2021-05-05 10:09:47 -07:00

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default Settings Anomaly detection 4


The anomaly detection plugin adds several settings to the standard OpenSearch cluster settings. They are dynamic, so you can change the default behavior of the plugin without restarting your cluster. You can mark them persistent or transient.

For example, to update the retention period of the result index:

PUT _cluster/settings
  "transient": {
    "opensearch.anomaly_detection.ad_result_history_retention_period": "5m"
Setting Default Description
opensearch.anomaly_detection.enabled True Whether the anomaly detection plugin is enabled or not. If disabled, all detectors immediately stop running.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_anomaly_detectors 1,000 The maximum number of non-high cardinality detectors (no category field) users can create.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_multi_entity_anomaly_detectors 10 The maximum number of high cardinality detectors (with category field) in a cluster.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_anomaly_features 5 The maximum number of features for a detector.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.ad_result_history_rollover_period 12h How often the rollover condition is checked. If true, the plugin rolls over the result index to a new index.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.ad_result_history_max_docs 250000000 The maximum number of documents in one result index. The plugin only counts refreshed documents in the primary shards.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.ad_result_history_retention_period 30d The maximum age of the result index. If its age exceeds the threshold, the plugin deletes the rolled over result index. If the cluster has only one result index, the plugin keeps it even if it's older than its configured retention period.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_entities_per_query 1,000 The maximum unique values per detection interval for high cardinality detectors. By default, if the category field has more than 1,000 unique values in a detector interval, the plugin selects the top 1,000 values and orders them by doc_count.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_entities_for_preview 30 The maximum unique category field values displayed with the preview operation for high cardinality detectors. If the category field has more than 30 unique values, the plugin selects the top 30 values and orders them by doc_count.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_primary_shards 10 The maximum number of primary shards an anomaly detection index can have.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.filter_by_backend_roles False When you enable the security plugin and set this to true, the plugin filters results based on the user's backend role(s).
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_cache_miss_handling_per_second 100 High cardinality detectors use a cache to store active models. In the event of a cache miss, the cache gets the models from the model checkpoint index. Use this setting to limit the rate of fetching models. Because the thread pool for a GET operation has a queue of 1,000, we recommend setting this value below 1,000.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_batch_task_per_node 2 Starting a historical detector triggers a batch task. This setting is the number of batch tasks that you can run per data node. You can tune this setting from 1 to 1000. If the data nodes can't support all batch tasks and if you're not sure if the data nodes are capable of running more historical detectors, add more data nodes instead of changing this setting to a higher value.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.max_old_ad_task_docs_per_detector 10 You can run the same historical detector many times. For each run, the anomaly detection plugin creates a new task. This setting is the number of previous tasks the plugin keeps. Set this value to at least 1 to track its last run. You can keep a maximum of 1,000 old tasks to avoid overwhelming the cluster.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.batch_task_piece_size 1000 The date range for a historical task is split into smaller pieces and the anomaly detection plugin runs the task piece by piece. Each piece contains 1,000 detection intervals by default. For example, if detector interval is 1 minute and one piece is 1000 minutes, the feature data is queried every 1,000 minutes. You can change this setting from 1 to 10,000.
opensearch.anomaly_detection.batch_task_piece_interval_seconds 5 Add a time interval between historical detector tasks. This interval prevents the task from consuming too much of the available resources and starving other operations like search and bulk index. You can change this setting from 1 to 600 seconds.