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synced 2025-03-09 14:38:01 +00:00
* add files back from lost local files Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * nest reporting CLI under main Reporting page Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * rough draft examples for AWS Lambda and Cron Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * better title for cron job report example Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for more details from tech reviewer Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for better cron job usage description Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for more details Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * remove needs info markers and add links to events doc Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * more info Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * more details from demonstration Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * remove reporting directory to keep both parallel in left nav Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * small addition Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for two configuration settings in the function Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * more details from eng meeting adding to the steps Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * more details from eng meeting adding to the steps Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for more details Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for additional steps to create and test the lambda function Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for scheduling reports with lambda Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * merge redundant set of steps together Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for tech review comments Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * to add download correct title and link Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for reporting directory to nest new cli page Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * un-nest reporting directory Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * to remove reporting directory - will nest with other page in separate PR Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * tech review comments and some reorg Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for tech review comments Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * to minor changes Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * more info about crontab sequence Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * cron updates Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for cron syntax Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * small updates to lambda proc Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for final writer checklist Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * cron link update Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * format fix Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for doc review cron & lambda sections Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for cron reference to man page Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * add internal link to cron ref Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * reorg single topic into 7 pages Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * minor update Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * link to set ses permissions Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for tech review meeting updates Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * small update Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * npm download command name changed to remove opensearch prepended name Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for new download via artifacts hub Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for new download instructions Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * small fix signature file Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * typo Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * for cleaner image Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> * remove image for push commands we won't use Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Alice Williams <alicejw@amazon.com>
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title: Using environment variables with the Reporting CLI
nav_order: 35
parent: Creating reports with the Reporting CLI
# Using environment variables with the Reporting CLI
Instead of explicitly providing values in the command line, you can save them as environment variables. The Reporting CLI reads environment variables from the current directory inside the project.
To set the environment variables in Linux, use the following command:
Each line should use the format `NAME=VALUE`.
Each line that starts with a hashtag (#) is considered to be a comment.
Quotation marks (") don't get any special handling.
Values from the command line argument have higher priority than the environment file. For example, if you add the file name as *test* in the *.env* file and also add the `--filename report` command option, the generated report's name will be *report*.
{: .note }
#### Example: Requesting a PNG report with environment variables set
The following command requests a report with basic authentication in PNG format:
opensearch-reporting-cli --url https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d --format png --auth basic --credentials admin:admin
Upon success, the report will download to the current directory.
## Using Amazon SES to request an email with a report attachment
To use Amazon SES as the email transport mechanism, the following prerequisites apply:
- The sender's email address must be verified by [Amazon SES](https://aws.amazon.com/ses/). The [AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-welcome.html) is required to interact with Amazon SES. To configure basic settings used by the AWS CLI, see [Quick configuration with `aws configure`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html#cli-configure-quickstart-config) in the AWS Command Line Interface user guide.
- Amazon SES transport requires the `ses:SendRawEmail` role:
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ses:SendRawEmail",
"Resource": "*"
The following command requests an email with the report attached:
opensearch-reporting-cli --url https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d --transport ses --from <sender_email_id> --to <recipient_email_id>
The following command uses default values for all other options. You can also set `OPENSEARCH_FROM`, `OPENSEARCH_TO`, and `OPENSEARCH_TRANSPORT` in your .env file and use the following command:
opensearch-reporting-cli --url https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d
To modify the body of your email, you can edit the *index.hbs* file.
#### Example: Sending a report to an email address with SMTP
To send a report to an email address with SMTP transport, you need to set the options `OPENSEARCH_SMTP_HOST`, `OPENSEARCH_SMTP_PORT`, `OPENSEARCH_SMTP_USER`, `OPENSEARCH_SMTP_PASSWORD`, and `OPENSEARCH_SMTP_SECURE` in your .env file.
Once the transport options are set in your .env file, you can send the email using the following command:
opensearch-reporting-cli --url https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d --transport smtp --from <sender_email_id> --to <recipient_email_id>
You can choose to set options using either your *.env* file or the command line argument values in any combination. Make sure to specify all required values to avoid errors.
To modify the body of your email, you can edit the *index.hbs* file.
## Limitations
The following limitations apply to environment variable usage with the Reporting CLI:
- Supported platforms are Windows x86, Windows x64, Mac Intel, Mac ARM, Linux x86, and Linux x64.
For any other platform, users can take advantage of the *CHROMIUM_PATH* environment variable to use custom Chromium.
- If a URL contains an exclamation point (!), then the history expansion needs to be disabled temporarily. Depending on which shell you are using, you can disable history expansion using one of the following commands:
* For bash, use `set +H`.
* For zsh, use `setopt nobanghist`.
Alternatively, you can add a URL value as an environment variable using this format: `URL="<url-with-!>"`.
- All command options only accept lowercase letters.
## Troubleshooting
To resolve **MessageRejected: Email address is not verified**, see [Why am I getting a 400 "message rejected" error with the message "Email address is not verified" from Amazon SES?](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ses-554-400-message-rejected-error/) in the AWS Knowledge Center. |