kolchfa-aws 7992ec0196
Adds copy buttons to API and field type sections (#2518)
Signed-off-by: Fanit Kolchina <kolchfa@amazon.com>
2023-01-30 17:09:38 -05:00

57 lines
1.1 KiB

layout: default
title: CAT count
parent: CAT API
nav_order: 10
has_children: false
# CAT count
Introduced 1.0
{: .label .label-purple }
The CAT count operation lists the number of documents in your cluster.
## Example
GET _cat/count?v
{% include copy-curl.html %}
To see the number of documents in a specific index or alias, add the index or alias name after your query:
GET _cat/count/<index_or_alias>?v
{% include copy-curl.html %}
If you want to get information for more than one index or alias, separate the index or alias names with commas:
GET _cat/count/index_or_alias_1,index_or_alias_2,index_or_alias_3
{% include copy-curl.html %}
## Path and HTTP methods
GET _cat/count?v
GET _cat/count/<index>?v
## URL parameters
All CAT count URL parameters are optional. You can specify any of the [common URL parameters]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/api-reference/cat/index).
## Response
The following response shows the overall document count as 1625:
epoch | timestamp | count
1624237738 | 01:08:58 | 1625