The refactor of StepRegisterAmi to add the from_scratch parameter
incorrectly replaced iteration over image.BlockDeviceMappings with
iteration over the new mapping array when not using from_scratch. This
fixes the regression and renames the parameters to newMappings and
mappings for better clarity.
Add a new option, `use_sftp` to the ansible provisioner. It's default
value is false; ansible provisioner will use SCP by default.
Refactor to consistently set all configure options for ansible
provisioner in the Prepare step.
Remove incorrect information about `ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False`
being set when `ansible_env_vars` is not set in the packer template.
Update BATS tests for the ansible provisioner to actually check that the
fetched directory contains the contents expected. This revealed a
problem with the all_options template that required adding a host to the
hosts list in the test playbook.
Handle running `scp -t` and `scp -f` exec requests in the
ansible-provisioner's SSH
server to allow Ansible to use SCP so that SFTP doesn't have to be
installed on the node.
Update the BATS tests to test the ansible provisioner.
- startup scripts don't run for Windows since it is isn't implemented yet.
- startup scripts use instance metadata instead of serial port output to flag when they are done.
- added licenses to Image data type (to check if an Image is a Windows Image).
- added GetImage and GetImageFromProject to googlecompute Drivers.
- changed some of the builder/googlecompute tests to use
- (in the Packer directory) `go test .`, `go test ./builder/googlecompute`, and `go test ./post-processor/googlecompute-export`
- manual run of `packer build packer_template.json` with the following files
"builders": [
"type": "googlecompute",
"account_file": "creds.json",
"project_id": "",
"source_image": "debian-8-jessie-v20160629",
"zone": "us-central1-a",
"startup_script_file": "",
"metadata": {
"startup-script": "#!/bin/sh\necho \"This should be overwritten.\"",
"startup-script-log-dest": "gs://"
"image_name": "test-packer-modifications",
"ssh_username": "foo"
"post-processors": [
"type": "googlecompute-export",
"paths": [
"keep_input_artifact": true
echo "Hi, my name is Scott. I'm waiting 60 seconds!" >> /scott
sleep 60
echo "I'm done waiting!" >> /scott