(awscommon.BlockDevices) - Add one or more block device
to the AMI. If this field is populated, and you are building from an
existing source image, the block device mappings in the source image
will be overwritten. This means you must have a block device mapping
entry for your root volume, root_volume_size
and root_device_name
See the BlockDevices documentation for
([][]string) - This is a list of devices to mount into the chroot environment. This
configuration parameter requires some additional documentation which is
in the Chroot Mounts section. Please read that section for more
information on how to use this.
(string) - How to run shell commands. This defaults to {{.Command}}. This may be
useful to set if you want to set environmental variables or perhaps run
it with sudo or so on. This is a configuration template where the
.Command variable is replaced with the command to be run. Defaults to
([]string) - Paths to files on the running EC2 instance that will be copied into the
chroot environment prior to provisioning. Defaults to /etc/resolv.conf
so that DNS lookups work. Pass an empty list to skip copying
/etc/resolv.conf. You may need to do this if you're building an image
that uses systemd.
(string) - The path to the device where the root volume of the source AMI will be
attached. This defaults to "" (empty string), which forces Packer to
find an open device automatically.
(string) - When we call the mount command (by default mount -o device dir), the
string provided in nvme_mount_path will replace device in that command.
When this option is not set, device in that command will be something
like /dev/sdf1, mirroring the attached device name. This assumption
works for most instances but will fail with c5 and m5 instances. In
order to use the chroot builder with c5 and m5 instances, you must
manually set nvme_device_path and device_path.
(bool) - Build a new volume instead of starting from an existing AMI root volume
snapshot. Default false. If true, source_ami/source_ami_filter are no
longer used and the following options become required:
ami_virtualization_type, pre_mount_commands and root_volume_size.
([]string) - Options to supply the mount command when mounting devices. Each option
will be prefixed with -o and supplied to the mount command ran by
Packer. Because this command is ran in a shell, user discretion is
advised. See this manual page for the mount command for valid file
system specific options.
(string) - The partition number containing the / partition. By default this is the
first partition of the volume, (for example, xvda1) but you can
designate the entire block device by setting "mount_partition": "0" in
your config, which will mount xvda instead.
(string) - The path where the volume will be mounted. This is where the chroot
environment will be. This defaults to
/mnt/packer-amazon-chroot-volumes/{{.Device}}. This is a configuration
template where the .Device variable is replaced with the name of the
device where the volume is attached.
([]string) - As pre_mount_commands, but the commands are executed after mounting the
root device and before the extra mount and copy steps. The device and
mount path are provided by {{.Device}} and {{.MountPath}}.
([]string) - A series of commands to execute after attaching the root volume and
before mounting the chroot. This is not required unless using
from_scratch. If so, this should include any partitioning and filesystem
creation commands. The path to the device is provided by {{.Device}}.
(string) - The root device name. For example, xvda.
(int64) - The size of the root volume in GB for the chroot environment and the
resulting AMI. Default size is the snapshot size of the source_ami
unless from_scratch is true, in which case this field must be defined.
(string) - The type of EBS volume for the chroot environment and resulting AMI. The
default value is the type of the source_ami, unless from_scratch is
true, in which case the default value is gp2. You can only specify io1
if building based on top of a source_ami which is also io1.
(awscommon.AmiFilterOptions) - Filters used to populate the source_ami field. Example:
``` json
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"virtualization-type": "hvm",
"name": "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*",
"root-device-type": "ebs"
"owners": ["099720109477"],
"most_recent": true
This selects the most recent Ubuntu 16.04 HVM EBS AMI from Canonical. NOTE:
This will fail unless *exactly* one AMI is returned. In the above example,
`most_recent` will cause this to succeed by selecting the newest image.
- `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a `source_ami`.
NOTE: This will fail unless *exactly* one AMI is returned. Any filter
described in the docs for
is valid.
- `owners` (array of strings) - Filters the images by their owner. You
may specify one or more AWS account IDs, "self" (which will use the
account whose credentials you are using to run Packer), or an AWS owner
alias: for example, "amazon", "aws-marketplace", or "microsoft". This
option is required for security reasons.
- `most_recent` (boolean) - Selects the newest created image when true.
This is most useful for selecting a daily distro build.
You may set this in place of `source_ami` or in conjunction with it. If you
set this in conjunction with `source_ami`, the `source_ami` will be added
to the filter. The provided `source_ami` must meet all of the filtering
criteria provided in `source_ami_filter`; this pins the AMI returned by the
filter, but will cause Packer to fail if the `source_ami` does not exist.
(awscommon.TagMap) - Tags to apply to the volumes that are launched. This is a template
engine, see Build template
data for more information.
(string) - what architecture to use when registering the final AMI; valid options
are "x86_64" or "arm64". Defaults to "x86_64".