-`config_file` (string) - The path to the lxc configuration file.
-`template_name` (string) - The LXC template name to use.
-`template_environment_vars` (array of strings) - Environmental variables to use to build the template with.
### Optional:
-`target_runlevel` (int) - The minimum run level to wait for the container to reach. Note some distributions (Ubuntu) simulate run levels and may report 5 rather than 3.
-`container_name` (string) - The name of the LXC container. Usually stored in `/var/lib/lxc/containers/<container_name>`. Defaults to `packer-<BuildName>`.
-`command_wrapper` (string) - Allows you to specify a wrapper command, such as `ssh` so you can execute packer builds on a remote host. Defaults to Empty.
-`template_parameters` (array of strings) - Options to pass to the given `lxc-template` command, usually located in `/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-<template_name>``. Note: This gets passed as ARGV to the template command. Ensure you have an array of strings, as a single string with spaces probably won't work. Defaults to `[]`.