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2023-11-06 12:23:59 -05:00

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layout: default
title: Configuring Data Prepper
parent: Managing Data Prepper
nav_order: 5
- /clients/data-prepper/data-prepper-reference/
- /monitoring-plugins/trace/data-prepper-reference/
# Configuring Data Prepper
You can customize your Data Prepper configuration by editing the `data-prepper-config.yaml` file in your Data Prepper installation. The following configuration options are independent from pipeline configuration options.
## Data Prepper configuration
Use the following options to customize your Data Prepper configuration.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- | :--- |:--- | :---
ssl | No | Boolean | Indicates whether TLS should be used for server APIs. Defaults to true.
keyStoreFilePath | No | String | The path to a .jks or .p12 keystore file. Required if `ssl` is true.
keyStorePassword | No | String | The password for keystore. Optional, defaults to empty string.
privateKeyPassword | No | String | The password for a private key within keystore. Optional, defaults to empty string.
serverPort | No | Integer | The port number to use for server APIs. Defaults to 4900.
metricRegistries | No | List | The metrics registries for publishing the generated metrics. Currently supports Prometheus and Amazon CloudWatch. Defaults to Prometheus.
metricTags | No | Map | A map of key-value pairs as common metric tags to metric registries. The maximum number of pairs is three. Note that `serviceName` is a reserved tag key with `DataPrepper` as the default tag value. Alternatively, administrators can set this value through the environment variable `DATAPREPPER_SERVICE_NAME`. If `serviceName` is defined in `metricTags`, that value overwrites those set through the above methods.
authentication | No | Object | The authentication configuration. Valid option is `http_basic` with `username` and `password` properties. If not defined, the server does not perform authentication.
processorShutdownTimeout | No | Duration | The time given to processors to clear any in-flight data and gracefully shut down. Default is 30s.
sinkShutdownTimeout | No | Duration | The time given to sinks to clear any in-flight data and gracefully shut down. Default is 30s.
peer_forwarder | No | Object | Peer forwarder configurations. See [Peer forwarder options](#peer-forwarder-options) for more details.
circuit_breakers | No | [circuit_breakers](#circuit-breakers) | Configures a circuit breaker on incoming data.
extensions | No | Object | The pipeline extension plugin configurations. See [Extension plugins](#extension-plugins) for more details.
### Peer forwarder options
The following section details various configuration options for peer forwarder.
#### General options for peer forwarding
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :--- | :---
port | No | Integer | The peer forwarding server port. Valid options are between 0 and 65535. Defaults is 4994.
request_timeout | No | Integer | The request timeout for the peer forwarder HTTP server in milliseconds. Default is 10000.
server_thread_count | No | Integer | The number of threads used by the peer forwarder server. Default is 200.
client_thread_count | No | Integer | The number of threads used by the peer forwarder client. Default is 200.
max_connection_count | No | Integer | The maximum number of open connections for the peer forwarder server. Default is 500.
max_pending_requests | No | Integer | The maximum number of allowed tasks in ScheduledThreadPool work queue. Default is 1024.
discovery_mode | No | String | The peer discovery mode to use. Valid options are `local_node`, `static`, `dns`, or `aws_cloud_map`. Defaults to `local_node`, which processes events locally.
static_endpoints | Conditionally | List | A list containing endpoints of all Data Prepper instances. Required if `discovery_mode` is set to static.
domain_name | Conditionally | String | A single domain name to query DNS against. Typically, used by creating multiple DNS A Records for the same domain. Required if `discovery_mode` is set to dns.
aws_cloud_map_namespace_name | Conditionally | String | Cloud Map namespace when using AWS Cloud Map service discovery. Required if `discovery_mode` is set to `aws_cloud_map`.
aws_cloud_map_service_name | Conditionally | String | The Cloud Map service name when using AWS Cloud Map service discovery. Required if `discovery_mode` is set to `aws_cloud_map`.
aws_cloud_map_query_parameters | No | Map | A map of key-value pairs to filter the results based on the custom attributes attached to an instance. Only instances that match all the specified key-value pairs are returned.
