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(string) - The client TOKEN to use to access your account. It can also be specified via environment variable DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN, if set. -
(string) - The name (or slug) of the region to launch the droplet in. Consequently, this is the region where the snapshot will be available. See https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#list-all-regions for the accepted region names/slugs. -
(string) - The name (or slug) of the droplet size to use. See https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#list-all-sizes for the accepted size names/slugs. -
(string) - The name (or slug) of the base image to use. This is the image that will be used to launch a new droplet and provision it. See https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#list-all-images for details on how to get a list of the accepted image names/slugs.