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The Vagrant Packer builder is able to launch Vagrant boxes and re-package them into .box files docs Vagrant - Builders docs-builders-vagrant

Vagrant Builder

The Vagrant builder is intended for building new boxes from already-existing boxes. Your source should be a URL or path to a .box file or a Vagrant Cloud box name such as hashicorp/precise64.

Packer will not install vagrant, nor will it install the underlying virtualization platforms or extra providers; We expect when you run this builder that you have already installed what you need.

By default, this builder will initialize a new Vagrant workspace, launch your box from that workspace, provision it, call vagrant package to package it into a new box, and then destroy the original box. Please note that vagrant will not remove the box file from your system (we don't call vagrant box remove).

You can change the behavior so that the builder doesn't destroy the box by setting the teardown_method option. You can change the behavior so the builder doesn't package it (not all provisioners support the vagrant package command) by setting the skip package option. You can also change the behavior so that rather than initializing a new Vagrant workspace, you use an already defined one, by using global_id instead of source_box.

Configuration Reference


  • source_path (string) - URL of the vagrant box to use, or the name of the vagrant box. hashicorp/precise64, ./ and are all valid source boxes. If your source is a .box file, whether locally or from a URL like the latter example above, you will also need to provide a box_name. This option is required, unless you set global_id. You may only set one or the other, not both.


  • global_id (string) - the global id of a Vagrant box already added to Vagrant on your system. You can find the global id of your Vagrant boxes using the command vagrant global-status; your global_id will be a 7-digit number and letter combination that you'll find in the leftmost column of the global-status output. If you choose to use global_id instead of source_box, Packer will skip the Vagrant initialize and add steps, and simply launch the box directly using the global id.


  • output_dir (string) - The directory to create that will contain your output box. We always create this directory and run from inside of it to prevent Vagrant init collisions. If unset, it will be set to packer- plus your buildname.

  • box_name (string) - if your source_box is a boxfile that we need to add to Vagrant, this is the name to give it. If left blank, will default to "packer_" plus your buildname.

  • provider (string) - The vagrant provider. This parameter is required when source_path have more than one provider, or when using vagrant-cloud post-processor. Defaults to unset.

  • checksum (string) - The checksum for the .box file. The type of the checksum is specified with checksum_type, documented below.

  • checksum_type (string) - The type of the checksum specified in checksum. Valid values are none, md5, sha1, sha256, or sha512. Although the checksum will not be verified when checksum_type is set to "none", this is not recommended since OVA files can be very large and corruption does happen from time to time.

  • template (string) - a path to a golang template for a vagrantfile. Our default template can be found here. So far the only template variables available to you are {{ .BoxName }} and {{ .SyncedFolder }}, which correspond to the Packer options box_name and synced_folder.

    You must provide a template if your default vagrant provider is Hyper-V. Below is a Hyper-V compatible template.

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "{{ .BoxName }}" 'public_network', bridge: 'Default Switch'
  • skip_add (bool) - Don't call "vagrant add" to add the box to your local environment; this is necessary if you want to launch a box that is already added to your vagrant environment.

  • teardown_method (string) - Whether to halt, suspend, or destroy the box when the build has completed. Defaults to "halt"

  • box_version (string) - What box version to use when initializing Vagrant.

  • add_cacert (string) - Equivalent to setting the --cacert option in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • add_capath (string) - Equivalent to setting the --capath option in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • add_cert (string) - Equivalent to setting the --cert option in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • add_clean (bool) - Equivalent to setting the --clean flag in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • add_force (bool) - Equivalent to setting the --force flag in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • add_insecure (bool) - Equivalent to setting the --insecure flag in vagrant add; defaults to unset.

  • skip_package (bool) - if true, Packer will not call vagrant package to package your base box into its own standalone .box file.

  • output_vagrantfile (string) - Equivalent to setting the --vagrantfile option in vagrant package; defaults to unset

  • package_include (string) - Equivalent to setting the --include option in vagrant package; defaults to unset


Sample for hashicorp/precise64 with virtualbox provider.

  "builders": [
      "communicator": "ssh",
      "source_path": "hashicorp/precise64",
      "provider": "virtualbox",
      "add_force": true,
      "type": "vagrant"

A note on SSH connections

Currently this builder only works for SSH connections, and automatically fills in all information needed for the ssh communicator using vagrant's ssh-config.

If you would like to connect via a different username or authentication method than is produced when you call vagrant ssh-config, then you must provide the

ssh_username and all other relevant authentication information (e.g. ssh_password or ssh_private_key_file)

By providing the ssh_username, you're telling Packer not to use the vagrant ssh config, except for determining the host and port for the virtual machine to connect to.