buffer_size | No | Integer | The maximum number of unchecked records the buffer accepts. Number of unchecked records is the sum of the number of records written into the buffer and the num of in-flight records not yet checked by the Checkpointing API. Default is 512.
batch_size | No | Integer | The maximum number of records the buffer returns on read. Default is 48.
aws_region | Conditionally | String | The AWS region to use with ACM, S3 or AWS Cloud Map. Required if `use_acm_certificate_for_ssl` is set to true or `ssl_certificate_file` and `ssl_key_file` is AWS S3 path or `discovery_mode` is set to `aws_cloud_map`.
drain_timeout | No | Duration | The wait time for the peer forwarder to complete processing data before shutdown. Default is `10s`.
#### TLS/SSL options for peer forwarder
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :--- | :---
ssl | No | Boolean | Enables TLS/SSL. Default is `true`.
ssl_certificate_file | Conditionally | String | The SSL certificate chain file path or AWS S3 path. S3 path example `s3://<bucketName>/<path>`. Required if `ssl` is true and `use_acm_certificate_for_ssl` is false. Defaults to `config/default_certificate.pem` which is the default certificate file. Read more about how the certificate file is generated [here](https://github.com/opensearch-project/data-prepper/tree/main/examples/certificates).
ssl_key_file | Conditionally | String | The SSL key file path or AWS S3 path. S3 path example `s3://<bucketName>/<path>`. Required if `ssl` is true and `use_acm_certificate_for_ssl` is false. Defaults to `config/default_private_key.pem` which is the default private key file. Read more about how the default private key file is generated [here](https://github.com/opensearch-project/data-prepper/tree/main/examples/certificates).
ssl_insecure_disable_verification | No | Boolean | Disables the verification of server's TLS certificate chain. Default is false.
ssl_fingerprint_verification_only | No | Boolean | Disables the verification of server's TLS certificate chain and instead verifies only the certificate fingerprint. Default is false.
use_acm_certificate_for_ssl | No | Boolean | Enables TLS/SSL using certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default is false.
acm_certificate_arn | Conditionally | String | The ACM certificate ARN. The ACM certificate takes preference over S3 or a local file system certificate. Required if `use_acm_certificate_for_ssl` is set to true.
acm_private_key_password | No | String | The ACM private key password that decrypts the private key. If not provided, Data Prepper generates a random password.
acm_certificate_timeout_millis | No | Integer | The timeout in milliseconds for ACM to get certificates. Default is 120000.
aws_region | Conditionally | String | The AWS region to use ACM, S3 or AWS Cloud Map. Required if `use_acm_certificate_for_ssl` is set to true or `ssl_certificate_file` and `ssl_key_file` is AWS S3 path or `discovery_mode` is set to `aws_cloud_map`.
#### Authentication options for peer forwarder
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :--- | :---
authentication | No | Map | The authentication method to use. Valid options are `mutual_tls` (use mTLS) or `unauthenticated` (no authentication). Default is `unauthenticated`.
### Circuit breakers
Data Prepper provides a circuit breaker to help prevent exhausting Java memory. And is useful when pipelines have stateful processors as these can retain memory usage outside of the buffers.
When a circuit breaker is tripped, Data Prepper rejects incoming data routing into buffers.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- | :--- |:---| :---
heap | No | [heap](#heap-circuit-breaker) | Enables a heap circuit breaker. By default, this is not enabled.
#### Heap circuit breaker
Configures Data Prepper to trip a circuit breaker when JVM heap reaches a specified usage threshold.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- |:---|:---| :---
usage | Yes | Bytes | Specifies the JVM heap usage at which to trip a circuit breaker. If the current Java heap usage exceeds this value then the circuit breaker will be open. This can be a value such as `6.5gb`.
reset | No | Duration | After tripping the circuit breaker, no new checks are made until after this time has passed. This effectively sets the minimum time for a breaker to remain open to allow for clearing memory. Defaults to `1s`.
check_interval | No | Duration | Specifies the time between checks of the heap size. Defaults to `500ms`.
