David Venable 72730e9d36 Added links to the gRPC reflection documents in Data Prepper.
Signed-off-by: David Venable <>
2021-10-15 16:54:56 -05:00

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default Configuration reference Trace analytics 25

Data Prepper configuration reference

This page lists all supported Data Prepper sources, buffers, preppers, and sinks, along with their associated options. For example configuration files, see Data Prepper.

Data Prepper server options

Option Required Description
ssl No Boolean, indicating whether TLS should be used for server APIs. Defaults to true.
keyStoreFilePath No String, path to a .jks or .p12 keystore file. Required if ssl is true.
keyStorePassword No String, password for keystore. Optional, defaults to empty string.
privateKeyPassword No String, password for private key within keystore. Optional, defaults to empty string.
serverPort No Integer, port number to use for server APIs. Defaults to 4900

General pipeline options

Option Required Description
workers No Integer, default 1. Essentially the number of application threads. As a starting point for your use case, try setting this value to the number of CPU cores on the machine.
delay No Integer (milliseconds), default 3,000. How long workers wait between buffer read attempts.


Sources define where your data comes from.


Source for the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Option Required Description
port No Integer, the port OTel trace source is running on. Default is 21890.
request_timeout No Integer, the request timeout in millis. Default is 10_000.
health_check_service No Boolean, enables a gRPC health check service under Default is false.
proto_reflection_service No Boolean, enables a reflection service for Protobuf services (see gRPC reflection and gRPC Server Reflection Tutorial docs). Default is false.
unframed_requests No Boolean, enable requests not framed using the gRPC wire protocol.
thread_count No Integer, the number of threads to keep in the ScheduledThreadPool. Default is 200.
max_connection_count No Integer, the maximum allowed number of open connections. Default is 500.
ssl No Boolean, enables connections to the OTel source port over TLS/SSL. Defaults to true.
sslKeyCertChainFile Conditionally String, file-system path or AWS S3 path to the security certificate (e.g. "config/demo-data-prepper.crt" or "s3://my-secrets-bucket/demo-data-prepper.crt"). Required if ssl is set to true.
sslKeyFile Conditionally String, file-system path or AWS S3 path to the security key (e.g. "config/demo-data-prepper.key" or "s3://my-secrets-bucket/demo-data-prepper.key"). Required if ssl is set to true.
useAcmCertForSSL No Boolean, enables TLS/SSL using certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default is false.
acmCertificateArn Conditionally String, represents the ACM certificate ARN. ACM certificate take preference over S3 or local file system certificate. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true.
awsRegion Conditionally String, represents the AWS region to use ACM or S3. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true or sslKeyCertChainFile and sslKeyFile are AWS S3 paths.


Source for flat file input.

Option Required Description
path Yes String, path to the input file (e.g. logs/my-log.log).


Source for reading from another pipeline.

Option Required Description
name Yes String, name of the pipeline to read from.


Source for console input. Can be useful for testing. No options.


Buffers store data as it passes through the pipeline. If you implement a custom buffer, it can be memory-based (better performance) or disk-based (larger).


The default buffer. Memory-based.

Option Required Description
buffer_size No Integer, default 512. The maximum number of records the buffer accepts.
batch_size No Integer, default 8. The maximum number of records the buffer drains after each read.


Preppers perform some action on your data: filter, transform, enrich, etc.


Converts OpenTelemetry data to OpenSearch-compatible JSON documents.

Option Required Description
root_span_flush_delay No Integer, representing the time interval in seconds to flush all the root spans in the prepper together with their descendants. Defaults to 30.
trace_flush_interval No Integer, representing the time interval in seconds to flush all the descendant spans without any root span. Defaults to 180.


Uses OpenTelemetry data to create a distributed service map for visualization in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Option Required Description
window_duration No Integer, representing the fixed time window in seconds to evaluate service-map relationships. Defaults to 180.


Forwards ExportTraceServiceRequests via gRPC to other Data Prepper instances. Required for operating Data Prepper in a clustered deployment.

