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layout: "docs"
page_title: "Parallels Builder (from a PVM)"
description: |-
This Parallels builder is able to create Parallels Desktop for Mac virtual machines and export them in the PVM format, starting from an existing PVM (exported virtual machine image).
# Parallels Builder (from a PVM)
Type: `parallels-pvm`
This Parallels builder is able to create
[Parallels Desktop for Mac](
virtual machines and export them in the PVM format, starting from an
existing PVM (exported virtual machine image).
The builder builds a virtual machine by importing an existing PVM
file. It then boots this image, runs provisioners on this new VM, and
exports that VM to create the image. The imported machine is deleted prior
to finishing the build.
## Basic Example
Here is a basic example. This example is functional if you have an PVM matching
the settings here.
"type": "parallels-pvm",
"parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
"source_path": "source.pvm",
"ssh_username": "packer",
"ssh_password": "packer",
"ssh_wait_timeout": "30s",
"shutdown_command": "echo 'packer' | sudo -S shutdown -P now"
It is important to add a `shutdown_command`. By default Packer halts the
virtual machine and the file system may not be sync'd. Thus, changes made in a
provisioner might not be saved.
## Configuration Reference
There are many configuration options available for the Parallels builder.
They are organized below into two categories: required and optional. Within
each category, the available options are alphabetized and described.
### Required:
* `source_path` (string) - The path to a PVM directory that acts as
the source of this build.
* `ssh_username` (string) - The username to use to SSH into the machine
once the OS is installed.
* `parallels_tools_flavor` (string) - The flavor of the Parallels Tools ISO to
install into the VM. Valid values are "win", "lin", "mac", "os2" and "other".
This can be omitted only if `parallels_tools_mode` is "disable".
### Optional:
* `boot_command` (array of strings) - This is an array of commands to type
when the virtual machine is first booted. The goal of these commands should
be to type just enough to initialize the operating system installer. Special
keys can be typed as well, and are covered in the section below on the boot
command. If this is not specified, it is assumed the installer will start
* `boot_wait` (string) - The time to wait after booting the initial virtual
machine before typing the `boot_command`. The value of this should be
a duration. Examples are "5s" and "1m30s" which will cause Packer to wait
five seconds and one minute 30 seconds, respectively. If this isn't specified,
the default is 10 seconds.
* `floppy_files` (array of strings) - A list of files to put onto a floppy
disk that is attached when the VM is booted for the first time. This is
most useful for unattended Windows installs, which look for an
`Autounattend.xml` file on removable media. By default no floppy will
be attached. The files listed in this configuration will all be put
into the root directory of the floppy disk; sub-directories are not supported.
* `reassign_mac` (boolean) - If this is "false" the MAC address of the first
NIC will reused when imported else a new MAC address will be generated by
Parallels. Defaults to "false".
* `output_directory` (string) - This is the path to the directory where the
resulting virtual machine will be created. This may be relative or absolute.
If relative, the path is relative to the working directory when `packer`
is executed. This directory must not exist or be empty prior to running the builder.
By default this is "output-BUILDNAME" where "BUILDNAME" is the name
of the build.
* `parallels_tools_guest_path` (string) - The path in the VM to upload
Parallels Tools. This only takes effect if `parallels_tools_mode` is "upload".
This is a [configuration template](/docs/templates/configuration-templates.html)
that has a single valid variable: `Flavor`, which will be the value of
`parallels_tools_flavor`. By default this is "prl-tools-{{.Flavor}}.iso" which
should upload into the login directory of the user.
* `parallels_tools_mode` (string) - The method by which Parallels Tools are made
available to the guest for installation. Valid options are "upload", "attach",
or "disable". If the mode is "attach" the Parallels Tools ISO will be attached
as a CD device to the virtual machine. If the mode is "upload" the Parallels
Tools ISO will be uploaded to the path specified by
`parallels_tools_guest_path`. The default value is "upload".
* `prlctl` (array of array of strings) - Custom `prlctl` commands to execute in
order to further customize the virtual machine being created. The value of
this is an array of commands to execute. The commands are executed in the order
defined in the template. For each command, the command is defined itself as an
array of strings, where each string represents a single argument on the
command-line to `prlctl` (but excluding `prlctl` itself). Each arg is treated
as a [configuration template](/docs/templates/configuration-templates.html),
where the `Name` variable is replaced with the VM name. More details on how
to use `prlctl` are below.
