A lot of examples out there on the web make use of this command to
configure the instance to allow connections over WinRM. Since the
danger is not immediately obvious and the failure because of its use
intermittent, we should do our best to advise against its use here.
Use of 'winrm quickconfig' can sometimes cause the Packer build to fail
shortly after the WinRM connection is established.
* When executed the 'winrm quickconfig -q' command configures the
firewall to allow management messages to be sent over HTTP (port 5985)
* This undoes the previous command in the script that configured the
firewall to prevent this access.
* The upshot is that the system is configured and ready to accept WinRM
connections earlier than intended.
* If Packer establishes its WinRM connection immediately after execution
of the 'winrm quickconfig -q' command, the later commands within the
script that restart the WinRM service cause the established
connection, and consequently, the overall build to fail.
Canonical publishes stable AMIs at ubuntu/images/ and unstable AMIs at
ubuntu/images-testing/. Combined with most_recent: true, the old name
filter bounces you between stable and unstable.
The first packer build command includes passing AWS access key and secret key as variables. On Windows, the single quotes must be replaced with double quotes or an AWS error occurs. This may not be obvious to everyone, hence a note. The AWS error (as below) is not adequately self-explanatory.
Build 'amazon-ebs' errored: Error querying AMI: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
The dollar signs do not need to be escaped. The backslashes show up on
the website right now. This commit makes it so that they do not show up
on the website.