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The Atlas post-processor for Packer receives an artifact from a Packer build and uploads it to Atlas. Atlas hosts and serves artifacts, allowing you to version and distribute them in a simple way. docs Atlas - Post-Processor docs-post-processors-atlas

Atlas Post-Processor

!> The Packer and Artifact Registry features of Atlas will no longer be actively developed or maintained and will be fully decommissioned on Friday, March 30, 2018. Please see our guide on building immutable infrastructure with Packer on CI/CD for ideas on implementing these features yourself.

Type: atlas

The Atlas post-processor uploads artifacts from your packer builds to Atlas for hosting. Artifacts hosted in Atlas are automatically made available for use with Terraform, and Atlas provides additional features for managing versions and releases. Learn more about packer in Atlas.

You can also use the push command to run packer builds in Atlas. The push command and Atlas post-processor can be used together or independently.

~> If you'd like to publish a Vagrant box to Vagrant Cloud, you must use the vagrant-cloud post-processor.


To take full advantage of Packer and Atlas, it's important to understand the workflow for creating artifacts with Packer and storing them in Atlas using this post-processor. The goal of the Atlas post-processor is to streamline the distribution of public or private artifacts by hosting them in a central location in Atlas.

Here is an example workflow:

  1. Packer builds an AMI with the Amazon AMI builder
  2. The atlas post-processor takes the resulting AMI and uploads it to Atlas. The atlas post-processor is configured with the name of the AMI, for example hashicorp/foobar, to create the artifact in Atlas or update the version if the artifact already exists
  3. The new version is ready and available to be used in deployments with a tool like Terraform


The configuration allows you to specify and access the artifact in Atlas.


  • artifact (string) - The shorthand tag for your artifact that maps to Atlas, i.e hashicorp/foobar for atlas.hashicorp.com/hashicorp/foobar. You must have access to the organization—hashicorp in this example—in order to add an artifact to the organization in Atlas.

  • artifact_type (string) - For uploading artifacts to Atlas. artifact_type can be set to any unique identifier, however, the following are recommended for consistency - amazon.image, azure.image, cloudstack.image, digitalocean.image, docker.image, googlecompute.image, hyperv.image, oneandone.image, openstack.image, parallels.image, profitbricks.image, qemu.image, triton.image, virtualbox.image, vmware.image, and custom.image.


  • token (string) - Your access token for the Atlas API.

-> Login to Atlas to generate an Atlas Token. The most convenient way to configure your token is to set it to the ATLAS_TOKEN environment variable, but you can also use token configuration option.

  • atlas_url (string) - Override the base URL for Atlas. This is useful if you're using Atlas Enterprise in your own network. Defaults to https://atlas.hashicorp.com/api/v1.

  • metadata (map) - Send metadata about the artifact.

    • description (string) - Inside the metadata blob you can add a information about the uploaded artifact to Atlas. This will be reflected in the box description on Atlas.

    • provider (string) - Used by Atlas to help determine, what should be used to run the artifact.

    • version (string) - Used by Atlas to give a semantic version to the uploaded artifact.

Environment Variables

  • ATLAS_CAFILE (path) - This should be a path to an X.509 PEM-encoded public key. If specified, this will be used to validate the certificate authority that signed certificates used by an Atlas installation.

  • ATLAS_CAPATH - This should be a path which contains an X.509 PEM-encoded public key file. If specified, this will be used to validate the certificate authority that signed certificates used by an Atlas installation.

Example Configuration

  "variables": {
    "aws_access_key": "ACCESS_KEY_HERE",
    "aws_secret_key": "SECRET_KEY_HERE",
    "atlas_token": "ATLAS_TOKEN_HERE"
  "builders": [
      "type": "amazon-ebs",
      "access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
      "secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "source_ami": "ami-fce3c696",
      "instance_type": "t2.micro",
      "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
      "ami_name": "atlas-example {{timestamp}}"
  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "inline": [
        "sleep 30",
        "sudo apt-get update",
        "sudo apt-get install apache2 -y"
  "post-processors": [
      "type": "atlas",
      "token": "{{user `atlas_token`}}",
      "artifact": "hashicorp/foobar",
      "artifact_type": "amazon.image",
      "metadata": {
        "created_at": "{{timestamp}}"

More information on the correct configuration of the amazon-ebs builder in this example can be found in the amazon-ebs builder documentation.