Option Required Description
time_out No Integer, forwarded request timeout in seconds. Defaults to 3 seconds.
span_agg_count No Integer, batch size for number of spans per request. Defaults to 48.
target_port No Integer, the destination port to forward requests to. Defaults to 21890.
discovery_mode No String, peer discovery mode to be used. Allowable values are static, dns, and aws_cloud_map. Defaults to static.
static_endpoints No List, containing string endpoints of all Data Prepper instances.
domain_name No String, single domain name to query DNS against. Typically used by creating multiple DNS A Records for the same domain.
ssl No Boolean, indicating whether TLS should be used. Default is true.
awsCloudMapNamespaceName Conditionally String, name of your CloudMap Namespace. Required if discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.
awsCloudMapServiceName Conditionally String, service name within your CloudMap Namespace. Required if discovery_mode is set to aws_cloud_map.
sslKeyCertChainFile Conditionally String, represents the SSL certificate chain file path or AWS S3 path. S3 path example s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Required if ssl is set to true.
useAcmCertForSSL No Boolean, enables TLS/SSL using certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default is false.
awsRegion Conditionally String, represents the AWS region to use ACM, S3, or CloudMap. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true or sslKeyCertChainFile and sslKeyFile are AWS S3 paths.
acmCertificateArn Conditionally String represents the ACM certificate ARN. ACM certificate take preference over S3 or local file system certificate. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true.


Converts strings to uppercase or lowercase. Mostly useful as an example if you want to develop your own prepper.

Option Required Description
upper_case No Boolean, whether to convert to uppercase (true) or lowercase (false).


Sinks define where Data Prepper writes your data to.


Sink for an OpenSearch cluster.

Option Required Description
hosts Yes List of OpenSearch hosts to write to (e.g. ["https://localhost:9200", "https://remote-cluster:9200"]).
cert No String, path to the security certificate (e.g. "config/root-ca.pem") if the cluster uses the OpenSearch security plugin.
username No String, username for HTTP basic authentication.
password No String, password for HTTP basic authentication.
aws_sigv4 No Boolean, whether to use IAM signing to connect to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. For your access key, secret key, and optional session token, Data Prepper uses the default credential chain (environment variables, Java system properties, ~/.aws/credential, etc.).
aws_region No String, AWS region (e.g. "us-east-1") for the domain if you are connecting to Amazon OpenSearch Service.
aws_sts_role No String, IAM role which the sink plugin will assume to sign request to Amazon OpenSearch Service. If not provided the plugin will use the default credentials.
trace_analytics_raw No Boolean, default false. Whether to export as trace data to the otel-v1-apm-span-* index pattern (alias otel-v1-apm-span) for use with the Trace Analytics OpenSearch Dashboards plugin.
trace_analytics_service_map No Boolean, default false. Whether to export as trace data to the otel-v1-apm-service-map index for use with the service map component of the Trace Analytics OpenSearch Dashboards plugin.
index No String, name of the index to export to. Only required if you don't use the trace_analytics_raw or trace_analytics_service_map presets.
template_file No String, the path to a JSON index template file (e.g. /your/local/template-file.json if you do not use the trace_analytics_raw or trace_analytics_service_map. See otel-v1-apm-span-index-template.json for an example.
document_id_field No String, the field from the source data to use for the OpenSearch document ID (e.g. "my-field") if you don't use the trace_analytics_raw or trace_analytics_service_map presets.
dlq_file No String, the path to your preferred dead letter queue file (e.g. /your/local/dlq-file). Data Prepper writes to this file when it fails to index a document on the OpenSearch cluster.
bulk_size No Integer (long), default 5. The maximum size (in MiB) of bulk requests to the OpenSearch cluster. Values below 0 indicate an unlimited size. If a single document exceeds the maximum bulk request size, Data Prepper sends it individually.


Sink for flat file output.

Option Required Description
path Yes String, path for the output file (e.g. logs/my-transformed-log.log).


Sink for writing to another pipeline.

Option Required Description
name Yes String, name of the pipeline to write to.


Sink for console output. Can be useful for testing. No options.