* move alicloud examples from common example directory to alicloud builder
* move amazon examples to amazon builder dir
* move examples into ansible provisioner directory
* move azure examples to builder dir
* move hyperone examples into builder directory
* move jdcloud builder examples into builder directory
* move tencent cloud examples into the builder directory
* move ucloud examples into ucloud builder directory
Vagrant Cloud provides support for uploading directly to the backend
storage instead of streaming through Vagrant Cloud. This adds support
for direct to storage uploads and sets it as the default upload method.
A new option has been added to disable this behavior and revert back
to streaming upload via Vagrant Cloud (`no_direct_upload`).
This default for uploading directly to the backend storage also matches
up with changes being added to Vagrant proper for box upload behavior:
* modify a ton of error messages to make them specifically placable.
* remove specific loglines but keep the specialized error messages
Co-authored-by: Adrien Delorme <azr@users.noreply.github.com>
Before change
⇶ packer build amazon-ebs_secretsmanager_shell-local.json
template: root:1:3: executing "root" at <aws_secretsmanager `packer/test/keys`
`shell`>: error calling aws_secretsmanager: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets
Manager can't find the specified secret value for staging label: shell
2020/10/30 12:53:40 [INFO] (telemetry) Finalizing.
template: root:1:3: executing "root" at <aws_secretsmanager `packer/test/keys`
`shell`>: error calling aws_secretsmanager: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets
Manager can't find the specified secret value for staging label: shell
⇶ packer build amazon-ebs_secretsmanager_shell-local.json.pkr.hcl
Error: Error in function call
on amazon-ebs_secretsmanager_shell-local.json.pkr.hcl line 28:
(source code not available)
Call to function "aws_secretsmanager" failed: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets
Manager can't find the specified secret value for staging label: home.
After change
⇶ packer.test build amazon-ebs_secretsmanager_shell-local.json
null: output will be in this color.
==> null: Running local shell script: /tmp/packer-shell463393820
null: boo
null: keys:powershell
Build 'null' finished after 8 milliseconds 225 microseconds.
==> Wait completed after 8 milliseconds 319 microseconds
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> null: Did not export anything. This is the null builder
⇶ packer.test build amazon-ebs_secretsmanager_shell-local.json.pkr.hcl
null.autogenerated_1: output will be in this color.
==> null.autogenerated_1: Running local shell script: /tmp/packer-shell834410761
null.autogenerated_1: boo
null.autogenerated_1: keys:powershell
Build 'null.autogenerated_1' finished after 18 milliseconds 834 microseconds.
==> Wait completed after 18 milliseconds 954 microseconds
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> null.autogenerated_1: Did not export anything. This is the null builder