### Extension plugins
Since Data Prepper 2.5, Data Prepper provides support for user configurable extension plugins. Extension plugins are shared common
configurations shared across pipeline plugins, such as [sources, buffers, processors, and sinks]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/data-prepper/index/#concepts).
### AWS extension plugins
To use the AWS extension plugin, add the following setting to your `data-prepper-config.yaml` under `aws`.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- |:---|:---| :---
aws | No | Object | The AWS extension plugins configuration.
#### AWS secrets extension plugin
The AWS secrets extension plugin configures the [AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/intro.html) to be
referenced in pipeline plugin configurations, as shown in the following example:
secret_id: <YOUR_SECRET_ID_1>
region: <YOUR_REGION_1>
sts_role_arn: <YOUR_STS_ROLE_ARN_1>
refresh_interval: <YOUR_REFRESH_INTERVAL>
To use the secrets extension plugin, add the following setting to your `pipeline.yaml` under `extensions` > `aws`.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- |:---|:---| :---
secrets | No | Object | The AWS Secrets Manager extension plugin configuration. See [Secrets](#secrets) for more details.
### Secrets
Use the following settings under the `secrets` extension setting.
Option | Required | Type | Description
:--- |:---|:---| :---
secret_id | Yes | String | The AWS secret name or ARN. |
region | No | String | The AWS region of the secret. Defaults to `us-east-1`.
sts_role_arn | No | String | The AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) role to assume for requests to the AWS Secrets Manager. Defaults to `null`, which will use the [standard SDK behavior for credentials](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/credentials.html).
refresh_interval | No | Duration | The refreshment interval for AWS secrets extension plugin to poll new secret values. Defaults to `PT1H`. See [Automatically refreshing secrets](#automatically-refreshing-secrets) for details.
#### Reference secrets
In `pipelines.yaml`, secret values can be referenced within the pipeline plugins using the following formats:
* plaintext: `{% raw %}${{aws_secrets:<YOUR_SECRET_CONFIG_ID>}}{% endraw %}`.
* JSON (key-value pairs): `{% raw %}${{aws_secrets:<YOUR_SECRET_CONFIG_ID>:<YOUR_KEY>}}{% endraw %}`
Replace `<YOUR_SECRET_CONFIG_ID>` with the corresponding secret config ID under `/extensions/aws/secrets`. Replace `<YOUR_KEY>` with the desired key in the secret JSON value. The secret value reference string format can be interpreted for the following plugin setting data types:
* String
* Number
* Long
* Short
* Integer
* Double
* Float
* Boolean
* Character
The following example section of `data-prepper-config.yaml` names two secret config IDs, `host-secret-config` and `credential-secret-config`:
secret_id: <YOUR_SECRET_ID_1>
region: <YOUR_REGION_1>
sts_role_arn: <YOUR_STS_ROLE_ARN_1>
refresh_interval: <YOUR_REFRESH_INTERVAL_1>
secret_id: <YOUR_SECRET_ID_2>
region: <YOUR_REGION_2>
sts_role_arn: <YOUR_STS_ROLE_ARN_2>
refresh_interval: <YOUR_REFRESH_INTERVAL_2>
After `<YOUR_SECRET_CONFIG_ID>` is configured, you can reference the IDs in your `pipelines.yaml`:
- opensearch:
hosts: [ {% raw %}"${{aws_secrets:host-secret-config}}"{% endraw %} ]
username: {% raw %}"${{aws_secrets:credential-secret-config:username}}"{% endraw %}
password: {% raw %}"${{aws_secrets:credential-secret-config:password}}"{% endraw %}
index: "test-migration"
#### Automatically refreshing secrets
For each individual secret configuration, the latest secret value is polled on a regular interval to support refreshing secrets in AWS Secrets Manager. The refreshed secret values are utilized by certain pipeline plugins to refresh their components, such as connection and authentication to the backend service.
For multiple secret configurations, jitter within `60s` will be applied across all configurations during the initial secrets polling.