2, where doubleAge is defined in the eval command:

search source=accounts | eval doubleAge = age * 2, ddAge = doubleAge * 2 | fields age, doubleAge, ddAge;

| age | doubleAge | ddAge :--- | :--- | | 32 | 64 | 128
| 36 | 72 | 144
| 28 | 56 | 112
| 33 | 66 | 132


Use the field command to keep or remove fields from a search result.


field [+|-] <field-list>
Field Description Required Default
index Plus (+) keeps only fields specified in the field list. Minus (-) removes all fields specified in the field list. No +
field list Specify a comma-delimited list of fields. Yes No default

Example 1: Select specified fields from result

To get account_number, firstname, and lastname fields from a search result:

search source=accounts | fields account_number, firstname, lastname;

| account_number | firstname | lastname
:--- | :--- | | 1 | Amber | Duke
| 6 | Hattie | Bond
| 13 | Nanette | Bates
| 18 | Dale | Adams

Example 2: Remove specified fields from a search result

To remove the account_number field from the search results:

search source=accounts | fields account_number, firstname, lastname | fields - account_number;
firstname lastname
Amber Duke
Hattie Bond
Nanette Bates
Dale Adams


Use the rename command to rename one or more fields in the search result.


rename <source-field> AS <target-field>["," <source-field> AS <target-field>]...
Field Description Required
source-field The name of the field that you want to rename. Yes
target-field The name you want to rename to. Yes

Example 1: Rename one field

Rename the account_number field as an:

search source=accounts | rename account_number as an | fields an;

Example 2: Rename multiple fields

Rename the account_number field as an and employer as emp:

search source=accounts | rename account_number as an, employer as emp | fields an, emp;
an emp
1 Pyrami
6 Netagy
13 Quility
18 null


Use the sort command to sort search results by a specified field.


sort [count] <[+|-] sort-field>...

Field | Description | Required | Default :--- | :--- |:--- count | The maximum number results to return from the sorted result. If count=0, all results are returned. | No | 1000 [+|-] | Use plus [+] to sort by ascending order and minus [-] to sort by descending order. | No | Ascending order sort-field | Specify the field that you want to sort by. | Yes | -

Example 1: Sort by one field

To sort all documents by the age field in ascending order:

search source=accounts | sort age | fields account_number, age;
account_number age
13 28
1 32
18 33
6 36

Example 2: Sort by one field and return all results

To sort all documents by the age field in ascending order and specify count as 0 to get back all results:

search source=accounts | sort 0 age | fields account_number, age;
account_number age
13 28
1 32
18 33
6 36

Example 3: Sort by one field in descending order

To sort all documents by the age field in descending order:

search source=accounts | sort - age | fields account_number, age;
account_number age
6 36
18 33
1 32
13 28

Example 4: Specify the number of sorted documents to return

To sort all documents by the age field in ascending order and specify count as 2 to get back two results:

search source=accounts | sort 2 age | fields account_number, age;
account_number age
13 28
1 32

Example 5: Sort by multiple fields

To sort all documents by the gender field in ascending order and age field in descending order:

search source=accounts | sort + gender, - age | fields account_number, gender, age;
account_number gender age
13 F 28
6 M 36
18 M 33
1 M 32


Use the stats command to aggregate from search results.

The following table lists the aggregation functions and also indicates how each one handles null or missing values:

COUNT Not counted Not counted
SUM Ignore Ignore
AVG Ignore Ignore
MAX Ignore Ignore
MIN Ignore Ignore


stats <aggregation>... [by-clause]...

Field | Description | Required | Default :--- | :--- |:--- aggregation | Specify a statistical aggregation function. The argument of this function must be a field. | Yes | 1000 by-clause | Specify one or more fields to group the results by. If not specified, the stats command returns only one row, which is the aggregation over the entire result set. | No | -

Example 1: Calculate the average value of a field

To calculate the average age of all documents:

search source=accounts | stats avg(age);

Example 2: Calculate the average value of a field by group

To calculate the average age grouped by gender:

search source=accounts | stats avg(age) by gender;
gender avg(age)
F 28.0
M 33.666666666666664

Example 3: Calculate the average and sum of a field by group

To calculate the average and sum of age grouped by gender:

search source=accounts | stats avg(age), sum(age) by gender;

| gender | avg(age) | sum(age) :--- | :--- | | F | 28 | 28
| M | 33.666666666666664 | 101

Example 4: Calculate the maximum value of a field

To calculate the maximum age:

search source=accounts | stats max(age);

Example 5: Calculate the maximum and minimum value of a field by group

To calculate the maximum and minimum age values grouped by gender:

search source=accounts | stats max(age), min(age) by gender;
gender min(age) max(age)
F 28 28
M 32 36


Use the where command with a bool expression to filter the search result. The where command only returns the result when the bool expression evaluates to true.


where <boolean-expression>
Field Description Required
bool-expression An expression that evaluates to a boolean value. No

Example 1: Filter result set with a condition

To get all documents from the accounts index where account_number is 1 or gender is F:

search source=accounts | where account_number=1 or gender="F" | fields account_number, gender;
account_number gender
1 M
13 F


Use the head command to return the first N number of results in a specified search order.


head [N]

Field | Description | Required | Default :--- | :--- |:--- N | Specify the number of results to return. | No | 10

Example 1: Get the first 10 results

To get the first 10 results:

search source=accounts | fields firstname, age | head;
firstname age
Amber 32
Hattie 36
Nanette 28

Example 2: Get the first N results

To get the first two results:

search source=accounts | fields firstname, age | head 2;
firstname age
Amber 32
Hattie 36


Use the rare command to find the least common values of all fields in a field list. A maximum of 10 results are returned for each distinct set of values of the group-by fields.


rare <field-list> [by-clause]
Field Description Required
field-list Specify a comma-delimited list of field names. No
by-clause Specify one or more fields to group the results by. No

Example 1: Find the least common values in a field

To find the least common values of gender:

search source=accounts | rare gender;

Example 2: Find the least common values grouped by gender

To find the least common age grouped by gender:

search source=accounts | rare age by gender;
gender age
F 28
M 32
M 33


Use the top command to find the most common values of all fields in the field list.


top [N] <field-list> [by-clause]
Field Description Default
N Specify the number of results to return. 10
field-list Specify a comma-delimited list of field names. -
by-clause Specify one or more fields to group the results by. -

Example 1: Find the most common values in a field

To find the most common genders:

search source=accounts | top gender;

Example 2: Find the most common value in a field

To find the most common gender:

search source=accounts | top 1 gender;

Example 2: Find the most common values grouped by gender

To find the most common age grouped by gender:

search source=accounts | top 1 age by gender;
gender age
F 28
M 32