* `prlctl_post` (array of array of strings) - Identical to `prlctl`,
except that it is run after the virtual machine is shutdown, and before the
virtual machine is exported.
* `prlctl_version_file` (string) - The path within the virtual machine to upload
a file that contains the `prlctl` version that was used to create the machine.
This information can be useful for provisioning. By default this is
".prlctl_version", which will generally upload it into the home directory.
* `shutdown_command` (string) - The command to use to gracefully shut down
the machine once all the provisioning is done. By default this is an empty
string, which tells Packer to just forcefully shut down the machine.
* `shutdown_timeout` (string) - The amount of time to wait after executing
the `shutdown_command` for the virtual machine to actually shut down.
If it doesn't shut down in this time, it is an error. By default, the timeout
is "5m", or five minutes.
* `ssh_key_path` (string) - Path to a private key to use for authenticating
with SSH. By default this is not set (key-based auth won't be used).
The associated public key is expected to already be configured on the
VM being prepared by some other process (kickstart, etc.).
* `ssh_password` (string) - The password for `ssh_username` to use to
authenticate with SSH. By default this is the empty string.
* `ssh_port` (integer) - The port that SSH will be listening on in the guest
virtual machine. By default this is 22.
* `ssh_wait_timeout` (string) - The duration to wait for SSH to become
available. By default this is "20m", or 20 minutes. Note that this should
be quite long since the timer begins as soon as the virtual machine is booted.
* `vm_name` (string) - This is the name of the virtual machine when it is
imported as well as the name of the PVM directory when the virtual machine is
exported. By default this is "packer-BUILDNAME", where "BUILDNAME" is
the name of the build.
## Parallels Tools
After the virtual machine is up and the operating system is installed, Packer
uploads the Parallels Tools into the virtual machine. The path where they are
uploaded is controllable by `parallels_tools_path`, and defaults to
"prl-tools.iso". Without an absolute path, it is uploaded to the home directory
of the SSH user. Parallels Tools ISO's can be found in:
## Boot Command
The `boot_command` specifies the keys to type when the virtual machine is first booted. This command is typed after `boot_wait`.
As documented above, the `boot_command` is an array of strings. The
strings are all typed in sequence. It is an array only to improve readability
within the template.
The boot command is "typed" character for character (using the Parallels
Virtualization SDK, see [Parallels Builder](/docs/builders/parallels.html))
simulating a human actually typing the keyboard. There are a set of special
keys available. If these are in your boot command, they will be replaced by
the proper key:
* `<bs>` - Backspace
* `<del>` - Delete
* `<enter>` and `<return>` - Simulates an actual "enter" or "return" keypress.
* `<esc>` - Simulates pressing the escape key.
* `<tab>` - Simulates pressing the tab key.
* `<f1>` - `<f12>` - Simulates pressing a function key.
* `<up>` `<down>` `<left>` `<right>` - Simulates pressing an arrow key.
* `<spacebar>` - Simulates pressing the spacebar.
* `<insert>` - Simulates pressing the insert key.
* `<home>` `<end>` - Simulates pressing the home and end keys.
* `<pageUp>` `<pageDown>` - Simulates pressing the page up and page down keys.
* `<wait>` `<wait5>` `<wait10>` - Adds a 1, 5 or 10 second pause before sending any additional keys. This
is useful if you have to generally wait for the UI to update before typing more.
In addition to the special keys, each command to type is treated as a
[configuration template](/docs/templates/configuration-templates.html).
The available variables are:
## prlctl Commands
In order to perform extra customization of the virtual machine, a template can
define extra calls to `prlctl` to perform.
is the command-line interface to Parallels Desktop. It can be used to configure
the virtual machine, such as set RAM, CPUs, etc.
Extra `prlctl` commands are defined in the template in the `prlctl` section.
An example is shown below that sets the memory and number of CPUs within the
virtual machine:
"prlctl": [
["set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "1024"],
["set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "2"]
The value of `prlctl` is an array of commands to execute. These commands are
executed in the order defined. So in the above example, the memory will be set
followed by the CPUs.
Each command itself is an array of strings, where each string is an argument to
`prlctl`. Each argument is treated as a
[configuration template](/docs/templates/configuration-templates.html). The only
available variable is `Name` which is replaced with the unique name of the VM,
which is required for many `prlctl` calls.